Find information on services and supports for caregivers and family members. Caregivers are people who take care of family members or friends with a physical, cognitive or mental health condition.

It’s important to start talking early with your family members about what they want as they age.

Home and community support services

There are many home and community care services that help support seniors to stay in their homes. Ontario Health atHome manages and delivers home and community care across Ontario. Contact them to:

  • get an assessment for a person who needs home care
  • learn your options for care in the community
  • find out about respite services that aim to give caregivers a break or rest

Ontario Health atHome
Tel: 310-2222 (no area code needed)

Go to the “Health and well-being” chapter of this guide for other helpful resources.

Tax credits

Caregivers and seniors receiving care at home can apply for tax credits to help with costs.

For caregivers

You can reduce the amount of federal or provincial tax you owe. There are several non-refundable tax credits to help. They are not cash benefits.

The Canada Revenue Agency offers information on tax credits and deductions for people with disabilities. They also provide accessible forms and documents in alternate formats for people with disabilities.

Canada Revenue Agency 
Toll-free: 1-800-959-8281 
Toll-free TTY: 1-800-665-0354

For care at home

The Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit is a refundable personal income tax credit to help seniors with eligible medical expenses. This includes expenses that support people aging at home.

The credit provides 25% of claimable medical expenses up to $6,000, for a maximum credit of $1,500. This amount will be reduced by 5% of family net income over $35,000.

Canada Revenue Agency 
Toll-free: 1-800-959-8281 
Toll-free TTY: 1-800-665-0354

For more information about these tax credits, go to the “Ontario credits” chapter of on the Canada Revenue Agency’s Ontario tax information page.

Caregiver work benefits

Caring for a very ill family member is an emotional, physical and financial challenge. During this stressful time, you should not have to choose between your job and caring for your family. The federal and provincial governments both offer benefits to caregivers.

Compassionate care benefits

These Employment Insurance (EI) benefits provide up to 26 weeks of payments to eligible workers who have to:

  • be away from work temporarily to provide end-of-life care
  • support a family member with a serious medical condition who is at high risk for dying within 26 weeks (6 months)

Learn about more caregiver benefits and how to apply.

Toll-free: 1-800-206-7218 
Toll-free TTY: 1-800-926-9105

Family medical leave

Even if you qualify for compassionate care benefits, you want to be sure that your employer will keep your job for you while you are away.

Ontario’s family medical leave:

  • allows you to take up to 28 weeks of leave in a 52-week period
  • lets you care for certain family members who have a serious medical condition and are at high risk of dying within 26 weeks
  • is unpaid, meaning you will not get paid but your job is protected
  • may still be available even if you don’t qualify for federal compassionate care benefits

Employment Standards Information Centre
Toll-free: 1-800-531-5551 
Toll-free TTY: 1-866-567-8893

Family caregiver leave

Family caregiver leave in Ontario is unpaid but it protects your job. Here’s how it works:

  • you can get up to 8 weeks of caregiver leave each calendar year for certain family members needing your care or support
  • you can take more than 1 caregiver leave in a calendar year for different family members
  • your family member(s) must have a certificate stating they have a serious medical condition from a qualified health practitioner (example: doctor)

A key difference between family medical leave and family caregiver leave is that you are only eligible for medical leave if your family member is at a high risk of dying within 26 weeks.

Employment Standards Information Centre
Toll-free: 1-800-531-5551 
Toll-free TTY: 1-866-567-8893

Ontario’s critical illness leave

You may be able to take up to 37 weeks of unpaid critical illness leave to care for a child under 18 or up to 17 weeks to care for an adult:

  • who is a family member
  • whose baseline health has changed significantly
  • whose life is at risk from an illness or injury

Employment Standards Information Centre 
Toll-free: 1-800-531-5551 
Toll-free TTY: 1-866-567-8893

Family responsibility leave

Family responsibility leave is another type of leave in Ontario. Here’s how it works:

  • you can take up to three days of unpaid leave each calendar year
  • you must work for your employer for at least two straight weeks before the leave can be taken
  • your leave must be related to the illness, injury, medical emergency or urgent matter of a certain family member

Employment Standards Information Centre 
Toll-free: 1-800-531-5551 
Toll-free TTY: 1-866-567-8893