Sun Life Insurance (Canada) Limited

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada has applied to the Minister of Finance (Canada) pursuant to the Insurance Companies Act (Canada) for letters patent incorporating an insurance company to be called Sun Life Insurance (Canada) Limited, in English, and Sun Life Assurances (Canada) limitée, in French.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 49 of the Insurance Act (Ontario), that Sun Life Insurance (Canada) Limited will apply to the Superintendent/CEO of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario for an insurance license authorizing the company to transact life insurance and accident and sickness classes of business in Ontario. The principal office of Sun Life Insurance (Canada) Limited will be located in Toronto, Ontario.

Dated at Toronto, Ontario this 6th day of July, 2006


Edge Sports Distribution Limited

Take Notice that the shareholder of Edge Sports Distribution Limited passed a Special Resolution on June 30, 2006 requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

Dated June 30, 2006.

Russell Roberts, President

Edge Sports Distribution Limited

Take Notice that a final meeting of the Shareholder of the above Corporation was held on June 30, 2006, at which time the Liquidator of the above Corporation presented his account and explanation of the voluntary winding up of Edge Sports Distribution Limited.

Dated June 30, 2006.

Russell Roberts, Liquidator