Parliamentary Notice

Royal Assent

The Province Of Ontario

Toronto, Monday, October 16, 2000

9:05 a.m.

In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour the Chief Administrator assented to the following bills in the Lieutenant Governor’s office: –

Bill 42
An Act to enhance public safety and to improve competitiveness by ensuring compliance with modernized technical standards in various industries.
[S.O. 2000, Chapter 16]

Bill 88
An Act to promote the use of information technology in commercial and other transactions by resolving legal uncertainties and removing statutory barriers that affect electronic communication.
[S.O. 2000, Chapter 17]

Bill 110
An Act respecting the regulation of the practice of Professional Forestry.
[S.O. 2000, Chapter 18]

Bill 129
An Act to authorize payments to the estates of the victims of the OC Transpo tragedy.
[S.O. 2000, Chapter 19]

Claude L. DesRosiers,
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
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