Current status

On May 10, 2024, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks approved the amended terms of reference for this project, which is the first step in the environmental assessment process.

Get details on the notice of approval.

Project summary

Stelco is proposing to expand the existing Quarry Landfill at the Lake Erie Works facility to accommodate the on-site disposal of non-hazardous steelmaking secondary materials. These materials are generated at the facility and cannot be reused or recycled.


Stelco Inc.


Nanticoke, Ontario

Project type

Waste management

Reference number



Stephen Deneault, Environmental Assessment Branch
Toll-free: 1-800-461-6290

Project history

Terms of reference: approved
Date submitted: September 15, 2023
Expiry of Public Comment Period: October 15, 2023
Date amended terms of reference submitted: November 6, 2023
Decision date: May 10, 2024

Terms of reference

The purpose of the environmental assessment (EA) is to identify alternatives and study the potential effects of the proposed landfill expansion on the environment. Stelco has completed a comparison of ‘Alternatives To’ and landfill site expansion is being proposed by Stelco as the preferred ‘Alternative To’.

Stelco submitted the terms of reference to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on September 15, 2023. Stelco submitted an amended terms of reference on November 6, 2023, in response to comments received during the public review period.

On May 10, 2024, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks approved the amended terms of reference for this project, which is the first step in the environmental assessment process. The amended terms of reference sets out Stelco’s work plan for addressing the Environmental Assessment Act requirements for the EA. It builds upon the background work completed to date and includes:

  • alternatives and criteria to evaluate impacts that will be considered in the EA
  • a description of public consultation activities and the consultation plan to be completed for the EA
  • responses to comments raised during the review of the draft terms of reference

Notice of approval

Environmental Assessment Act subsection 17.4 (10) approval of terms of reference for the preparation of an environmental assessment.

Proponent: Stelco Inc.
Project: Quarry Landfill Expansion, Stelco Lake Erie Works, Nanticoke
EA file no.: 23006

The proponent having submitted the amended terms of reference for approval under Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act and Part II of the Act having been subsequently revoked, pursuant to section 5 of Ontario Regulation 53/24 the terms of reference is deemed to have been submitted under Part II.3 of the Act.

As provided for by subsection 17.4 (10) of the Environmental Assessment Act, the amended terms of reference submitted for approval to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on November 6, 2023 (amended terms of reference) to govern the preparation of an environmental assessment for the above-noted project, is hereby approved.

Pursuant to subsection 17.6 (1) of the Environmental Assessment Act, any environmental assessment for the above-noted project given to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks must be prepared in accordance with the amended terms of reference, as hereby approved.


I am satisfied that an environmental assessment prepared in accordance with the amended terms of reference, will be consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act and the public interest for the following reasons:

  1. The amended terms of reference ensures that the environmental assessment will be completed using a comprehensive public, Indigenous and government agency consultation process that is open and transparent.
  2. The amended terms of reference provides adequate rationale for focusing the environmental assessment.
  3. The amended terms of reference provides an appropriate level of detail to confirm that the completed environmental assessment should contain a sufficient level of detail to accurately assess the environmental effects of alternative methods.
  4. The amended terms of reference sets out a planning process that will ensure the completed environmental assessment will be consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act and the public interest.
  5. There are no outstanding issues that have not been incorporated into the amended terms of reference or that cannot be addressed during the preparation of the environmental assessment.

Dated the 10th day of May, 2024 at Toronto.

Original signed by: 
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2J3