
The Winter Roads Program — Bridges and Culverts Stream provides funding to remote Northern Ontario communities for:

  • new water crossing infrastructure (pre-engineered bridges and culverts)
  • repairs to existing water crossings structures

Projects are located on the Ontario winter roads network, which provides vital seasonal connections between the Far North and the provincial highway network.


Project funding is open to remote communities in Northern Ontario that are not connected to a provincial highway network by an all-season road.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Indigenous communities
  • Indigenous organizations such as tribal councils, corporations or partnerships formed by eligible applicants to build or maintain winter roads
  • the Town of Moosonee

Applications may be submitted by either:

  • single applicants — 1 eligible applicant
  • joint applicants — 2 or more eligible applicants

We encourage applicants to:

  • submit applications with multiple projects that cover the same road network (where possible)
  • work together to maximize the benefits of available funding through joint applications

Joint applications

Joint applications must include a resolution in support of the application from each applicant represented on the application.

The applicant responsible for maintaining the corridor where the project is located should be:

  • identified as the project lead
  • submit the application

Program guidelines

Read the Winter Roads Program — Bridges and Culverts Program Guidelines for full details on the program stream.

How to apply

We are accepting applications to the program on an ongoing basis.

Eligible applicants must submit applications online through Transfer Payment Ontario.

Contact us

Email winter.roads@ontario.ca if you have questions about the program.