This divestment pension transfer agreement made as of the [day] of [month], 2018

This Agreement (as defined herein) is between:

the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), as the predecessor employer of the Eligible Persons (as defined herein) and the administrator of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Employees’ Pension Plan (WSIB Plan); and

the Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO), as the successor employer of the Eligible Persons (as defined herein); and

the Ontario Pension Board (OPB), as the administrator of the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP);

Whereas, IMCO (as defined herein) was established on July 1, 2016 by proclamation of the Investment Management Corporation of Ontario Act, 2015;

Whereas, pursuant to a divestment of business from WSIB (as defined herein) to IMCO, the Transferring Employees (as defined herein) ceased employment with WSIB on July 23, 2017 and were offered and accepted employment with IMCO effective July 24, 2017;

Whereas, pursuant to their offer of employment from IMCO, and the agreement to transfer investment responsibilities from WSIB to IMCO, the Transferring Employees were enrolled in the PSPP effective July 24, 2017;

Whereas, the transfer of business and employment constituted a transaction described under subsection 80(2) of the Pension Benefits Act (Ontario);

Whereas, WSIB is the administrator of the WSIB Plan (as defined herein) and was the employer of the Eligible Persons who participated in the WSIB Plan immediately prior to their employment with IMCO;

Whereas, IMCO became a participating employer in the PSPP (as defined herein) effective July 1, 2016;

Whereas, the Parties (as defined herein) wish to enter into this Agreement pursuant to subsections 80(6) and 80(13) of the Pension Benefits Act (Ontario) to provide for the transfer of assets from the WSIB Plan to the PSPP in respect of those Eligible Persons (as defined herein) who elect to transfer past service from the WSIB Plan to the PSPP;

Now therefore, the Parties agree as follows:

  1. Definitions

    In this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them:

    “Actuarial Present Value”
    means the present value of benefits to be paid in the future, calculated in accordance with accepted actuarial methods and assumptions, which for greater certainty shall include the Common Assumptions or the PSPP Funding Assumptions when required by this Agreement.
    means this divestment pension transfer agreement between the Parties.
    “Common Assumptions”
    means the going concern methods and actuarial assumptions agreed to by the Parties set out in Schedule A for the purposes of certain calculations required under sections 6 and 8 herein. For greater certainty, the Common Assumptions shall not be used for the purpose of determining the Transfer Amount, which shall be calculated in accordance with section 9 of the Regulation on a solvency basis.
    “Consent Date”
    means the date the Superintendent provides consent to the Transfer in accordance with subsection 80(10) of the PBA.
    “Credit Top-Up”
    means, with respect to an Eligible Person, the greater of (i) the WSIB Credit less the Transfer Credit and less the Transferable CV Test Credit, and (ii) zero. For greater certainty, the Credit Top-Up shall not include the Overlap Credit.
    CV Difference”
    means the greater of (i) the WSIB Commuted Value less the PSPP Commuted Value, and (ii) zero.
    means the transaction that occurred on July 24, 2017 that involved the transfer of the employment of Transferring Employees from WSIB to IMCO.
    “Divestment Date”
    means July 24, 2017.
    “Election Form”
    means the form, as agreed to by both WSIB and OPB, used by an Eligible Person to elect to participate in the Transfer under this Agreement.
    “Eligible Person”
    means a Transferring Employee who meets the conditions for eligibility set out in section 4.2.
    “Excess CV Amount”
    means, with respect to a Transferring Member, greater of (i) the WSIB Commuted Value less the PSPP Commuted Value and less the Transferable CV Test Credit Value, and (ii) zero.
    “Full CV Test Credit”
    means the amount of credit that, if added to the Transfer Credit, would increase the PSPP Commuted Value by an amount equal to the CV Difference.
    means the Investment Management Corporation of Ontario.
    means the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time.
    means the Ontario Pension Board.
    “Overlap Amount”
    means the Actuarial Present Value of the pension and ancillary benefits the Eligible Person has accrued under the WSIB Plan as at the Divestment Date in respect of the Overlap Credit calculated in accordance with section 7 of the Regulation and the commuted value calculation provisions and procedures of the WSIB Plan.
    “Overlap Credit”
    means an Eligible Person’s credit for which pension and ancillary benefits have accrued under the WSIB Plan in respect of time before the Divestment Date that, if aggregated with the Prior PSPP Credit, would cause an Eligible Person to have more than one year of credit in respect of any calendar year.
    means OPB, WSIB, and IMCO.
    means OPB, WSIB, or IMCO, as the case may be.
    means the Pension Benefits Act (Ontario) and the regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time.
    “Prior PSPP Credit”
    means the Eligible Person’s credit for which pension and ancillary benefits have accrued under the PSPP in respect of the period of time before the Divestment Date.
    means the Public Service Pension Plan.
    PSPP Benefit Value”
    means, with respect to an Eligible Person, the amount calculated in accordance with the Common Assumptions as (a) less (b) where:
    1. is the Actuarial Present Value of the Eligible Person’s total pension and ancillary benefits determined under the PSPP as at the Divestment Date using: (i) the WSIB Credit and the Prior PSPP Credit, if any; and (ii) the earnings history of the Eligible Person that would be recognized in the PSPP following the Transfer; and
    2. is the Actuarial Present Value of the pension and ancillary benefits the Eligible Person has accrued under the PSPP prior to the Divestment Date, if applicable.
    PSPP Commuted Value”
    means, with respect to an Eligible Person, the amount calculated in accordance with section 7 of the Regulation and the commuted value calculation provisions and procedures of the PSPP as (a) less (b) where:
    1. is the Actuarial Present Value of the Eligible Person’s total pension and ancillary benefits determined under the PSPP as at the Divestment Date using: (i) the Transfer Credit and the Prior PSPP Credit, if any; and (ii) the earnings history of the Eligible Person that would be recognized in the PSPP following the Transfer; and
    2. is the Actuarial Present Value of the pension and ancillary benefits the Eligible Person has accrued under the PSPP prior to the Divestment Date, if applicable.
    PSPP Funding Assumptions”
    means the going concern methods and actuarial assumptions agreed to by the Parties set out in Schedule B for the purposes of certain calculations required under section 11.5 herein. For greater certainty, the PSPP Funding Assumptions shall not be used for the purpose of determining the Transfer Amount, which shall be calculated in accordance with section 9 of the Regulation on a solvency basis.
    means Ontario Regulation 310/13 made under the PBA (Asset Transfers under Sections 80 and 81 of the Act), as amended from time to time.
    “Retirement Compensation Arrangement”
    means a retirement compensation arrangement as defined in subsection 248(1) of the ITA.
    “Shortfall Amount”
    means, if positive, (a) less (b) where (a) is calculated in accordance with the PSPP Funding Assumptions set out in Schedule B, and where:
    1. is the sum of the Actuarial Present Value of each Transferring Member’s total pension and ancillary benefits determined under the PSPP as at the Divestment Date using:
      1. the Transfer Credit and the Transferrable CV Test Credit, if any; and
      2. the earnings history of the Transferring Member that would be recognized by the PSPP following the Transfer; and
    2. is the Transfer Amount as of the Divestment Date, as described in section 10.1.
    means the Superintendent of Financial Services, or a duly appointed successor responsible for the enforcement and regulation of the PBA.
    means the payment of the Transfer Amount plus interest, as authorized in accordance with section 8, together with the transfer of the associated actuarial liabilities in respect of all Transferring Members.
    “Transfer Amount”
    means the amount of assets to be transferred from the WSIB Plan to the PSPP determined as of the Divestment Date and calculated strictly in accordance with section 9 of the Regulation.
    “Transfer Credit”
    means the sum of (a) and (b) where
    1. is the WSIB Credit, multiplied by the lesser of (i) one, and (ii) the WSIB Benefit Value divided by the PSPP Benefit Value; and
    2. is the additional credit required, if any, to satisfy the accrued pension benefit requirement of section 14 of the Regulation as at the Divestment Date.
    “Transfer Notice”
    means the notice to be provided to an Eligible Person in accordance with subsection 79.2(7) of the PBA, sections 16 and 17 of the Regulation and section 7 herein.
    “Transferable CV Test Credit”
    means the lesser of (i) the WSIB Credit less the Transfer Credit, and (ii) the Full CV Test Credit.
    “Transferable CV Test Credit Value”
    means, with respect to an Eligible Person, the amount calculated in accordance with section 7 of the Regulation and the commuted value calculation provisions and related procedures of the PSPP as (a) less (b) where:
    1. is the Actuarial Present Value of the Eligible Person’s pension and ancillary benefits determined under the PSPP as at the Divestment Date using: (i) the Prior PSPP Credit, the Transfer Credit and the Transferable CV Test Credit; and (ii) the earnings history of the Eligible Person that would be recognized in the PSPP following the Transfer; and
    2. is the Actuarial Present Value of the Eligible Person’s pension and ancillary benefits determined under the PSPP as at the Divestment Date using i) the Prior PSPP Credit and the Transfer Credit and (ii) the earnings history of the Eligible Person that would be recognized in the PSPP following the Transfer.
    “Transferring Employee”
    means an employee who was transferred from employment with WSIB to employment with IMCO on the Divestment Date.
    “Transferring Member”
    means an Eligible Person who has elected to participate in the Transfer in accordance with this Agreement.
    “Union Notice”
    means the notice to be provided to each trade union and advisory committee in accordance with subsection 79.2(7) of the PBA, section 16 of the Regulation, and section 7 herein.
    means the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
    WSIB Benefit Value”
    means the Actuarial Present Value of the pension and ancillary benefits that the Eligible Person has accrued under the WSIB Plan as at the Divestment Date in respect of the WSIB Credit calculated in accordance with the Common Assumptions.
    WSIB Commuted Value”
    means the Actuarial Present Value of the pension and ancillary benefits that the Eligible Person has accrued under the WSIB Plan as at the Divestment Date in respect of the WSIB Credit calculated in accordance with section 7 of the Regulation and the commuted value calculation provisions and related procedures of the WSIB Plan.
    WSIB Credit”
    means an Eligible Person’s credit for which pension and ancillary benefits have accrued under the WSIB Plan in respect of time before the Divestment Date, excluding Overlap Credit, if any.
    WSIB Plan”
    means the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Employees’ Pension Plan.

In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date written below.

Workplace safety and insurance board

By: [Original Signed by]
Name: Thomas Teahen
Title: President & CEO
Date: February 12, 2018

Investment management corporation of ontario

By: [Original Signed by]
Name: Gayle Fisher
Title: Chief Human Resources Officer & Head of Corporate Services
Date: February 13, 2018

Ontario pension board

Name: Mark Fuller
Title: President & CEO
Date ____________

Name: Peter Shena
Title: EVP & Chief Pension Officer
Date ___________

Schedule A

Common assumptions

  1. Actuarial method
    The actuarial method is the “Projected unit credit actuarial cost method”.
  2. Actuarial assumptions
    1. Post-retirement mortality and percentage married:
      Mortality rates equal to the 2014 Canadian Pensioners Mortality Table (CPM2014) combined with mortality improvement scale CPM Improvement Scale B (CPM-B).
      A unisex table represented by 40% male mortality and 60% female mortality will be adopted.
      No size adjustment factor is applied.
      It is also assumed that 80% of plan members are married at retirement with spouse of the same age and no children eligible for a survivor pension. Spouses’ mortality rates are represented by 60% male mortality and 40% female mortality.
    2. Real discount rate:
      3.65% per annum
    3. Nominal discount rate:
      5.65% per annum
    4. Rate of interest on employee contributions:
      2.00% per annum
    5. Rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index (inflation):
      2.00% per annum
    6. Salary
      WSIB Plan: The annual salary paid by WSIB to the Eligible Person immediately before the Divestment.
      PSPP: The annual salary paid by IMCO to the Eligible Person immediately after the Divestment.
    7. Rate of increase in salaries and in the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) under the Canada Pension Plan:
      Salaries:  3.25% per annum (Inflation plus 0.75% per annum for productivity gains and 0.50% per annum for career progression)
      YMPE: 2.75% per annum (Inflation plus 0.75% per annum for productivity gains)
    8. Defined benefit limit under the Income Tax Act (Canada):
      The defined benefit limit at the assumed pension commencement date is projected to increase by 2.75% per annum from the defined benefit limit at the year of termination of employment.
    9. Withdrawal rate: Nil
    10. Disability rate: Nil
    11. Pre-retirement mortality: Nil
    12. Retirement age:
      The assumed retirement age is the sum of:
      • 70% of the member’s age at the earliest unreduced retirement date before considering any buyback provisions of the PSPP, plus
      • 30% of the member’s age at the normal retirement date taking all eligible service into account.
    13. Indexing:
      An explicit indexing assumption would be made which is consistent with the rate of indexing expected by a particular plan taking into account both contractual and ad hoc adjustments. The adjustment rate will be based on specifications provided by each plan, unless the plan already provides full contractual indexing.
    14. 50% cost sharing:
      The 50% cost sharing rule will be applied, although at retirement only, since there is no assumption for a pre-retirement event to occur. Nevertheless, the 50% cost sharing rule will be applied appropriately in respect to transferred service on subsequent cessation of employment.

Schedule B

PSPP funding assumptions

Actuarial Method

The actuarial method is the “Projected unit credit actuarial cost method”.

Economic Assumptions

Increase in Consumer Price Index 2.00% per year
Increase in Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) 2.75% per year
Increase in maximum pension under ITA 2.75% per year
Increase in salaries - Active Members 2.75% per year
Members on Long-Term Income Protection (LTIP) 2.00% per year
Interest rate on Active Member contributions 3.50% per year

Discount Rate footnote 1

Nominal rate 5.50% per year
Real rate 3.50% per year
Commuted value interest rate 2.00% per year
Commuted value mortality CPM 2014 Combined Mortality Table, with allowance for future mortality improvement using CPM Improvement Scale B.
Unisex Assumption 60% male / 40% female
Percentage of terminations electing a commuted value 50%

Promotional scale for increase in salaries

Attained Age (yrs) Increase
20 – 26 7.50%
27 6.50%
28 5.50%
29 4.50%
30 – 31 3.50%
32 2.50%
33 – 40 1.00%
41 – 48 0.25%
49+ 0.00%

Demographic Assumptions

Retirement rates

Age Rates Eligible for unreduced pension footnote * Rates Eligible for reduced pension footnote **
First unreduced Age 40% N/A
55 25% 0%
56 25% 0%
57 25% 0%
58 25% 0%
59 25% 0%
60 25% 0%
61 20% 0%
62 20% 0%
63 20% 0%
64 45% 0%
65 100% N/A

Withdrawal Rates

Completed Service (yrs) Annual Rate
<3 12%
3 10%
4 9%
5 – 6 8%
7 7%
8 6%
9 – 11 5%
12 – 13 4%
14 – 19 3%
20+ 2%

Mortality Rates

CPM 2014 Combined Mortality Table, with allowance for future mortality improvement using CPM Improvement Scale B.

Percentage with a spouse

Non-retired members 87% of males and 52% of females are assumed to have a spouse at retirement or death; female spouses assumed to be 3 years younger than member and male spouses assumed to be same age as member.
Retired members Actual marital status and spouse’s birth date.

Order in Council 611/2018