In October 2014, the Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities appointed me to undertake a review of issues related to the scopes of practice and the classification or reclassification of trades with a view to supporting the success of the Ontario College of Trades. This report describes:

  • The approach that I used in undertaking the review
  • What I learned during my review
  • My recommendations.

I would like to thank all of the individuals and organizations, from across the province, who took the time to meet with me, complete the review questionnaire share their insights and concerns in written submissions. Your participation in the review was enormously helpful and positive.

I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to the staff of the Review Secretariat, the College of Trades, and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities for all of their assistance during my review.

A special note of recognition must go to Samantha Anderson, who was at my side throughout the review, starting with the planning stages and preparation of the consultation guide, through an extensive province-wide consultation tour, a period of analysis and drafting sections of this report. Samantha assembled a strong professional team, and exercised superb judgement in sorting through complex issues and complex interests. She is an exemplary public servant and I could not have done this work without her.

Mandate of the review

The Terms of Reference for my review directed me, in consultation with the College of Trades, to provide the Minister with advice and recommendations on opportunities to clarify and improve the College’s policies, processes and/or criteria related to:

  • the manner in which the College makes decisions on issues related to Scopes of Practice (SoPs) of the trades and the ways in which 20 SoPs are used to support the performance of objects and functions under the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act (OCTAA), that include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • enforcement of the prohibitions in Part II of OCTAA, including decisions regarding skill overlaps between SoPs
    • establishment of apprenticeship programs
    • review and amendment of SoPs
    • the process and criteria prescribed in Ontario Regulation 458/11, made under OCTAA, including the process and criteria for the classification or reclassification of trades as compulsory or voluntary; and
  • what consideration the College should give, if any, to the decisions made by the Ontario Labour Relations Board in jurisdictional or work assignment disputes under the Labour Relations Act.

Appendix 1 has the full Terms of Reference for my review.

Policy secretariat

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and the Ontario College of Trades provided staff for a policy secretariat with professional and administrative staff to support the review work. The Policy Secretariat had a full-time project director and part-time research and administrative support.