
The information on this page should give you a better understanding of the employment standards officer position. This should help you make an informed decision about applying for the position.  We are looking to hire qualified employees who understand, accept and are motivated to perform all aspects of this job.

Job description

As an employment standards officer, you would:

  • investigate complaints and make decisions about employee rights and entitlements
  • conduct workplace inspections
  • deliver presentations to stakeholders, including employers and employees
  • enforce legislation
  • make complex decisions and write reports

Job requirements

Officers need to visit many different kinds of work environments, ranging from professional business offices to factory floors or construction sites. When you are conducting investigations or resolving disputes you will often have to deal with irate, distraught or hostile people. You will always have the option to withdraw from any situation with the potential for physical violence.

 Officers are also involved with prosecutions, and are required to spend time in courtrooms or formal hearing room environments. You would work autonomously, under general supervision. The work is fast paced in an ever-changing work environment. You would often experience competing demands for your time, so it is important to balance the need to focus on the job at hand, with the need to keep your manager and senior management informed about high-profile issues  

Working conditions

Your hours of work are decided by a collective agreement. The normal hours of work for this position are 36.25 hours per week with a need to be available for 7.25 hours per work period. The position of employment standards officer requires you to work non-traditional hours as part of your regular schedule. This can include some evenings and weekends.

Compensation is provided in line with the employer’s policies and entitlements under the OPSEU collective agreement. Overtime is only needed when it is pre-authorized by management. Officers can be exposed to seasonal weather conditions and often need to travel.

Training and preparation

If you are hired for this job, you would go through the following steps:

  1. Receive an orientation.
  2. Go through a mandatory and intensive 4 to 5 month training program that includes virtual and in person training sessions. This may require travel.
  3. As a new officer, you will be tested and assessed on your knowledge and newly acquired skill sets during the training program.