Component: Child welfare - community and prevention supports

Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA)

Service objectives

To coordinate and lead service activities to enable the implementation of consistent, integrated business practices (practice standardization) across the child welfare sector. To participate in the design of system changes and enhancements in response to new or updated legislation to ensure alignment between service, regulatory, and reporting requirements. To develop and maintain Child Protection Information Network (CPIN) training resources to support and augment the standard core training materials provided by the Ministry.

Service description

The transfer payment recipient will use funds to

  • Provide leadership in the establishment of   practices to support the consistent use of CPIN; a standardized provision of service; the coordination of the child welfare sector input; and  working together with the Ministry to enhance the CPIN application
  • Deliver practice standardization processes and training resources in response to needs identified by the child welfare sector and the Ministry’s policy goals and objectives, as required; agreed upon between the Ministry and transfer payment recipient staff and as per agreed upon service objectives and budgets
  • Co-lead training development working groups to develop and deliver integrated CPIN and service training resources in response to needs identified by the sector, Ministry policy goals and objectives, and changes or updates to legislation, regulation or directives, as required
  • Lead the implementation of the sector CPIN sustainment framework and associated activities
  • Coordinate and facilitate prioritization of incoming change requests from the sector and sector initiatives
  • Act as a first point of contact with the sector for all inquiries related to integrated CPIN and service delivery
  • Be responsible for other joint initiatives as agreed upon between the Ministry and OACAS

Program/service features

The services are directed towards all staff of Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Child Well-Being Agency using CPIN.

Program goals

  • To provide leadership in the prioritization, creation and implementation of standardized practices to support the consistent use of CPIN across societies and Indigenous Child Well-Being Agencies
  • To provide all staff of Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Child Well-Being Agencies with the required knowledge, skills and learning tools that support the consistent use of CPIN and the standardized practice across the sector, build on Ministry core training materials, align with legislative changes and system enhancements, and promote child safety
  • To provide leadership in the continued application of the CPIN sustainment framework and associated activities for the sector, where there is sector collaboration, consistent practices, issues prioritization and sharing of resources and expertise

Ministry expectations

The transfer payment recipient will

  • Provide leadership in the consistent and fulsome use of CPIN through identifying , prioritizing, facilitating  and coordinating the development and implementation of standardized practice and supplementary training resources using various sector subject matter experts
  • Collaborate with the Ministry during system change design to reduce the need for reactive business harmonization processes and though active involvement in system change/agile design groups, as required.
  • Develop and deliver training and training resources for change activities, technical/system change activities, including those that integrate to/impact CPIN such as modernized FastTrack Information System (mFTIS), Serious Occurrence Reporting and Residential Licensing (SOR-RL), and other integrated modules. This will be done in collaboration with the Ministry through the Child Welfare Operations Branch (CWOB)
  • Implement, monitor, maintain and update approved  practices,  processes and associated training materials
  • Attend training support network meetings and provide input and support to agenda items and presentations
  • Lead and facilitate the continued application and ongoing review  of the sector CPIN sustainment framework and associated activities as endorsed by CPIN Operations and Strategy Committee, where recommendations are based on the prudent use of financial, service and resource viability and efficiency
  • Coordinate and facilitate prioritization of incoming change requests from the sector and sector initiatives
  • Maintain a change request list for  review by the CPIN Operations and Strategy Committee and ensure it is published on the ministry SharePoint site
  • Maintain the current technical, reporting, training and finance issues distribution groups, which will include CWOB team members
  • Coordinate/Facilitate/Maintain sector initiatives to further improve standardization and reduce administrative burden.
  • Consult regularly both virtually and in-person, as required, with key stakeholders, including CPIN related sector groups, CPIN Leads, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), (including Child Welfare Operations Branch, Child Welfare Secretariat, Business Intelligence and Practice Division, Legal Services, MCCSS leadership), Association of Native Child and Family Services Agencies of Ontario, etc.
  • Be actively involved in communication and dialogue with the sector and ministry
  • Be accountable to the ministry and consult the ministry on the success of the program in meeting the stated service objectives
  • Deliver the services in accordance with the ministry approved budget
  • Meet with the ministry at a minimum of once-bi-monthly to review progress and provide relevant updates that may impact ongoing The schedule will be established to meet the needs of OACAS and ministry partners
  • Respond to any supplementary reports’ questions from the Ministry

Note: It is recognized that some of OACAS’ activities will be dependent on preceding ministry activities.

Reporting requirements

The transfer payment recipient is expected to

  • Monitor and evaluate program performance and to confirm that program objectives and deliverables are being met
  • Provide timely reports displaying progress on data elements and expenditures to the satisfaction of the ministry
  • Submit the following documents as an attachment for each reporting period unless otherwise specified
  • Share all CPIN Operations and Strategy Committee decision memos for endorsed standardized practices with the CWOB CPIN Operations Manager and Transfer Payment Lead
  • Provide a list of prioritized training resources and standardized practice work items (both MCCSS/legislative and sector requested) with short description and status: pending, in-progress, ongoing, deferred, or complete
  • Provide a list and number of training resources and standardized practices, released to the sector and published to the ministry SharePoint site in the reporting period
  • Provide a list (name, version, date, scope, etc.) and number of all updated harmonized practices and training materials
    • Provide a list of priorities for this fiscal year (e.g., activities supporting regional training/help desk initiatives, provincial competency assessment etc.)
  • Provide a copy of any updates to the CPIN Sustainment framework
  • Provide any other workplans developed in addition to Training, that address the critical areas required for sustainment of CPIN as outlined in the framework, if applicable
  • Provide a  main list of change requests received by OACAS (with date received, change request details, category, status, and any other criteria agreed upon between ministry and OACAS)
  • Provide a narrative report that summarizes project progress and highlights, and explains variances on project activities

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data NameDefinition
# of unique general inquiry instancesUnique number of general inquiries OACAS CPIN Operations receives during the reporting period.
 # of meetings facilitated to develop standardized practices and/or resources related to MCCSS/legislated changes or sector requestsTotal number of meetings, including associated consultations for the development of new or updated training resources and/or practices related to MCCSS/legislated changes or sector requests, facilitated in the reporting period.
# of new or updated and published standardized practices and training resources related to MCCSS/legislative changes or sector requestsTotal number of new or updated standardized practices and training resources related to MCCSS/legislative changes or sector requests, published in the reporting period.
# of new CR submitted to the ministryTotal number of new change requests endorsed by the CPIN Operations and Strategy Committee (and forwarded to the ministry) in the reporting period.
# of in-progress standardized practices and/or resources related to MCCSS/legislated changes or sector requestsTotal number of in-progress standardized practices and/or training resources in the reporting period (includes new and updated), related to MCCSS/legislated changes or sector requests.
# of presentations made related to the CPIN sustainment framework, associated activities, and practice standardizationTotal number of presentations delivered in the reporting period, related to the CPIN sustainment framework, associated activities and practice standardization. 
# of CR received by OACASTotal number of change requests (CR) received by OACAS in the reporting period. Includes all integrated requests (business harmonization, training, reporting, finance and system change requests).
# of CR prioritization meetingsTotal number of prioritization meetings and associated consultations held within the reporting period.
# of Zone meetings coordinatedTotal number of Zone meetings coordinated and/or attended in the reporting period.
CPIN sustainment and practice standardization  Ministry-funded agency expendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the transfer payment recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).
# of subgroup meetings related to Sustainment workTotal number of Sustainment subgroup meetings facilitated during the reporting period.
CPIN sustainment and harmonization: Ministry-funded agency expendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the transfer payment recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).