In 2016, there were 1,065 deaths of children and youth aged 0 – 18 inclusive in Ontario, of which 405 (38%) of these deaths met the criteria for a coroner’s investigation. Of the paediatric deaths investigated by a coroner in 2016, 115 (28%) of them were reported to the Paediatric Death Review Committee – Child Welfare (PDRC-CW) as a result of Society involvement with the child, youth or family within 12 months prior to the death. In 2017, there were 1048 paediatric deaths of children and youth aged 0 – 18 inclusive, of which 423 (40%) of these deaths met the criteria for a coroner’s investigation. Of the paediatric deaths investigated by a coroner in 2017, 122 (29%) of them were reported to the PDRC-CW as a result of Society involvement with the child, youth or family within 12 months prior to the death. This is consistent with the proportion of deaths from 2015, but slightly higher than the proportion of deaths prior to 2014.

In addition to the 115 deaths reported by a Society in 2016, Societies also reported the deaths of six youth outside of the typical age range of the paediatric group (aged 19 – 21). , These six youth were receiving Continued Care and Support for Youth (CCSY) supports from a society at the time of their death. In total, 121 deaths were reported for the year 2016.  Similarly in 2017, Societies also reported the deaths of four youth (aged 19-21) that were receiving CCSY supports from a society at the time of their death. In total, 126 deaths reported for the year 2017.

It should be noted that MCCSS does not collect data on the number of children and youth that receive services in the community from a Society. Instead, the number of families served by Societies is reported, so it is not possible to determine whether the rate of paediatric deaths in Ontario is the same as, or different from, the rate of paediatric deaths in the population of children and youth served by Societies.