
The Deaths Under Five Committee (DU5C) of the Office of the Chief Coroner (OCC) meets at least five times per year for the purpose of comprehensively reviewing the deaths of children less than five years of age investigated by coroners in Ontario.  It is a multi-disciplinary committee and members include forensic pathologists, coroners, police detectives, child maltreatment and child welfare experts, crown attorneys, a Health Canada product safety specialist and executive staff from the OCC.  Attendance for knowledge enhancement is common, including learners from different stages of medical education and detectives from police services that are not active committee members. The membership is balanced to reflect Ontario’s geography. It also includes members from several police agencies that provide diversity in terms of geographic area, size of police service and the skill set of the investigators. 

Scope and Mandate

The DU5C reviews all cases investigated by a coroner involving the deaths of children under five years of age including neonatal cases where the death was potentially linked to parental behaviour (e.g. sleep circumstances/unsafe sleep environment, maternal substance use, neglect, domestic violence, etc.) and those in which a children’s aid society or Indigenous child wellbeing society (“Society”) was involved at time of the death. The committee does not review neonatal deaths that occur prior to discharge from hospital where no substantive issues have been identified.  

The mandate of the DU5C is to determine the cause and manner of death for all cases meeting the criteria for review. Case-specific recommendations for additional investigation, further laboratory/pathologic testing, evaluative testing of relatives or systemic improvements may arise during the review.  

DU5 Review Process

Cases are referred to the DU5C by the relevant Regional Supervising Coroner. Case reviews are not confined to deaths that occurred during the calendar years of this Annual Report. Given the complexities involved in paediatric death investigations, the investigations sometimes take a long time to complete, delaying the DU5C review. 

The DU5C review is a two-tiered “triaging” process involving an Executive Team Review and/or Full Committee Review. 

Executive Team

The Executive Team reviews cases of deaths under five that are:

  • Natural deaths with defined illnesses and no issues (i.e. the deaths are “all natural” and there are no police or child welfare concerns)
  • Accidental deaths that are well documented where no issues have been identified (e.g. motor vehicle collision, drowning)
  • Homicides or criminally suspicious deaths where the case is still under active police investigation or before the courts.

The cases are received, tracked and triaged by the Executive Team, whose membership includes the DU5C Chair, Executive Lead and other individuals as necessary.

Full Committee

The full DU5C includes the multiple disciplines noted above. The full committee reviews cases of deaths under five including:

  • All cases where the cause of death remains undetermined after a complete investigation
  • Deaths where the sleep circumstances\unsafe sleep environment may have been a potential contributor
  • Potential cases of  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Natural deaths with complex medical presentations where potential investigative or pathologic issues that may affect the cause and/or manner of death have been identified
  • Accidental deaths involving unusual circumstances
  • Deaths resulting from head injuries that are not well documented accidental deaths (i.e. motor vehicle collision)
  • Homicides (when the investigation and court process has been completed)(Most homicides are reviewed by the Executive Team and presented to the committee prior to completion of the court process given the time period until resolution in the criminal justice system)

Cases referred to the DU5C undergo a comprehensive and detailed review of investigative materials including (but not limited to):

  • Post mortem examination, toxicology results and other investigative findings
  • Photographs (of the scene and post mortem examination)
  • Coroner’s Investigation Statement
  • Investigation Questionnaire for Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Infants
  • Police and other investigative reports (e.g. Fire Marshal and children’s aid society/Indigenous child wellbeing society reports, etc..)

Chart 6 Illustrates that over the past seven years, the full DU5C reviewed between 55 and 108 cases. The manner of death for the majority of cases was “undetermined.”

Chart 6: DU5C - Full committee reviews based on manner of death 2010-2017

Chart 6
Year Natural Accident Homicide Undetermined Total
2010 17 14 4 73 108
2011 3 13 3 79 98
2012 6 2 9 75 92
2013 3 3 0 49 55
2014 7 4 0 53 64
2015 7 3 0 45 55
2016 2 1 0 58 61
2017 4 2  0 51 57