
The Planning Act, 1990 requires that land use decisions made by municipal councils, the Ontario Land Tribunal or other bodies must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. The Provincial Policy Statement provides direction on the protection and designation of prime agricultural areas in municipal planning documents and establishes criteria to be considered when lands within a prime agricultural area are proposed for non-agricultural land uses. The Provincial Policy Statement specifically refers to the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) system in its definitions of prime agricultural areas and prime agricultural land.

The CLI system is the recognized system in Ontario for classifying areas with mineral soils according to their inherent capability for growing common field crops. Common field crops include:

  • corn
  • wheat
  • soybeans
  • oats
  • barley
  • perennial forage crops such as alfalfa and timothy

The system does not classify soils for horticultural or other specialty type crops.

Since CLI emphasizes the inherent capability of an area for field crops, the present land use, land management, land area or ownership are not considered. For example, a forested area may have a high CLI rating even though it is not cleared and developed for agricultural use.

CLI mapping and soil information is available for land use planning and other uses. Although other systems of classifying land have been developed, the CLI system continues to be the accepted system in Ontario for land use planning.

The CLI classification system for agriculture is an interpretive classification system. It was developed under the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act, 1990, a cooperative federal-provincial program aimed at providing a comprehensive national survey of land capability and use for various purposes.

Soil capability classes and ratings

The 7 different capability classes indicate the general capability of the soil for growing common field crops. The 13 different capability subclasses indicate the primary type of limitation or hazard for growing common field crops. Learn more about soil capability for agriculture in Ontario. A soil capability rating consists of a capability class number followed by a maximum of 2 subclasses represented by their appropriate letters (for example, 3FM). The severity of the limitations identified by the subclasses in the rating influences the class designation. Two subclasses may be shown in a capability rating when:

  • they represent limitations which are equal in severity and both place the soil in the same capability class
  • they represent a combination of limitations which together place the soil in a certain class

Both single and complex capability ratings may be shown on capability maps. A single rating is shown in a map symbol when only 1 soil type occurs (such as 2T).

When 2 soil types occur in an area shown on the map, a complex capability rating is shown which includes separate ratings for each soil. The proportions of the area represented by each rating are indicated by a small numeral shown as a superscript after each rating. The numeric superscripts denote the proportion of the area out of a total of 10. For example, if the capability rating shown is 2T7 5R3, then 70% of the area is Class 2T and 30% is Class 5R.

Constraints in using the Canada Land Inventory

The classification system is applied only to areas with mineral soils. It cannot be used to classify areas with organic soils. Organic soils are designated by the letter "O" on capability maps and have no CLI rating.

CLI maps published in Ontario present information at various levels of detail, depending on the scale of the soil survey maps they were derived from (Table 1). Published provincial Soil Survey Reports can be found at Soil Surveys for Ontario.

Small scale maps such as 1:250,000 cannot show areas smaller than 250 hectares in size. Larger scale maps such as 1:50,000 provide more detailed information, but cannot show areas which are less than 12 hectares in size (Table 2). Capability ratings for small areas may not be shown on those maps. Soil capability maps at a scale of 1:50,000 are best suited for municipal planning purposes, and allow for the identification of large continuous prime agricultural areas. While prime agricultural areas may have some areas of lower capability land and scattered non-agricultural uses, prime agricultural areas should not divide individual properties or exclude small, non-agricultural uses that are surrounded by agricultural uses. For more information on soils and the CLI system, refer to Soil capability for agriculture in Ontario.

Table 1. Historical soil maps and reports
CountyYear survey completedON report numberScaleDate of last updateScale of last update
Blind River-Sault Ste. Marie (now Algoma)1983501:50,000N/AN/A
Elgin192963 - v1
63 - v2
Fort Frances - Rainy River1986511:50,000N/AN/A
Haldimand - Norfolk198457 - v1
57 - v2
Kenora - Dryden - Pointe Du Bois1983521:50,000N/AN/A
Kent (Chatham)193031:126,72019961:50,000
Kent (Chatham) Special Report: Soil Maps of Kent County1994Special reportN/AN/AN/A
Middlesex193156 - v1
56 - v2
Niagara198960 - v1
60 - v2
North Bay (now Nipissing)1987541:50,000N/AN/A
Ottawa - Carleton (excluding urban)N/A58 - v1
58 - v2
Ottawa - urban fringe1979471:25,00019991:50,000
Parry Sound1962311:126,720N/AN/A
Prescott & Russell1962331:63,36019981:50,000
Prince Edward1948101:63,360N/AN/A
Thunder Bay1981481:50,000N/AN/A
Victoria (now Kawartha Lakes)1957251:63,360N/AN/A
Wentworth (Hamilton)1965321:63,360N/AN/A
Table 2. Scale relationships and mapping objectives
Map scaleField distances represented by map lines (metres)Field distances represented by map lines (feet)Minimum area identifiable on map (hectares)Minimum area identifiable on map (acres)Mapping objectives
1:250,000250812250620Information for general purposes, broad provincial areas
1:125,00012540062.5150Information for large sub-provincial areas
1:50,000501601025Information for municipal planning or watersheds
1:25,00025802.56Information for groups of farms or sub-watersheds

Specialty crop ratings

Specialty crops are fruit, vegetables and other crops grown commercially in Ontario that cannot be grouped with common field crops (such as corn). The Provincial Policy Statement defines specialty crop areas. While the CLI does not provide a soils capability rating for specialty crop production, various publications and guidelines are useful for evaluating land and soil quality for specialty crops.

More recent soil survey reports (Brant, Elgin, Haldimand-Norfolk, Middlesex and Niagara) include ratings of soil suitability for some specialty crops. The ratings published in these reports may also guide the interpretation of reasonably correlated soils in adjacent counties whose soil reports contain no such specialty crop interpretations.

The publication, A Compilation of Soil, Water and Climatic Requirements for Selected Horticultural Crops in Southern Ontario (Ontario Institute of Pedology Publication, 1989) outlines general landscape and moisture needs for more than 40 different tree fruit, small fruit and vegetable crops. It comprises many of the soil principles used to arrive at the soil suitability ratings given in more recent soil survey reports.

Irrigation and/or artificial drainage are often necessary, depending on the site and crop. Climatic regime needs consideration. The longer the frost-free period and the greater the heat units available, the greater the range and productivity of crops land tends to support.

In general, soils that are interpreted to be prime (Class 1-3) for the common field crop types of corn, soybeans, small grains and forages will have viable suitability for a range of specialty crops. This is most true of sandy and loamy soils. Clayey soils are suitable for fewer types of specialty crops but may still be well suited for some crops.

Prepare or update an official plan that identifies prime agricultural areas

Municipalities with an official plan are required by the Planning Act, 1990 to review their official plan at least every 5 years to ensure it:

  • is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement
  • conforms with applicable provincial plans
  • has regard for matters of provincial interests

During this process, municipalities should ensure the policies of their official plan reflect changing local needs and priorities. Resource areas of provincial interest such as prime agricultural areas, natural heritage resources and aggregate resources should be identified upfront so they can be considered when other planning issues are dealt with (such as the need to expand settlement areas).

The Provincial Policy Statement defines prime agricultural areas as areas where prime agricultural land predominates (specialty crop areas and areas with CLI Classes 1 to 3 land and associated Classes 4 to 7 land).

The Provincial Policy Statement requires planning authorities to designate prime agricultural areas including specialty crop areas.

Specialty crop areas receive the highest priority for protection of all prime agricultural areas. Identifying prime agricultural areas beyond specialty crop areas can be done using the Agricultural Land Evaluation System (ALES) and Land Evaluation and Area Review (LEAR) processes. Both methods rely heavily on CLI mapping. More information on these methodologies is available from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ (OMAFRA) rural planners.

Request an official plan amendment for a non-agricultural use

The Provincial Policy Statement states that planning authorities may only exclude land from prime agricultural areas for new or expanding settlement areas in accordance with other criteria established in policy. Conversion of prime agricultural area to settlement area may only be considered at the time of comprehensive official plan review, subject to conditions. Within the Greater Golden Horseshoe, an agricultural impact assessment is required for settlement area boundary expansions. This may include analyzing CLI mapping.

The Provincial Policy Statement states that non-agricultural uses, specifically mineral aggregate extraction and limited non-residential uses may only be permitted in prime agricultural areas if certain conditions can be met. For instance, need must be demonstrated, and alternative locations evaluated outside of identified prime agricultural areas. Where this is not possible, alternative sites should be identified on lower priority lands within the prime agricultural area.

Lower priority agricultural lands are determined based on CLI and factors such as:

  • current land use
  • amount of capital investment into agricultural infrastructure
  • amount of land under active cultivation
  • degree of fragmentation to the surrounding agricultural land base
  • proximity to adjacent urban and rural settlement areas

The scale of existing CLI mapping is appropriate for the purpose of considering alternative sites.

Complete an environmental assessment

The Environmental Assessment Act, 1990 requires the evaluation of impacts associated with proposed public sector and some private sector undertakings on the environment (such as landfills, roads). The Environmental Assessment Act, 1990 broadly defines environment as including the natural, social, economic, cultural and built environments. Proponents must:

  • identify and evaluate alternatives
  • analyze effects
  • identify impact mitigation

Consultation with the public, Indigenous communities and government agencies is mandatory and must also be documented.

The potential impact of a proposed undertaking on prime agricultural areas and how impacts will be managed must be considered during the environmental assessment process. Within the Greater Golden Horseshoe, an agricultural impact assessment or equivalent analysis is required for infrastructure projects which may include analyzing CLI mapping.

Learn more about Ontario's environmental assessment process.

Apply for approval to operate a pit or quarry

Since CLI is the primary basis for determining capability for agriculture in Ontario, proponents and approval authorities for pit and quarry applications need to consider CLI information to be consistent with provincial policies that address the protection and rehabilitation requirements in prime agricultural areas.

CLI classification is also considered when applying for a license under the Aggregate Resources Act, 1990.

Learn more about the process for pit and quarry applications.

An agricultural impact assessment is required for proposed mineral aggregate applications within the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
