Component: provincial initiatives

Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA)

Service objectives

To implement activities to support the voluntary amalgamation of children’s aid societies (societies).

Service description

The transfer payment recipient (societies) will use this funding to support the completion of tasks required in the voluntary amalgamation process for societies as outlined in the CYFSA.

Program/service features

The transfer payment recipient will work with the Ministry to

  • develop an amalgamation proposal for review and approval by the Minister
  • develop an amalgamation agreement that aligns with the Ministry-approved amalgamation proposal; and
  • implement the amalgamation agreement

The program/services contracted by the ministry will reflect the following features.

Program goals

Voluntary amalgamations of societies support the broader Child Welfare Redesign Strategy by supporting enhanced sector sustainability and accountability, including addressing deficit management.

Services will be

  • related to amalgamation planning and implementation activities; and
  • aligned with the amalgamation requirements set out in the CYFSA

Ministry expectations

The transfer payment recipient will

  • meet with the Ministry regularly to monitor progress toward amalgamation
  • engage with their internal and external stakeholders throughout the development of an amalgamation proposal and implementation of amalgamation
  • submit an amalgamation proposal, including a budget plan, for Ministry-approval prior to entering an amalgamation agreement; and
  • ensure all amalgamation activities are aligned with the goals of Child Welfare Redesign

Reporting requirements

The service and expenditure data will be reported on an Interim and Final stage in a supplementary report-back template that will be provided by the ministry.

Service Data NameDefinition
Amalgamation Support: Ministry-funded agency expendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the transfer payment recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).