Component: Child welfare - community and prevention supports

Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA)

Service objectives

The key objective is to expand the availability of Family Group Conferencing (FGC) in Ontario.

Service description

The transfer payment recipient will use funds to

  • Act as a hub of expertise and best practice in Family Group Conferencing
  • Provide training and consultation to service providers across Ontario wishing to enhance their capacity to deliver effective Family Group Conferencing
  • Maintain and update the provincial Family Group Conferencing Manual; and
  • Maintain a public roster of Family Group Conferencing coordinators, trainers and mentors

Program/service features

The services are directed at improving access to FGC practitioners in Ontario through providing educational and training opportunities to practitioners, promoting FGC as a means to resolving disputes, and providing a roster of practitioners.

Program goals

Increase the availability of FGC to streamline court processes and encourage alternatives to court with respect to child protection disputes.

Ministry expectations

The transfer payment recipient will

  • Maintain and update a web-based roster of FGC coordinators, coordinators-in- training, trainers and mentors, including
    • Review all FGC coordinators’, trainers’ and mentors’ qualifications to ensure they meet the criteria for inclusion on the roster
    • Include coordinators’ geographical region(s) of practice on the roster review and revise the roster admission criteria
    • Facilitate the matching of coordinators-in-training and mentors
  • Act as a provincial hub of expertise and best practice, coordinate requests for and delivery of training including
    • Provide dedicated staff to respond to calls, provide advice and match needs provide skilled trainers to deliver workshops to meet requests
    • Oversee the provision of the 3-day FGC Coordinator Training course on a cost recovery basis
    • Oversee the development and provision of staff development for FGC mentors
    • Provide program and case-based consultation to members on the roster
    • Administer trainee satisfaction surveys and evaluations
    • Establish and support a Faculty of Trainers to provide the FGC Coordinator Training program
    • Deliver the 3-day FGC Coordinator Training course at least twice per year
    • Develop the capacity to offer FGC Coordinator Training in both English and French
  • Participate actively in the Provincial ADR Advisory Committee (PAAC), which will include supporting the development of the Committee terms of reference, membership list and work plan for each fiscal year
  • Maintain and update the Ontario FGC Manual and trainers’ materials
    • Provide to provincial consistency and best practice guidelines
    • Develop a version of the FGC New Coordinator Training Curriculum for use via video conferencing platform - adjust content, activities and delivery process for an on-line learning experience
    • Update training packages for FGC trainers on an as-needed basis
    • Ensure that the Ontario FGC Manual and trainers’ materials are available in both English and French
  • Develop and promote a network of FGC coordinators, trainers and mentors to play a leadership role in providing training, mentoring, building capacity and promoting FGC across the province
    • Coordinate a steering committee made up primarily of trainers and mentors, inclusive of child welfare, community partners, and regional representation, to meet up to four times a year (in person and/or via video conferencing) to
      • oversee the integrity of expertise and best practice among the network
      • oversee the capacity development of FGC across the Province
      • develop and update promotional, educational and training materials; and
      • coordinate training and mentoring across the Province
    • Maintain currency, quality and integrity of training and evaluation
  • Develop promotional, educational and training activities and materials to support FGC as a method of child welfare ADR
    • Offer semi-annual staff development days (Fall and Spring) for coordinators and their community partners to provide peer networking/ support and skill building
    • Offer skills-building/professional development sessions on an as-needed basis
    • Develop and deliver professional development webinars to FGC Coordinators

Reporting requirements

The transfer payment recipient is expected to monitor and evaluate program performance and to confirm that program objectives and deliverables are being met.

On an annual basis, provide a report on educational and training activities, including any materials developed. The transfer payment recipient will respond to any questions from the Ministry by the 22nd day of each month following the month the reports are due.

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data NameDefinition
# of inquiries regarding training and programmingThe number of inquiries received regarding training and programming during the reporting period.
# of other FGC inquiriesThe number of other Family Group Conferencing inquiries received during the reporting period.
Total number of inquiriesThe total number of inquiries during the reporting period.
# of courses providedThe number of courses delivered during the reporting period.
# of participants trained in all coursesThe number of participants trained in all courses during the reporting period.
# of consultations providedThe number of consultations provided during the reporting period.
# of FGC coordinators, coordinators-in-training, trainers and mentors added to RosterThe number of Family Group Conferencing coordinators, coordinators-in-training, trainers and mentors added to Roster during the reporting period.
# of FGC coordinators, coordinators-in-training, trainers and mentors currently on RosterThe number of Family Group Conferencing coordinators, coordinators-in-training, trainers and mentors currently on Roster during the reporting period.
# of team and working group meetings held for trainers, mentors and commit. membThe number of team and working group meetings held for trainers, mentors and committee members during the reporting period.
# of participants in all team and working group meetings held for trainers, mentors and commit. membsThe number of participants in all team and working group meetings held for trainers, mentors and committee members.
# of coordinator peer- support and staff development activities held;The number of coordinator peer-support and staff development activities held during the reporting period.
# of participants in all coordinator peer support and staff development activities heldThe number of participants in all coordinator peer support and staff development activities held.
Family Group Conferencing, Ontario Provincial Resource: Ministry-funded agency expendituresTotal ministry-funded expenses for the transfer payment recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).