Certificates of Dissolution

Notice Is Hereby Given that a certificate of dissolution under the Business Corporations Act, has been endorsed. The effective date of dissolution precedes the corporation listings.


Name of Corporation

Ontario Corporation Number


George Wegman Inc.



Order Holdings Ltd.



Anchor & Mainar (Canada) Inc.



Comfort City Inc.



Dales Consulting Inc.



East Pacific Auto Company Limited



Gamma Optima Business Services Inc.



Muirfield Holdings Inc.



Tom Smith Computer Consulting Ltd.



1177603 Ontario Inc.



Asia Pacificom Ltd.



Cartiser Production Inc.



549162 Ontario Limited



Agrimatics Inc.



Dale Grasmere Holdings Inc.



Janspoon Sales Ltd.



Methodology Integration Ltd.



P.H. Five Investments (1981) Limited



Psytek Instruments Inc.



123916 Ontario Limited



Joseph Sherkin Enterprises Limited



Bill Grant Painting & Decorating Limited



Bodymax Warehousing Ltd.



Campbell Thomas Inc.



I.N.T. Investment Enterprises Inc.



Proway Trading (Canada) Ltd.



Ralvern Investments Limited



Scanbark Construction Limited



Snelgrove Management Inc.



Wellworth Insurance Agencies Inc.



1026591 Ontario Limited



1054850 Ontario Limited



1103393 Ontario Ltd.



1105503 Ontario Limited



1226205 Ontario Limited



63708 Ontario Ltd.



Central Link Inc.



Eggplant Inc.



Ittrain Corp.



Sahara Industries Ltd.



1111524 Ontario Inc.



Extinc.T Inc.



Gardien Corporation



Cad-Well Inc.



Cerroni Custom Collision Ltd.



Fcl Consulting Inc.



Sandwich Meat Packers Limited



1256592 Ontario Limited



Bayfarm Developments Ltd.



Georgian Huronia Snoring & Laser Clinic Ltd.



Walid Building Maintenance Ltd.



Wib-Wil Construction Inc.



252373 Ontario Limited



488314 Ontario Limited



Brussels Hydro Inc.



John Renwick & Co. Inc.



712300 Ontario Limited



Bramabile Ventures Inc.



962297 Ontario Inc.



Aac Canada Corporation



Foxtees Productions Inc.



Intermark Security & Trust Inc.



Riverside (Guelph) Corp.



Stipsits Holdings Inc.



Toll-Morris Electric Limited



1100186 Ontario Inc.



1245381 Ontario Inc.



624151 Ontario Limited



Etj Enterprises Inc.



Golden Brick Trading Group Inc.



Interamm Inc.



Vinerika Enterprises Inc.



10 Kelfield Place Ltd.



989362 Ontario Inc.



Awt World Transport (Ontario) Limited



Diversified Publications Limited



Fantastic Coasters Inc.



Foo Kee & Co. Ltd.



Julia Kovacs Holdings Ltd.



Lucky Centre Development Ltd.



Marka Computer Consultants Inc.



T & G Chemical Co. Inc.



1211223 Ontario Inc.



507715 Ontario Inc.



Bond World International (Canada) Inc.



Genentech Canada Holdings Inc.



H. Blum Electronics Limited



J.T.B. Marketing Inc.



699514 Ontario Limited


B. G. Hawton,
Director (A), Companies Branch

Cancellation for Cause (Business Corporations Act)

Notice Is Hereby Given that by orders under section 240 of the Business Corporations Act, the certificates set out hereunder have been cancelled for cause and in the case of certificates of incorporation the corporations have been dissolved. The effective date of cancellation precedes the corporation listing.


Name of Corporation

Ontario Corporation Number


Jedmir Investments Limited


B. G. Hawton,
Director (A), Companies Branch

Notice of Default in Complying with a Filing Requirement under the Corporations Information Act

Notice Is Hereby Given under subsection 317 (9) of the Corporations Act, that unless the corporations listed hereunder comply with the requirements of the Corporations Information Act within 90 days of this Notice, orders will be made dissolving the defaulting corporations. The effective date precedes the corporation listings.


Name of Corporation

Ontario Corporation Number


The Canadian Masters Water Ski Tournament


B. G. Hawton,
Director (A), Companies Branch

Cancellation for Filing Default (Corporations Act)

Notice Is Hereby Given that orders under Section 317(9) of the Corporations Act have been made cancelling the Letters Patent of the following corporations and declaring them to be dissolved. The date of the order of dissolution precedes the name of the corporation.


Name of Corporation

Ontario Corporation Number


Christian Family Fellowship Of Cambridge Inc.



Substance Abuse Prevention, Health Recovery And Research Institute Of Waterloo Region Inc.


B. G. Hawton,
Director (A), Companies Branch

Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Business Corporations Act)

Notice Is Hereby Given that by orders under subsection 241 (4) of the Business Corporations Act, the certificates of incorporation set out hereunder have been cancelled and corporation(s) have been dissolved. The effective date of cancellation precedes the corporation listing.


Name of Corporation

Ontario Corporation Number


E & P Papu Services Inc.



Little Lake Fine Arts Ltd.



Norris Logistics Inc.



Oshawa Home Landscaping Inc.



Paul-Brian Phase One Enterprises Limited



Warshields Enterprises Inc.



1273982 Ontario Limited



1432252 Ontario Inc.



1445354 Ontario Ltd.



1448008 Ontario Limited



1452591 Ontario Limited



1452812 Ontario Ltd.


B. G. Hawton,
Director (A), Companies Branch

Provincial Land Tax Act

Take Notice that I have caused a list of the lands in respect of which notices have been mailed under subsection 1 of Section 33 of The Provincial Land Tax Act, to be prepared and to be published herein and I hereby Give Notice that unless the total amount of tax, penalties, interest and costs shown in any of the notices so mailed are paid on or before the 30th day of November, 2002, the land and every interest therein in respect of any such notice will be liable to be forfeited to and to be vested in the Crown on the 1st day of December, 2002 by certificate of The Deputy Minister under his hand and seal of office.

(This Is Not A Tax Sale. The lands listed below cannot be purchased by paying the taxes.)

Dated at Oshawa, Ontario the 6th day of December, 2001

S. Nixon
Acting Director
Motor Fuels and Tobacco Tax Branch,
Ministry of Finance,
Oshawa, Ontario

Description of Property

District Of Algoma

Account No. 56043918
Part of Montreal Mining Northern Location designated as Parts 5 & 14 on Plan 1R-4679 together with an undivided 2/39 interest in lands as further described in T216290

Township of Aberdeen

Account No. 58000787
Parcel 7234 Algoma Centre Section Summer Resort Lot 29 Plan M-278

Township of Aweres

Account No. 56934057
Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 designated as Parts 4, 5, & 6 on Plan AR-618. Together with a right of way in, over, along and upon all that portion of Section 32, designated as Parts 1, 2, & 3 on Plan AR-61

Account No. 57679298
Lot 23 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-626

Account No. 58097055
Lot 18 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-659

Account No. 58141666
Part of Section 20 Township of Aweres being Lot 9 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-659 Together with a right of way over Lots 32 & 35 Registrar’s Compiled Plan 659

Township of Deroche

Account No. 57593903
Parcel 297 Section Algoma Central Railway Lands, Part of Lot 5 Concession 2 being all of the above parcel

Township of Fenwick

Account No. 50043843
Part of Lot 45, Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-811 being Lot 41, East Side of Williams Street & Lot 42, Helena Street, Registered Plan 175, as described in Instrument #T0384896

Account No. 54049030
Part of Lot 23 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-807 designated as Part 1 on 1R-9378

Account No. 54078544
Lot 47 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-811

Account No. 57646624
Lot 55 and that Part of Lot 56 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-807 designated as Part 1 on 1R-6297

Account No. 56018646
Lot 37 Registrar’s Compiled Plan H-807

Township of Havilland

Account No. 55967881
Parcel 10183 Algoma West Section Lot 10 Plan M-408, Together with a 1/11 interest in Blocks 13 & 14 Plan M-408 being Parcel 10186 & 10187 Algoma West Section being all of the above parcel

Township of Kars

Account No. 58694835
Parcel 8473 Algoma West Section Lot 1 Plan M-355, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58694916
Parcel 8474 Algoma West Section Lot 2 Plan M-355, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58706256
Parcel 8603 Algoma West Section Lot 13 Plan M-356, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58709921
Parcel 8725 Algoma West Section Lot 4 Plan M-361, being all of the above parcel

Township of Parkinson

Account No. 54167229
Parcel 5454 Algoma Centre Section, the North Half of Lot 8 Concession 2

Township of Ryan

Account No. 50047881
Part of Lot 12 H-421 Township of Ryan as described in T122367

Township of Vankoughnet

Account No. 56070567
Part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30 as described on the schedule attached and as previously described in T310180

Township of West

Account No. 50269833
Parcel 2896 Algoma West Section, Part of Mining Location M-6, situate at Missanabie Station on Dog Lake, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 59138189
Parcel 9197 Algoma West Section Part of Location M-6 designated as Part 1 of Location JC600 deposited as 1R-3635 being all of the above parcel

Account No. 59254472
Parcel 11998 Algoma West Section Part of Location M-6 designated as Part 3 on 1R-2542

District Of Cochrane

Township of Clute

Account No. 50020100
Parcel 3363, North East Cochrane, Broken Lot 25, Concession 2, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50040887
Parcel 2310, North East Cochrane, South West Quarter of Lot 8, Concession 3, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50166295
Firstly: Parcel 2390, North East Cochrane, Lot 1700, Plan M-4, Being All of the Parcel, Secondly: Parcel 2929, North East Cochrane, Lot 1701, Plan M-4, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Hanna

Account No. 50180794

Parcel 4971, North East Cochrane, Part of Lot S as shown on Plan M-57, Being All of The Parcel.

Township of Kendall

Account No. 50666743
Parcel 4203, Centre Cochrane, East Half of Lot 25 Concession 3, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50667057
Parcel 2736, Centre Cochrane, Lot 28 Concession 4, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Lamarche

Account No. 50093212
Parcel 2175, Lamarche & Glackmeyer, South Half of Lot 5 Concession 4, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50099156
Parcel 2931, Lamarche and Glackmeyer, Part of the South Half of Lot 9 Concession 6, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 58929191
Parcel 3600 Section Lamarche and Glackmeyer Part of the North half of Lot 10 Concession 1 Being all of the above parcel

Township of Lowther

Account No. 50009971
Parcel 8114, Centre Cochrane, Lots 1 & 2, Plan M-131, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50689191
Parcel 3073, Centre Cochrane, Part of Lot 21, Concession 8, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50798135
Parcel 8114, Centre Cochrane, Lots 1 & 2 on Plan M-131, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Lucas

Account No. 50103064
Parcel 536, Algoma North Section, South Half of Lot 2, Concession 1, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50103145
Parcel 642, Algoma North Section, South Half of Lot 3, Concession 1, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50103226
Parcel 542, Algoma North Section, South Half of Lot 4 Concession 1, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Mann

Account No. 50106578
Parcel 5843, North East Cochrane, South East Quarter of the North Half of Lot 11 Concession 3, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Milligan

Account No. 53622909
Parcel 14359 Section South East Cochrane, The South West Quarter of the South Half of Lot Number Three (3), Concession 5, being all of the above parcel

Township of O’Brien

Account No. 50701361
Parcel 4379, Centre Cochrane, Part of Lot 5, Concession 10, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Township of Sheraton

Account No. 50140253
Parcel 15629, South East Cochrane, North West Quarter of the North Half of Lot 2 Concession 4, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Way

Account No. 50011071
Parcel 3482, Centre Cochrane, Part of Lot 9, Concession 2, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 50715141
Parcel 580, Centre Cochrane, Lot 11 Concession 1, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50722431
Parcel 959, Centre Cochrane, Lot 1 Concession 6, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 52698219
Parcel 3482 Section Centre Cochrane, Part of Lot Number Nine (9) in the Second Concession, being the remainder of the above parcel

District Of Kenora

Account No. 51267257
Parcel 1420 District of Kenora Freehold, Mining Location S185 situate on the Peninsula between Bag Bay and Shoal Lake west of the Lake of the Woods, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 51297318
Parcel 5811, District of Kenora Freehold, Island Td 33, situate in the Winnipeg River, about a mile South East of the National Transcontinental Railway Bridge crossing said River & South of Location S798, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 51314794
Parcel 21184 District of Kenora Freehold, Lots 8, 9 & 10, Plan M50, Townsite of Dinorwic, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 51337646
Parcel 24951, District of Kenora Freehold, Parts of Block “A” situate Southwest of the Town of Keewatin, Plan M.181, designated as Parts 8 & 17, K.R. 297, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 51364457
Parcel 21161, District of Kenora Freehold, Lot 21, Plan M. 222, Town plot of Winnipeg River Crossing now Minaki, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 51375301
Firstly: Parcel 38557, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Location C.L. 4822, being Part of Kenora Avenue, Plan M.222, Townsite of Winnipeg River Crossing, Being All of the Parcel, Secondly: Parcel 37025, District of Kenora Freehold, Parts of Location C.L. 4822, being composed of parts of Front Street, Part of Lake Avenue, and Part of a Lane at the Rear of Lots 172 and 173 all shown on registered Plan M.222, Parts 2, 3, & 4, Plan 23R-6806, Townsite of Minaki, Being the Remainder of the Parcel, Thirdly: Firstly: Parcel 26436, District of Kenora Freehold, Lots 118-133 inclusive, Lots 172-188 inclusive, Lots 192-201 inclusive, Lots 242-248 inclusive, Lots 251-265 inclusive & Part of Lots 190, 191, 249 & 250 on Plan M.222, Townplot of Minaki, Secondly: Parcel 26436, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Sand Lake Road, Part of North Street, Part of Centre Street, Part of Kenora Avenue, Part of Western Avenue and the Twenty Foot Lane lying between Lake Avenue and Western Avenue at the rear of Lots 174 to 187 inclusive, M.222, Townplot of Minaki, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 53860401
Parcel 18541 Kenora Freehold, Summer Resort Location, designated as E.B. 1397 on Bending Lake being all of the above parcel

Account No. 57223804
Parcel 41253-A Section D.K.F. Part of Location D142 situate between Thompson Island and Poplar Bay, Lake of the Woods Parts 1, 2, & 3 on 23R-9637, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 57655879
Part of Parcel 3456 District of Kenora Freehold Mining Location S170 situate in Shoal Lake west of the Lake of the Woods, District of Rainy River, being Part of the above parcel

Account No. 57656000
Part of Parcel 3456 District of Kenora Freehold Mining Location S172 situate in Shoal Lake west of the Lake of the Woods, District of Rainy River, being Part of the above parcel

Account No. 57671157
Parcel 3922 Section District of Kenora Mining Location Ma 11 situate at the south end of Stevens Island in Shoal Lake West of Lake of the Woods, District of Rainy River Northern Division, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58052353
Parcel Plan-1 Section 23M-910 Block 7 Plan 23M-910, being the remainder of the above parcel

Township of Elton

Account No. 50847535
Parcel 10029, District of Kenora Freehold, The South Half of Lot 9, Concession 6, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50848001
Parcel 21505, District of Kenora Freehold, The South Half of Lot 12, Concession 6, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Kirkup

Account No. 51048121
Parcel 17433, District of Kenora Freehold, Summer Resort Location designated as E.B. 671, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Pellatt

Account No. 50890121
Parcel 25578, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of the West Part of Broken Lot 10 Concession 6, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 58365581
Parcel 15391 Section District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Lot 14 Concession 3, being all of the above parcel

Township of Pettypiece

Account No. 57223383
Parcel 7264 Section District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Agricultural Location Mca 306, being the remainder of the above parcel

Township of Smellie

Account No. 51438825
Firstly: Parcel 35621, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Location C.L. 3831, being composed of that part of Block “A”, Plan M. 460, designated as Part 6, Plan 23R-6105, Being All of the Parcel, Secondly: Parcel 24305, District of Kenora Freehold, Summer Resort Lot 6 on Edward Lake, Plan M.460, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Wabigoon

Account No. 50942953
Parcel 22484, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of the North Half of Lot 3, Concession 6, Plan K.R. 87, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Wainwright

Account No. 57863391
Parcel 39428 Section District of Kenora Freehold Part of the South Half of Lot 3 Concession 1 Part 2 on 23R-2564, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58755346
Parcel 33321 Section Kenora No. 23 Part of the South Half of Lot 7 Concession 3 Part 1 on 23R-4949 and Parts 4, 5, & 7 on KR1385, being all of the above parcel

Township of Zealand

Account No. 50975606
Firstly: Parcel 28756, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Location D-317, designated as Part 1 on Plan KR-1205, Being all of the Parcel, Secondly: Parcel 19543, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Lot 7, Concession 2 and Location D.317, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 50981762
Firstly: Parcel 41807, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of the North Half of Lot 6, Concession 5, designated as Part 2 on Plan 23R-9766 & Parts 3, 4, & 5 On Plan 23R-9871, Secondly: Parcel 41807, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of the South Half of Lot 5 Concession 6, designated as Part 4 on Plan 23R-9766, Thirdly: Parcel 41807, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of North Half of Lot 5 Concession 5, Part 3 on Plan 23R-9766, Fourthly: Parcel 41807, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of the South Half of the North Half of Lot 7, Concession 5, being designated as Part 1 on Plan 23R-9766 and Parts 1 & 2 on Plan 23R-9871, Fifthly: Parcel 41807, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of the East Half of the South Half of Lot 5 Concession 6, designated as Part 5 on Plan 23R-9766, Being All of the Parcel, Sixthly: Parcel 41810, District of Kenora Freehold, Part of Lot 6 Concession 6, Part of the South Half of Lot 7 Concession 5, designated as Parts 1 & 2 on Plan 23R-9937, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 51294564
Parcel 2614, Rainy River, Location S.V. 99, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 57813393
Parcel 16006 Section District of Kenora Freehold, The East half of the South half of Lot 21 Concession 9, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58635502
Parcel 31464 Section District of Kenora Freehold Part of Location D169 Part 1 on 23R-4207, being all of the above parcel

District Of Kenora Patricia Portion

Township of Baird

Account No. 50062309
Parcel 6051, District of Patricia, Lot 36 & 37, Plan M.667, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 58620254
Parcel 5791 District of Patricia Freehold Lot 44 Plan M-667, being all of the above parcel

District Of Nipissing

Account No. 52004306
Parcel 6175, Nipissing, Part of the East Half of Broken Lot 3, Concession 5, Township of Kirkpatrick, Now the Municipality of West Nipissing, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 52033578
Parcel 17710, Nipissing, Part of Lot 3, Concession 4, Township of MacPherson, Now the Municipality of West Nipissing, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 52119944
Parcel 3766, Nipissing, Marshall’s Island situate in Lake Nipissing to the southeast of Island #99 in front of the Municipality of West Nipissing (formerly Township of Bertram) Municipality of West Nipissing, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Grant

Account No. 51976291
Parcel 20076, Nipissing, Part of the North Part of Broken Lot 12, Concession 1, Being All of the Parcel

Township of MacPherson

Account No. 50008207
Parcel 26863, Nipissing, Part Lot 5, Concession 2, Plan 36R-7061, designated Part 1, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Pedley

Account No. 52041171
Part of Lot 3 & Part of Lot 4, Concession 1, more particularly described per Instrument #80343

Township of Phelps

Account No. 52064368
Parcel 17350, Nipissing, The West half of the South Half of Lot 14, Concession 5, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 58007188
Parcel 28204 NIP, Part of North Half of Lot 12, Concession 3, Part 2 on Plan 36R-9563, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 58853909
Parcel 25215 Section Nipissing Part of the North Half of Lot 16 Concession 4 Part 1 on 36R-5405, being all of the above parcel

District Of Parry Sound

Account No. 50007073
Parcel 22744 Parry Sound South Section, Part of Lot 73 Concession B, Part 9, Plan 42R-7882, Formerly Township of Spence, Now Municipality of Magnetawan, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 53385346
Parcel 3023 Section North Parry Sound, Lot Number Three (3) Plan M44 being all of the above parcel

Account No. 53403531
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 & Part of Lot 9 on the West side of Mary Street, Plan 110, Ahmic Harbour, Formerly in the Township of Croft now the Municipality of Magnetawan as described in Instrument No. 178192

Township of Blair

Account No. 53515665
Firstly Parcel 15,913 Section North Parry Sound, Location CL4920, being Part of the Original 66 Foot Shore Road Allowance in front of Lot 24, Concession 5, Secondly Parcel 10,021 Section North Parry Sound Summer Resort Lot 3 Plan M-283 being all of the above parcel

Township of Burton

Account No. 52760411
Parcel 17808 Section North, The South Part of Broken Lot 4, Concession 2, being all of the above parcel

Township of Croft (now Township of Magnetawan)

Account No. 57075058
Lot 9 and that Part of Lot 8 Plan 41on the South side of Ahmic Street, designated as Part 1 on 42R-5070

Township of East Mills

Account No. 50009858
Parcel 15762 Parry Sound North Section, Part of Lot 16 Concession 9, being designated as Part 2, Plan 42R-9971, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50884864
Parcel 14641 Parry Sound North Section, Lot 16, Plan M-439, Being the Remainder of the Parcel

Account No. 52611768
Parcel 16,007 Section North, Lot 1, Plan 42M-558, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 57112794
Parcel 11704 Parry Sound North Section, Part of Lot 16 Concession 12, Part 16 on PSR-1801, being all of the above parcel

Township of Ferguson

Account No. 50472230
Parcel 21584 Parry Sound South Section, Lot 11 on Plan M-392, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50482235
Parcel 23124 Parry Sound South Section, Lot 16, Plan M-392, together with a Right of Way over Block A on Plan M-392, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Ferrie

Account No. 50009696
Parcel 15961 Parry Sound North Section, Part of Lot 34 Concession 5, Part 2 on Plan 42R-10379, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Lount

Account No. 50679241
Parcel 14123 Parry Sound North Section, Part of Lot 12 Concession 5, being designated as Part 3, Plan 42R-5900, Being All of the Parcel

Township of McKenzie

Account No. 52951925
Parcel 6601 North Section Parry Sound , Part of Lot 27 Concession 6, being all of the above parcel

Township of Mills

Account No. 54693095
Firstly: Part of Lot 24 Concession 10 as previously described in Instrument No. 89443, Secondly: Part of Lot 24 Concession 10 designated as Part 1 on Plan 42R-14824

Account No. 57113260
Parcel 11420 Section North, Part of Lot 16 Concession 12, Part 21 on PSR-1801, being all of the above parcel

Township of Monteith

Account No. 56878289
Parcel 14633 Parry Sound South Section, Part of Lot 35 Concession 9, Part 97 on PSR-1554, being all of the above parcel

Township of Mowat

Account No. 53381944
Parcel 2720 Section North, Island Ws 86 in Pickerel River West being all of the above parcel

Township of Pringle

Account No. 57590734
Parcel 18260 Section North, Part of Lot 32 Concession 12, Part 1 42R-7753, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 57590734
Parcel 6156 Section North, Part of Lot 32 Concession 12 being all of the above parcel

Township of Wallbridge

Account No. 50007898
Parcel 15869 Parry Sound North Section, Lot 2 on Plan 42M-553, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Wilson

Account No. 50149358
Parcel 5489 Parry Sound North Section, Part of Broken Lots 1 & 2 Concession 13, Being The Remainder of the Parcel

District Of Rainy River

Account No. 50402541
Parcel 3964, Rainy River/Fort Frances Freehold, Island G1427, situate North of Goose Island, in Rainy Lake south of the Township of Watten, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Halkirk

Account No. 56723102
Parcel 4-1, Section SM-257, Summer Resort Lot 4 Plan SM-257, being all of the above parcel

Township of Kingsford

Account No. 58016934
Parcel 18014 Section Rainy River Freehold, Northwest Quarter of the North Half of Lot 6 Concession 1, being all of the above parcel

Township of Senn

Account No. 58017906
Parcel 24804 Section Rainy River, Location Gw 286 designated as Part 1 on 48R-2402, being all of the above parcel

District Of Sudbury

Account No. 50587606
Parcel 8199, District of Sudbury West Section, Lot 29, Plan M-72, in the Townsite of Gogama, Being All of the Parcel

Account No. 50616240
Firstly: Parcel 21026, District of Sudbury West, being Lot 167, Plan M-200, Being All of The Parcel and Secondly: Parcel 19496, District of Sudbury West, being Lots 165 & 166, Plan M-200, in the Townplot of Gogama, Being All Of The Parcel

Township of Allen

Account No. 57168471
Firstly: Parcel 34091 District of Sudbury East Section, Part of Island 32 designated as Part 1 on Plan SR-2277, Secondly: Parcel 6173 District of Sudbury East Section, Island No. 38 in Wahnapitae Bay of the French River, being all of the above parcels

Township of Bigwood

Account No. 54496362
Parcel 2387 District of Sudbury East Section, the south east part of Lot number 2, concession 2, being the remainder of the above parcel

Township of Burwash

Account No. (1) 54631111
Account No. (2) 54627114
Account No. (3) 54629117
Parcel 44207 District of Sudbury East Section, Lot 27, 28, 29 according to Plan M-662, being the remainder of the above parcel
(1) $79.47
(2) $79.45
(3) $79.47

Township of Cleland

Account No. 54597622
Parcel 28109 District of Sudbury East Section, part of broken lot 12, Concession 2, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 54605358
Parcel 12359 District of Sudbury East Section, Part of Lot 8 Concession 6, being the remainder of the above parcel

Account No. 54836228
Parcel 22842 Sudbury East Section, Part of Lot number 4, 3rd Concession, Summer Resort Location AE-562 being all of the above parcel

Township of Foleyet

Account No. 51180259
Parcel 27920, District of Sudbury West Section, Part of Lot 6, Con 6, Part 2, Plan 53R-9873, Being all of the parcel

Township of Kaplan

Account No. 59235389

Parcel 53M-1170-8 Section SWS, Lot 8 Plan 53M-1170, being all of the above parcel

Township of Loughrin

Account No. 55644993
Parcel 46138 District of Sudbury East Section, Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, Designated as Parts 3 and 4 on Plan 53R-9306, being all of the above parcel

Township of Pattinson

Account No. 50084493
Parcel 15669, District Sudbury West Section, Being All of the Parcel

Township of Rathbun

Account No. 54056419
Parcel 49731 Sudbury East Section, Part of Lot 1, concession 1,designated as Part 1 according to Plan 53R-10728, being all of the above parcel

Township of Togo

Account No. 55488835
Parcel 29599 Sudbury West Section, being Summer Resort Lot 13, Plan M-1070, being all of the above parcel

Township of Truman

Account No. 50004546
Parcel 53M-1173-7, Sudbury West Section, Lot 7, Plan 53M-1173, Being All of The Parcel

District Of Thunder Bay

Account No. 50124495
Parcel 22-1 Section 55M-445, Lot 22, Being At Caramat Station on the Canadian National Railway, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 50124622
Parcel 10301 Thunder Bay Freehold, Lots 56 & 57, Plan M-105, Spring Lake Townsite, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 50126544
Parcel 2-1, Section 55M-444, Lot 2, Plan 55M-444, Village of Caramat, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 50126609
Parcel 1-1, Section 55M-444, Lot 1, Plan 55M-444, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 50537862
Parcel 13465, Thunder Bay Freehold, Lot 3, Plan M-105, Spring Lake Townsite, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 52266301
Firstly: Parcel 3087, District of Fort William Freehold, Part of Lot 77, Concession “A”, Dawson Road, Being All of The Parcel, Secondly: Parcel 22435, Thunder Bay Freehold, Location HM-225, Bart of Lot 77 Concession A, Designated as Part 1, 55R-6033, Dawson Road Lots, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 54485476
Firstly: Parcel 4165 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL114 and JL115, Secondly: Parcel 4725 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL118, Thirdly: Parcel 4726 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL119, Fourthly: Parcel 4745 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL120, Fifthly: Parcel 4746 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL116, all East of the Township of Homer, being all of the above parcels

Account No. 54676778
Parcel 3972 Section Thunder Bay Freehold Mining Claim JL107 & JL117, East of the Township of Homer, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 54679301
Firstly: Parcel 4229 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL110, JL111 & JL125, Secondly: Parcel 4230 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim JL112, JL126 & JL127, both situate East of the Township of Homer, being all of the above parcels

Account No. 54684347
Parcel 4164 Section Thunder Bay Freehold Mining Claim JL122, East of the Township of Homer, being the remainder of the above parcel

Account No. 54873026
Parcel 10221 Thunder Bay Freehold, Location designated as DC59 being all of the above parcel

Township of Bomby

Account No. 59140710
Parcel 20462 Thunder Bay Freehold, Location PJ-145, being all of the above parcel

Township of Conacher

Account No. 52515629
Parcel 6307 District of Fort William Freehold, Summer Resort Location S.F. 15, East End of Lower Shebandowan Lake, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Errington

Account No. 50518078
Parcel 11905, Thunder Bay Freehold, Mining Claim T.B. 10561, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Gorham

Account No. 58217875
Parcel 20315 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of the South Half of Lot 18 Concession 4, Part 2 on 55R-4753, being all of the above parcel

Township of Horne

Account No. 57677252
Parcel 1356 District of Fort William Freehold, Part of Mining Location W216, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 57677333
Parcel 1355 District of Fort William Freehold, Part of Mining Location W216, being all of the above parcel

Township of Jacques

Account No. 57068680
Parcel 9710 Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of Lot 1 Concession 3, being all of the above parcel

Township of Laurie

Account No. 54427841
Parcel 2429 District of Fort William Freehold, Mining Claim Tb 3499 being all of the above parcel

Township of Leduc

Account No. 50125009
Parcel 20962 Thunder Bay Freehold, Location HM-174, Designated as Parts 1, 2 & 3 as Plan 55R-5209, Being All of The Parcel

Account 50125394
Parcel 5-1, Section 55M-476, Lot 5, 55M-476, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 52352312
Firstly: Parcel 4181 District of Fort William Freehold, The North Half of Lot Lot 5 Concession 5, Being All of The Parcel, Secondly: Parcel 4468 District of Fort William Freehold, North Half of Lot 5 Concession 5, Being All of The Parcel, Thirdly: Parcel 17836, Thunder Bay Freehold, Parts of Lot 5 Concession 5, Designated as Parts 2 & 6, Plan 55R-2486, Being All of The Parcel, Fourthly: Parcel 18897 Thunder Bay Freehold, A portion of Location R.K.-951, Part of Lot 5 Concession 5, Designated as Part 2, Plan 55R-3812, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Lybster

Account No. 52348790
Parcel 1-2, Section Con-4 Lybster, Part of the North Half of Lot 1, Concession 4, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 58194174
Parcel 7-1 Section Con-6 Lybster, The North Half of the North Half of Lot 7 Concession 6, being all of the above parcel

Township of Marks

Account No. 52366275
Parcel 4-2, Section Con-1 Marks, The North Half of Lot 4 Concession 1, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Scoble

Account No. 52506476
Parcel 3811, District of Fort William Freehold, East Half of Location R227, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Sibley

Account No. 50054519
Parcel 25815, Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of the East Half of Lot 2, Concession 2, Designated as Part 1 on 55R-10197, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 51114418
Parcel 21907, Thunder Bay Freehold, Portion of The East Half of Lot 2 Concession

Account No. 54839634
Parcel 23386 Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of the East One Half of Lot 6, Concession 5 Designated as Parts 1 and 5 on Plan 55R-7326 being all of the above parcel

Township of Stirling

Account No. 54876254
Parcel 26008 Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of the East Half of Lot 3, Concession 2 being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56292021
Parcel 24990 Section Thunder Bay Freehold Part of the East half of Lot 4 Concession 2, being all of the above parcel

Township of Strange

Account No. 52409934

Parcel 6700, District of Fort William Freehold, North Half of Lot 2 Concession 6, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 56528814
Parcel 2147 Section District of Fort William Freehold, Part of Lot 8 Concession 1, being the remainder of the above parcel

Township of Syine

Account No. 50508935
Parcel 12715, Thunder Bay Freehold, Summer Resort Location Designated as P.J.-86, Township 82, Being All of The Parcel

Account No. 58200280
Firstly: Parcel 21824 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of Location TW-188 being that Part of Block A Plan M-231 designated as, Part 5 on 55R-5723, Secondly: Parcel 19220 Section Thunder Bay Freehold Summer Resort Lot 2 Plan M-231, being all of the above parcels

Township of Upsala

Account No. 52416981
Parcel 5837, District of Fort William Freehold, North Half of Lot 3 Concession 5, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Ware

Account No. 52566193
Parcel 6248 Thunder Bay Freehold, Summer Resort Location 53 on Trout Lake Lot 1, Concession 8 being all the above parcel

Account No. 54201001
Parcel 20506 Thunder Bay Freehold, being that portion of the South half of Lot number Five (5), Concession 5 designated as Part 3 on Plan 55R-4201 being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56276823
Parcel 7937 Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of Lot 2 Concession B, being the remainder of the above parcel

Account No. 59465821
Parcel 17810 Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of the North Half of Lot 1 Concession 2, Part 1 on 55R-2755, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 59478711
Parcel 19293 Section Thunder Bay Freehold, Part of the North half of Lot 1 Concession 3, Parts 1 & 2 on 55R-3640, being the remainder of the above parcel

District Of Timiskaming

Township of Bayly

Account No. 53105742
Parcel 21761 South Section Timiskaming, Summer Resort Lot 12, Plan M-308 Timiskaming, being all of the above parcel

Township of Brigstocke

Account No. 52153701
Parcel 11004 South Section Temiskaming, Summer Resort Location designated as Rw.6, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Catharine

Account 56362835
Parcel 3545 South Section Timiskaming, Part of Broken Lot 9 Concession 4, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56362916
Parcel 3555 South Section Timiskaming, Part of Broken Lot 9 Concession 4, being all of the above parcel

Township of Eby

Account No. 56368779
Parcel 1719 South Section Timiskaming, The SW1/4 of the S1/2 of Lot 8 Concession 5, being all of the above parcel

Township of Firstbrook

Account No. 51964799
Parcel 7371 District of Nipissing-North Division, The South Half of Lot 5 Concession 4, District of Nipissing North Division, Being All of The Parcel

Township of Ingram

Account No. 56379622
Parcel 542 Timiskaming, N1/2 Lot 1 Concession 4 being all of the above parcel

Township of Lebel

Account No. 53692346
Parcel 8990 Temiskaming Centre Section , Part Mining Claim L.1086 being the remainder the above parcel

Township of South Lorrain

Account No. 52199344

Parcel 10036 South Section Temiskaming, Summer Resort Location Designated as Wb 26, Being The Remainder of the Parcel

Township of Maisonville

Account No. 53742211
Parcel 1309 in the Register for Centre Section, Temiskaming Lot 124, Plan M-7, being all of the above parcel

Township of Marter

Account No. 52641799
Parcel 23589 Section S.S.T., Part of the north half of Lot 5, Concession 3, designated Part 1, Plan 54R-3280 being all of the above parcel

Township of McElroy

Account No. 56433791
Parcel 1930 Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L2579, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56433872
Parcel 1931 Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L2580 being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56433953
Parcel 1932 Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L 2581, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56440089
Parcel 350 South Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L5097, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56440160
Parcel 349 South Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L5098, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56440666
Parcel 354 South Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L5126, being all the above parcel

Account No. 56441051
Parcel 277 South Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L5264, being all of the above parcel

Account No. 56446427
Parcel 299 South Section Timiskaming, Mining Claim L7422, being all of the above parcel

Township of Pacaud

Account No. 53644546
Parcel 10069 South Section Temiskaming, The north-half of Lot Number 5 in the 4th Concession, being all of the above parcel

Township of Robillard

Account No. 52133696
Parcel 21228 South Section Timiskaming, Part of the North Part of Lot 5 Concession 2, Being The Remainder of The Parcel

Account No. 58480631
Parcel 20275 South Section Timiskaming, Part of the North part of Lot 5 Concession 2 designated as Part 1 on 54R-1651, being all the above parcel

Township of Savard

Account No. 53663338
Parcel 8048 South Section Temiskaming, Part of the South half of Lot Number two (2) in the Third Concession

Account No. 56412204
Parcel 9073 South Section Timiskaming, The S1/2 of N1/2 of Lot 8 Concession 4, being all of the above parcel

(6547) 51

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Building Code Act, 1992

Rulings Of The Minister Of Municipal Affairs And Housing

Notice Is Hereby Given pursuant to subsection 29(4) of the Building Code Act, 1992 that the following Rulings have been made under Clause 29(1)(a) of The Building Code Act, 1992 authorizing the use of innovative materials, systems or building designs evaluated by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre which is a materials evaluation body designated in the Ontario Building Code:

Ruling Number


Material, System or Building Design

Manufacturer/ Agent

95-07-26 (12264-R)



Fabrene Inc.

00-02-73 (12721-R)

Oct. 15/01

Sheetrock® Interior Ceiling Board-Sag-Resistance

Canadian Gypsum Company

01-01-85 (12959-R)

Oct. 15/01

Polymax 180

HAL Industries Inc.

01-02-86 (12980-R)

Oct. 15/01


Les Produits Isolofoam Inc.

01-03-87 (12981-R)

Oct. 15/01

Isoclad® – Air Barrier Material

Les Produits Isolofoam Inc.

(6546) 51

Ontario Securities Commission

Amendment To Ontario Securities Commission Rule 51-501 Aif And Md&A

Part 1 Amendment

Part 2 Effective Date

(6545) 51