Component: Early Intervention

Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017

Service description

Through the Designated Training Centre (DTC), audiology training, education and quality assurance services are provided to support the practice and ongoing professional development of audiologists and other professionals delivering services in the Infant Hearing program.

People served

The DTC primarily support IHP audiologists delivering evidence-informed, protocol- driven services in the areas of audiological surveillance, diagnostics, and amplification as identified in the IHP Guidance Document and related protocols. Hearing screeners, Regional Trainers, Speech Language Pathologists, American Sign Language Consultants, and other professionals working with families in the IHP may also receive training and support for services as they relate to program protocols and policies.

Service features

To support quality improvement of the IHP, the DTC provides IHP audiologists (and other professionals) information and guidance through training and webinars, mentorship opportunities, clinical decision support and case reviews to support adherence to program protocols and policies. Quality assurance activities, including Continuous Quality Improvement, are also completed by the DTC.

Specific service provided

  • lead the development and maintenance of evidence-informed program protocols, as identified in the IHP Guidance Document
  • provide information and guidance to IHP audiologists in implementing new protocols, or changes to existing ones, and support change management through training, mentorship, community of practice webinars, workshops, etc
  • support adherence to IHP protocols through clinical decision support, providing protocol adherence reviews, and completing adverse event reviews upon request
  • coordinate Continuous Quality Improvement activities with IHP audiologists in consultation with MCCSS
  • provide ongoing management of the IHP loaner hearing aid inventory
  • develop resources and training supports for professionals delivering language development services. In consultation with the ministry, create and implement research and evaluation activities to inform future policy approaches

Ministry expectations

Education and training activities are to be delivered in alignment with the IHP Guidance Document. Performance against each of the activities in the associated schedule will be reported on a quarterly basis to the ministry.

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final period. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates.

Service data nameDefinition
Ministry-funded agency expenditures: IHP - Designated Training CentreTotal ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the Funding Year (cumulative).
# of Service Providers Trained: IHP DTCThe total number of professionals in the IHP that were trained. Training refers to those that support improvements in providers’ knowledge, skills, competency in IHP protocols or capacity to better support families'/child's development.
# of Training Sessions Delivered: IHP DTCThe total number of training sessions that were delivered to professionals to support improvements in their knowledge, skills or capacity to better support families’ and/or children’s development. Training sessions include both in-person or online training modules, webinars and/or workshops. Training sessions do not include mentorship sessions or large group sessions facilitating knowledge-sharing among communities of practice.

A supplementary narrative report providing additional information for the ministry about these services may be required.