Summary of full DU5C reviews in 2016

  • In 2016, the full DU5C reviewed 61 cases.
  • Of the cases reviewed by full DU5C, 59% (36) involved male children and 41% (25) female children.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the full DU5C, the manner of death was 95% (58) undetermined, 3% (2) natural and 1.5% (1) accident.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the full DU5C, 79% (48) involved children less than one year old.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the full DU5C, 21% (13) involved children aged one to five years.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the full DU5C involving children less than one year, the manner of death was  2% (1) natural, 2% (1) accident and 96% (46) undetermined.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the full DU5C involving children aged one to five years, the manner of death was 8% (1) natural, and 92% (12) undetermined.
  • Cases reviewed by the Full DU5C involved deaths that occurred in 2012 (2), 2013 (1), 2014 (6), 2015 (44) and 2016 (8).

Summary of Executive Reviews in 2016

  • In 2016, the executive team reviewed 85 cases.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the executive team, 58% (49) involved male children and 42% (36) female children.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the executive team, 53 % (45) involved children less than one year old.
  • Of the executive reviews involving children less than one year, the manner of death was 84% (38) natural,  4% (2) homicide, 4% (2) undetermined and 7% (3) accident.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the executive team, 47% (40) involved children aged one to five years.
  • Of the executive reviews involving children aged one to five years, the manner of death was 53 % (21) natural, 38% (15) accident, 3% (1) undetermined and 78 % (3) homicide.
  • Collectively, for all executive team reviews, the manner of death was 69% (59) natural, 21% (18) accident, 6% (5) homicides and 4% (3) undetermined deaths.
  • Cases reviewed by the executive team involved deaths that occurred in 2013 (3), 2014 (3), 2015 (45) and 2016 (34).

Total cases reviewed by the DU5C (executive team and full committee) in 2016

  • In 2016, there were 85 cases reviewed by the executive team and 61 cases reviewed by the full DU5C, for a combined total of 146 cases. 
  • Of all cases reviewed by the executive team and full DU5C, 58% (85) involved male children and 42% (61) female children.
  • Collectively, for all executive team and full DU5C reviews, the manner of death was 42% (61) natural, 13% (19) accident, 3% (5) homicide and 42% (61) undetermined.
  • Of the cases reviewed by the executive team and full DU5C, 90% (131) involved deaths that occurred in 2015 and 2016.