On My Way: A guide to support middle years child development is a call to action at the government, community, and organizational levels to align and organize service provision, policies and programs to focus on an evidence-based, strengths-based approach to support optimal middle childhood development.

A living resource on middle years development

Our knowledge of child development continues to evolve. While this resource is based on what we know about the optimal development of middle years children in 2017, this knowledge will continue to grow and expand in the years to come. Due to this growing body of research, it is important that governments, communities, service providers and families remain current with new evidence, approaches and knowledge as they become available. Involving families directly in ongoing conversations about ways we can support them in raising their middle years children will also help to ensure that this resource remains a living document that is relevant and personalized to meet the changing needs of children and families.

Collaboration and partnerships

Supporting middle years children and their families requires collaboration by all of those who play a role in supporting their optimal development, including governments, community partners, frontline service providers, Elders, Senators, traditional knowledge keepers, educators, coaches, and parents and caregivers. These individuals and organizations have exceptional knowledge, expertise and insight about how best to support the optimal development of our middle years children. Given the complexity and diversity of children’s lives and the service systems that support them, no one organization can individually support or address all aspects of a child’s development. However, in partnership, we can work together to more effectively support children in their middle years to prepare them to enter adolescence armed with the tools that will help them succeed and thrive.