Substance abuse: Society documented that at least one of the caregivers suffered from substance abuse issues.

Mental health: Society documented that at least one of the caregivers suffered from mental health issues.

Domestic violence: Society documented that the caregiver(s) had been involved in at least one partner violence incident.

Criminal activity: Society and/or PDRC have information that the caregiver (s) has a history of criminal activity.

Physical abuse: It was suspected and/or verified by a Society on at least one occasion, that the child/children in the family were victims of physical abuse.

Emotional abuse: It was suspected and/or verified by a Society on at least one occasion, that the child/children in the family were victims of emotional abuse.

Sexual abuse: Society documented history of sexual abuse within the family (caregivers were victims or perpetrators) and/or the Society has suspected and/or verified on at least one occasion that the child/children in the family were victims of sexual abuse and/or perpetrators.

Neglect/inadequate supervision: It was suspected and/or verified by a Society on at least one occasion, that the child/children in the family were victims of neglect or inadequate supervision.

3 or more Society openings: A Society had opened a file relating to the caregiver(s) on at least three separate occasions.

3 or more Society referrals: A Society had received at least three separate referrals relating to the caregiver(s) (referrals could have been received during one opening, or during a number of openings or could have been reports received, not investigated).

Previous death of a child: The caregiver(s) have experienced a previous death of a child.

Caregiver Capacity Concerns:  Society or PDRC has noted concerns about the caregiver(s) parenting capacity either before or after the death of the child.

Childhood history with Societies: One or both of the caregivers has had involvement with the Society as a child.

Youth of primary caregiver: The primary caregiver is 24 years old or younger.

High risk subject child: The deceased child was “high risk” meaning less than 1 year of age; and/or had special needs.

Unsafe/hazardous living conditions: Home environment may have placed a child at risk of harm and/or contributed to the death of the child (very cluttered, dirty, dangerous).

Problems with caregivers’ level of motivation or cooperation with intervention: Pattern of avoidance, lack of follow through, aggressive and/or unmotivated to cooperate.