Make a difference and stay involved in your community. Start here to find out how to volunteer your time.

Volunteer in your community

United Way

Give your time, expertise and talent to help improve your community. Contact your local United Way to find an opportunity that is right for you.

United Way
Toll-free: 1-800-267-8221

Volunteer Canada

Volunteer Canada is a bilingual, non-profit organization that:

  • promotes volunteer work across Canada
  • encourages people to get involved in their community
  • recognizes volunteer efforts

Find a volunteer centre through Volunteer Canada.

Volunteer Canada
Toll-free: 1-800-670-0401

Help others in an emergency or natural disaster

Ontario Corps

Help your community during an emergency like a natural disaster or pandemic by volunteering with Ontario Corps.

Ontario Corps supports emergency volunteer response efforts by partnering with:

  • provincial ministries
  • municipalities
  • First Nations
  • non-governmental organizations
  • community groups

If you want to join the program, you need to:

  • live in Ontario
  • be 16 years or older
  • register and create an account:
    • complete your profile
    • complete the criminal record check
    • complete free, foundational online training

Register to be an Ontario Corps volunteer.

Red Cross

The Canadian Red Cross offers many volunteer opportunities. You can:

  • help during emergencies and disasters
  • provide customer service and office support
  • work on a committee

Become a volunteer.

Canadian Red Cross
Contact form 
Toll-free: 1-844-818-2155

Share your expertise as a volunteer

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program helps low-income people who need help preparing their tax returns. Their tax needs must be simple. This is a great opportunity to volunteer if you know the basics about income tax. The Canada Revenue Agency runs the program.

Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Ontario Trillium Foundation invests in projects to make a positive impact in communities across the province. You can volunteer as part of a Grant Review Team to:

  • assess grant applications
  • recommend projects for funding

Volunteers need to have local knowledge and expertise.

Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Life Institute

The Life Institute (through Toronto Metropolitan University) in Toronto helps adults aged 50 and up pursue their passion for lifelong learning. They offer courses, activities and volunteer opportunities such as:

  • administrative work
  • committee work
  • event planning
  • teaching or becoming a class host

Become a volunteer.

The Life Institute
Tel: 647-370-6572 ext. 556989