Ontario Regulation 342/06 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 342/06: Tax Matters - Transition Ratios and Average Transition Ratios for Restructured Municipalities

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed June 26, 2006

Ontario Regulation 343/06 made under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act

O. Reg. 343/06: Administration Of The Plan

Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act

regulation filed June 27, 2006

Ontario Regulation 344/06 made under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act

O. Reg. 344/06: Terms and Conditions of Registration of Builders and Vendors

Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act

regulation filed June 27, 2006

Ontario Regulation 345/06 made under the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000

O. Reg. 345/06: Housing Projects Subject To Part Vi Of The Act

Social Housing Reform Act, 2000

regulation filed June 27, 2006

Ontario Regulation 346/06 made under the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000

O. Reg. 346/06: Transfer of Administration for Housing Programs and Projects

Social Housing Reform Act, 2000

regulation filed June 28, 2006

Ontario Regulation 347/06 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 347/06: Licensing Powers

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed June 28, 2006

Ontario Regulation 348/06 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 348/06: Deemed Municipalities

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed June 28, 2006

Ontario Regulation 349/06 made under the Building Code Act, 1992

O. Reg. 349/06: Building Code

Building Code Act, 1992

regulation filed June 28, 2006

Ontario Regulation 350/06 made under the Building Code Act, 1992

O. Reg. 350/06: Building Code

Building Code Act, 1992

regulation filed June 28, 2006

Ontario Regulation 351/06 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 351/06: Tax Matters - Transition Ratios and Average Transition Ratios

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed June 29, 2006

Ontario Regulation 352/06 made under the Assessment Act

O. Reg. 352/06: Valuation Day for 2007 and 2008 Taxation Years

Assessment Act

regulation filed June 30, 2006

Ontario Regulation 353/06 made under the Ontario Planning And Development Act, 1994

O. Reg. 353/06: Regional Municipality Of York, Town Of Markham

Ontario Planning And Development Act, 1994

regulation filed June 30, 2006