Parliamentary Notice

Royal Assent

The Province Of Ontario

Toronto, Monday, November 29, 2010, 4:09 p.m.

In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, assented to the following bills in his office:-

Bill 72 An Act to enact the Water Opportunities Act, 2010 and to amend other Acts in respect of water conservation and other matters.
[S.O. 2010, Chapter 19]

Bill 80 An Act to make the month of November Bone Marrow Awareness Month.
[S.O. 2010, Chapter 20]

Bill 99 An Act to amend the Taxation Act, 2007 to implement the children’s activity tax credit.
[S.O. 2010, Chapter 21]

Bill 101 An Act to provide for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of certain controlled substances.
[S.O. 2010, Chapter 22]

Bill 109 An Act to amend the Taxation Act, 2007 to implement the Ontario energy and property tax credit and to make consequential amendments.
[S.O. 2010, Chapter 23]

Deborah Deller
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly