Order in Council

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1348/2020

Whereas subsection 2(2) of the Executive Council Act provides that the Lieutenant Governor may by order in council prescribe the duties of the ministers of the Crown and the duties of any ministries over which they preside;

And whereas subsection 5(1) of the Executive Council Act provides that any of the powers and duties that have been assigned by law to any minister of the Crown may from time to time by order in council be assigned and transferred for a limited period or otherwise to any other minister by name or otherwise;

And whereas subsection 8(1) of the Executive Council Act provides that the authority of the Lieutenant Governor under this Act to prescribe duties of a minister of the Crown or to assign and transfer powers and duties that have been assigned by law to a minister of the Crown to any other minister includes authority, by order in council, to assign responsibility for the administration of an Act or a part of an Act to a minister of the Crown;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act, despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council:

The administration of each statute listed in Column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Order is hereby assigned to the Minister listed opposite that statute in Column 3 of the Schedule;

And that the appendix to each Order in Council cited in Column 4 of Schedule 1 is hereby revised by adding to it the statute listed opposite the cited Order in Column 2 of the Schedule;


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered September 24, 2020.

Elizabeth Dowdeswell
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Schedule 1

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Item Statute Minister Order in Council
1. Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Act, 2019 Attorney General O.C. 1143/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
2. Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019 Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries O.C. 1789/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on December 21, 2019
3. Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act, 2019 Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries O.C. 1789/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on December 21, 2019
4. Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries O.C. 1789/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on December 21, 2019
5. Interim Appropriation for 2020-2021 Act, 2019 President of the Treasury Board O.C. 1163/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
6. Liquor Control Board of Ontario Act, 2019 Minister of Finance O.C. 1150/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
7. Local Planning Appeal Support Centre Repeal Act, 2019 Attorney General O.C. 1143/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
8. Mental Health and Addictions Centre for Excellence Act, 2019 Minister of Health O.C. 1110/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on August 31, 2019
9. Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2019 Attorney General O.C. 1143/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
10. Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries O.C. 1789/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on December 21, 2019
11. Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 President of the Treasury Board O.C. 1163/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
12. Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 Solicitor General O.C. 635/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on May 4, 2019
13. Provincial Day of Action on Litter Act, 2019 Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks O.C. 1149/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
14. Supply Chain Management Act (Government, Broader Public Sector and Health Sector Entities), 2019 Minister of Government and Consumer Services O.C. 1152/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
15. Alternative Filing Methods for Business Act, 2020 Minister of Government and Consumer Services O.C. 1152/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
16. Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 Minister of Transportation O.C. 1162/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
17. Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 Minister of Health O.C. 1110/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on August 31, 2019
18. Hearings in Tribunal Proceedings (Temporary Measures) Act, 2020 Attorney General O.C. 1143/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
19. Legal Aid Services Act, 2020 Attorney General O.C. 1143/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
20. Modernizing Ontario for People and Businesses Act, 2020 Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade O.C. 2/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on February 2, 2019
21. Ontario Loan Act, 2020 Minister of Finance O.C. 1150/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
22. Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation Repeal Act, 2020 Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing O.C. 1157/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
23. Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 Solicitor General O.C. 635/2019 as published in the Ontario Gazette on May 4, 2019
24. Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs O.C. 1142/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
25. Supply Act, 2020 President of the Treasury Board O.C. 1163/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018
26. Transit-Oriented Communities Act, 2020 Minister of Transportation O.C. 1162/2018 as published in the Ontario Gazette on November 10, 2018


Guideline on Public Hospitals and Determination of Catastrophic Impairment


Effective Date: October 17, 2020

Identifier: No. AU0134INT (previously listed as AU0037ORG)

Name: Guideline on Public Hospitals and Determination of Catastrophic Impairment

[remove after 90 days] This Guidance is effective as of October 17, 2020. Please direct any feedback to contactcentre@fsrao.ca.


This Interpretation Guidance replaces Superintendent’s Guideline No. 01/16 and names public hospitals for the purposes of s.3.1 (1) 5 (i) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule – Effective September 1, 2010 (“SABS”).footnote 1

Rationale and Background

Subsection 3.1 (1) 5 of the SABS sets out the requirements for determining whether an insured person, under 18 years of age (minor), at the time of an automobile accident has a traumatic brain injury that is a catastrophic impairment. Clause 5 (i) of subsection 3.1 (1) states:

The insured person is accepted for admission, on an in-patient basis, to a public hospital named in a Guideline with positive findings on a computerized axial tomography scan, a magnetic resonance imaging or any other medically recognized brain diagnostic technology indicating intracranial pathology that is a result of the accident”, including, but not limited to, intracranial contusions or haemorrhages, diffuse axonal injury, cerebral edema, midline shift or pneumocephaly”.

If a minor does not meet the requirements of s. 3.1(1) 5 (i) they may still apply for catastrophic designation under other criteria of the SABS.


This Guidance interprets clause 5 (i) of subsection 3.1 (1) as it applies to “a public hospital named in a Guideline” issued by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) under subsection 268.3 (1) of the Insurance Act.footnote 2

FSRA is interpreting the requirements of section 3.1(1) 5 of the SABS, which allows FSRA to name a public hospital in a Guideline footnote 3, as being satisfied through the issuance of this Interpretation Guidance which hereby deems any public hospital designated by the Critical Care Services Ontario, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Health, as Lead Trauma Hospitals for the purposes of clause 5(i) of subsection 3.1(1) of the SABS. FSRA’s approach with respect to the requirements of clause 5(i) of subsection 3.1(1) of the SABS is to designate those public hospitals already identified by Critical Care Services Ontario, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, rather than listing the specific names of any Lead Trauma Hospitals, in order to maintain consistency and continuity where there has been an administrative change with respect to a designated public hospital.

Compliance Expectations

Compliance with this Guidance is expected by FSRA and is subject to supervisory activities related to auto insurance.

Effective Date and Future Review

This Guidance is effective on October 17, 2020 and remains in effect until it is withdrawn by FSRA. This Guidance will be reviewed by FSRA on or before October 17, 2025.

About this Guidance

This document is consistent with FSRA’s Guidance Framework. As Interpretation Guidance, it describes FSRA’s view of requirements under its legislative mandate (i.e. legislation, regulations and rules) so that non-compliance can lead to enforcement or supervisory action.



  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/100034
  • footnote[2] Back to paragraph Pursuant to subsection 268.3 (1) of the Insurance Act the Chief Executive Officer can issue guidelines on the interpretation and operation of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule or any provision of that Schedule. For the purposes of this Interpretation Guidance only, reference made to the authority outlined in the Act will be to FSRA.
  • footnote[3] Back to paragraph Guideline is defined in the SABS to mean a Guideline issued by the CEO and published in the Gazette.