Schedule “A”

GO Expansion Program: Union Station Rail Corridor

Fee Simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the City of Toronto described as follows:

All right, title and interest

PIN 21241-0334 (LT)

Part Block 13 Plan Ordnance Reserve Toronto & Part Lot Railway Lands Plan Ordnance Reserve Toronto; together with an easement as in CA669851; City of Toronto

Remark noted: West of Part 2, Plan 66R28616

PIN 21241-0335 (LT)

Part Block 13 Plan Ordnance Reserve Toronto & Part Lot Railway Lands Plan Ordnance Reserve Toronto; together with an easement as in CA669851; City of Toronto

Remark noted: East of Part 2, Plan 66R28616

PIN 21241-0041 (LT)

Parcel 13-4 Section A-Ordnance Reserve; Part of the Ordnance Reserve (known a Part of Block 13, East of Strachan Ave. between the Railways) designated as Parts 1 to 6 66R-18352 save & except Part 4 Plan 66R-18790, together with a right of way over that Part of the said Ordnance Reserve designated as Parts 7, 8 and 9 on Plan 66R-18352 for the purposes of continuous pedestrian and vehicular access as in E-267998, subject to an easement in favour of Canadian National Railway Company to maintain, repair, replace, renew use and operate for communication purposes over Part 2 on R-2782, subject to an right of way in favour of Parts 10, 11 and 12 on 66R-18352 over Parts 2, 3 and 4 on 66R-18352 as in E-267998, together with an easement over Part 4 on 66R-18690 as in E-352793; together with an easement over Part Plan Ordnance Reserve (known as Block 13, East of Strachan Av Between the Railways), designated as Parts 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12 and 19 on Plan 66R27628 as in AT3942145 Partially Released by AT4822501; together with an easement over Part Block 13 Plan Ordnance Reserve, Part Block A Plan D1453 Part 3 64R15490 as in AT4822348; together with an easement over Part Lot 1 Plan D-1453 Part 1 66R29554 as in AT4822347; City of Toronto

PIN 21395-0196 (LT)

Part Lot 1 Index Plan D970, Toronto, designated as Part 12 on Plan 66R-17117, save and except Parts 19 and 20 on Plan 66R-24823; (but not subject to the liabilities, rights and interests referred to in Paragraphs 1 (with respect to succession duties only), 3, 6 and 13 of Subsection 1 of Section 47 of the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 230, as amended); together with an Easement, described in Instrument CT159639, as partially released by C612228, over Part of Block C according to Plan 536E, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto and Part of John St. according to said Plan 536E, as stopped up and closed by By-Law 10950 of The Corporation of the City of Toronto registered in the said Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of The City of Toronto as Instrument 4725ES designated as Parts 1, 2, and 3 on Plan 66R-15763, being for roadway access; together with the Underground Easement under and through land not registered under the Land Titles Act being that Part of John Street, Plan 536E as closed by City of Toronto By-Law 10950 as Instrument 4725ES and that Part of Block C on Plan 536E (all City of Toronto) designated as Parts 51 and 52 on Plan 64R-13323 at such depth that there shall be no interference with the use, maintenance, repair or replacement of the surface thereof and being for the purpose of installing erecting, maintaining and repairing therein buildings, structures improvements, portions of the dome stadium known as Skydome, equipment and facilities as set out in Instrument CA212852; subject to Expropriation Plan CT159639; under the above Application C805027 registered 92/10/30 a certificate in respect of an easement in the above Instrument CA212852 was issued and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Metropolitan Toronto (No. 64) on 92/12/17 as Instrument CA219896; together with the easements over land not registered under the Land Titles Act being: (1) a Surface Easement over, along and upon that Part of Block C on Plan 536E and that Part of John Street on Plan 536E as closed by City of Toronto By-Law 10950 registered as 4725ES designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Plan 64R-13573 for pedestrian and vehicular access; and (2) an Underground Easement under and through that Part of Block C on Plan 536E and that Part of John Street on Plan 536E as closed by City of Toronto By-Law 10950 registered as 4725ES designated as Parts 50, 51, 52, 55 and 56 on Plan 64R-13323 for the purpose of installing, erecting, maintaining, repairing and replacing therein underground services all as in CA212856; subject to expropriation Plan CT159639 and Transfer of Easement CA212852, under the above Application C805028 registered 92/10/30 a certificate in respect of an easement in the above Instrument CA212856 was issued and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Metropolitan Toronto (No. 64) as Instrument CA219897; together with an easement and right in the nature of an easement in perpetuity over that Part of Lot 8 on Index Plan D970, designated as Part 1 on Plan 66R-16761 as in C881769; Parts 1, 2 & 3 66R-18772 and Part 1 66R-18773 and Part 1 to 14 both inclusive 66R-18774 as in E352779; together with an easement over Parts 35, 36 & 39 66R-15941 as in E352781; together with an easement over Parts 1 & 4 66R-18790 as in E352790; together with an easement over Part Lot 9 Plan D970 designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on Plan 66R-18792 being on PIN 21395-0020 for the purpose of freight service, freight detours, car distribution etc. as in E598893; together with an easement over Parts 1 to 6 66R-18792 as in E352787; City of Toronto.

GO Expansion Program: Wilson Yard – Train Storage Expansion

Fee Simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the City of Toronto described as follows:

All right, title and interest

Part of PIN 21077-0399 (LT)

Part Water Lot in front of Lot 15, Broken Front Concession, Township of York

Parts 10, 11, 12 and 13 on Plan 66R-32003; City of Toronto

Associated with the purposes of facilitating infrastructure improvements of GO Transit rail facilities, corridors, stations, spurs and related services in connection with the GO Expansion Program, including, but not limited to, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, improvement, relocation, maintenance and repairs of tracks, signals, platforms, stairs, tunnels, elevators, railway bridges, spurs, pedestrian bridges, noise walls, retaining walls, parking areas, road intersections, erosion controls, tiebacks, grade separations, road widenings, utilities, support structures, layover facilities, telecommunication equipment and facilities, the conversion of rail corridors to electric propulsion, including, without limitation, power supply and distribution infrastructure, bridge modifications and ancillary works, and any other Metrolinx and/or associated facilities, and the establishment of new, improved and/or additional access in connection therewith and all other improvements and works ancillary thereto

Barrie Double Track Contract 3

Those lands and/or interests in lands in the City of Vaughan are described as follows:

Fee Simple & Temporary Easement Expropriation

All right, title and interest

Part of PIN 03344-0011 (LT)
Part of Lot 35 Concession 4 Vaughan as In R596775 ; Vaughan
Part 1 on  Reference Plan 65R-39472

A Temporary Limited Interest

Part of PIN 03344-0011 (LT)
Part of Lot 35 Concession 4 Vaughan as In R596775 ; Vaughan
Part 2 on Reference Plan 65R-39472

Those lands and/or interests in lands in the Town of Aurora are described as follows:

Temporary Easement Expropriation

A Temporary Limited Interest

Part of PIN 03644-0015 (LT)
Parcel 12 Section M51, Lot 12, Plan M51, Aurora
Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-39458

Those lands and/or interests in lands in the Township of King are described as follows:

Fee Simple & Temporary Easement Expropriations

All right, title and interest

Part of PIN 03369-0565 (LT)
Part of Lot 27  Registered Plan 84, Township of King
Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-39471

A Temporary Limited Interest

Part of PIN 03369-0565 (LT)
Part of Lot 27 Registered Plan 84, Township of King
Part 2 on Reference Plan 65R-39471

All right, title and interest

Part of PIN 03372-1000 (LT)
Part of Lots 6 & 7 Concession 3 (King) Parts 1 & 2 65R14960 except Parts 1 & 2 Expropriation Plan YR2849864 Subject to an Easement over Part 2 65R14960 as in KI29870 Township of King
Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-39497

A Temporary Limited Interest

Part of PIN 03372-1000 (LT)
Part of Lots 6 & 7 Concession 3 (King) Parts 1 & 2 65R14960 Except Parts 1 & 2 Expropriation Plan YR2849864 Subject To an Easement over Part 2 65R14960 as in KI29870 Township of King
Parts 2 and 4 on Reference Plan 65R-39497

Temporary Easement Expropriations

A Temporary Limited Interest

Part of PIN 03372-0546 (LT)
Lot 45 and Part of Lots 42 & 43 Registered Plan 85, Township of King
Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-39459

A Temporary Limited Interest

All of PIN 03372-0280 (LT)
Lot 44 Plan 85 Except Part 3, B78906B; King. S/T Ease Over Part 1, Plan 65R26502 in favour of The Regional Municipality of York, as in YR574211. Subject to an Easement over Part 2, Plan 65R26502 in favour of The Regional Municipality of York, as in YR574212.; Subject to an/T Easement in Gross over Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4, 65R30714 as in YR1210866
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Reference Plan 65R-39494

A Temporary Limited Interest

Part of PIN 03372-0279 (LT)
Part of Lot 49, Registered Plan 85, Township of King
Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-39470

Lakeshore Rail Corridor Expansion (East and West)

Temporary Easement

Part of PIN 06523-0682 (LT)
Part Lot 3 Concession D Scarborough; PT LT 4 CON D Scarborough as in SC300748, PT 7 EXPROP PL7379, PT 1 EXPROP PL8960; Toronto, City of Toronto also described as Parts 1 & 2 on Plan 66R-31961; Toronto

Temporary Easement

Part of PIN 06525-0924 (LT)
Part of Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 Concession D Scarborough lying south of SC257673; Toronto, City of Toronto, also described as Part 1 on Plan 66R-31989; Toronto

All right, title and interest

PIN 06384-0299 (LT)
Part lot 11 Concession D Scarborough designated as part 1 PLAN 66R-20609. City of Toronto, also described as Part 1 on Plan 66R-31536

All right, title and interest

PIN 06476-0079 (LT)
Part lot 17, Concession D, Part 1, RS604; Part of Road Allowance Between Lots 16 & 17, CON D, PART 2 & 3, RS604, Closed by By-Law SC509900; Scarborough, City of Toronto, also described as Part 1 on Plan 66R-31528

Permanent Easement

PIN 06522-0332 (LT)
Firstly: RDAL between lots 8 & 9 CON D Scarborough South of CNR except SC151607; PT W1/2 LT 8 CON D Scarborough; PT E1/2 LT 8 CON D Scarborough as in SC257739; E1/2 LT 8 CON D Scarborough as in SC145357 (Firstly) except SC257739; PT LT 7 CON D SCARBOROUGH PT 1 64R9755; PT RDAL Between Lots 6 & 7 CON D Scarborough PT 4, 64R2917; Secondly; PT LT 7 CON D Scarborough; PT LT 6 CON D Scarborough; PT LT 5 CON D Scarborough PTS 2 & 5, 64R2917; being Copperfield Road between Manse Road and Beechgrove Drive; S/T SC300747, SC519551, TB362642, TB362678; Toronto , City of Toronto also described as Parts 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 on Plan 66R-31524

All right, title and interest

PIN 06445-0258 (LT)
Lot 120 PL 2291 Scarborough; LT 121 PL 2291 Scarborough S/T & T/W SC402148; Toronto, City of Toronto

All right, title and interest for a limited time

PIN 24816-0064 (LT)
Part of Lot 16, Concession 3 Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, Part 1, 20R2991; Oakville/Trafalgar also described as 20R-2991

Order in Council 1325/2021