Find out how to get a special message for an older adult or couple in your life and learn about awards for seniors.

Greetings and certificates

Message from his Majesty the King or Governor General

You can mark a special occasion by requesting a congratulatory message from his Majesty the King for:

  • birthday greetings to Canadians who are aged 100 years or up
  • couples who are celebrating an anniversary of 60 years or more

The Governor General sends birthday greetings to:

  • Canadians who are aged 90 years or up
  • couples celebrating an anniversary of 50 years or more

Request a greeting.

Tel: 613-993-8164

Greetings from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario sends greetings to:

  • people celebrating birthdays of 90 years or older
  • couples celebrating anniversaries of 50 years or more

Request a greeting.

Tel: 416-325-7780 
Tel TTY: 416-325-5003

Certificate from the Prime Minister of Canada

The Prime Minister of Canada sends congratulatory certificates to:

  • Canadians celebrating birthdays of 65 years or more
  • couples celebrating anniversaries of 25 years or more

You can request a certificate every 5 years.

Request a certificate.

Tel: 613-941-6901

Certificate from the Premier of Ontario

The Premier of Ontario provides congratulatory certificates to:

  • Ontarians celebrating birthdays of 80 years or more
  • couples celebrating anniversaries of 40 years or more

Request a certificate.

Tel: 416-325-3777

Message from your Member of Provincial Parliament or Member of Parliament

Contact your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) or Member of Parliament (MP) for greetings or certificates for special occasions.

Find your local MPP through Elections Ontario.

Elections Ontario (click on Voter Information Service)

Toll-free: 1-888-668-8683 
Toll-free TTY: 1-888-292-2312

Find your local MP through Elections Canada.

Elections Canada (click on the Voters box) 
Toll-free: 1-800-463-6868 
Toll-free TTY: 1-800-361-8935

Awards for seniors

There are 2 provincial awards to celebrate seniors:

The Government of Ontario offers medal and recognition programs to celebrate the people who make our province a better place to live.

Toll-free: 1-877-832-8622

Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat

To recognize Ontarians’ outstanding achievements in the volunteer sector, the government plans and delivers the following awards:

Annual events to celebrate seniors

There are many events in Ontario, in Canada and around the world to recognize and celebrate seniors. Mark these special dates in your calendar: