Setting the stage

Community safety is one of the concerns most frequently expressed by Ontarians. Although statistics point to overall falling crime rates, Ontario’s citizens want assurances that they are safe in their own communities.

The Ontario government is dedicated to making Ontarians safer in their communities by being tough on crime through effective enforcement and crime prevention. The key to enhancing personal and community security through crime prevention is to actively address the risk factors associated with crime.

Provincially, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS) has a strong commitment to preventing crime. MCSCS continuously delivers services and sets standards, policies and guidelines in policing, corrections and public safety to keep Ontario’s communities safe. This is evident through the extensive work undertaken in partnership with various municipal police services, the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.), all levels of government and community agencies in promoting crime prevention through community policing and community mobilization throughout the province.

In addition, a number of ministries are involved in the support and delivery of community well-being and social development related programs that contribute to crime prevention. Strong legislative, policy and program ground work has been laid throughout the province and communities across Ontario have built varying degrees of local crime prevention capacity.

In Spring 2009, MCSCS partnered with the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) to initiate the development of a provincial response to crime and victimization through a collaborative and integrated crime prevention approach. The OACP is a strong proponent of provincial leadership in the area of crime prevention and reiterated this position at the 2009 OACP Conference by passing a resolution that calls for the establishment of a coordinated response to preventing crime.

As a first step, MCSCS, in partnership with the OACP, has developed the Crime Prevention in Ontario: A Framework for Action booklet, which is intended to:

  • raise awareness and generate a dialogue on crime prevention in Ontario
  • highlight the opportunities to move forward
  • set the stage for the development of further crime prevention work which will: build and enhance crime prevention partnerships; encourage the development of coordinated, multi-sectoral responses; and promote community leadership and participation in crime prevention