The following research was undertaken:

  • research and review of the history of apprenticeship and trades regulation in Ontario, including discussions with Mr. Tim Armstrong, Justice Kevin Whitaker and staff of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and the Ministry of Labour
  • analysis of approaches used by other Ontario regulatory colleges and relevant literature
  • analysis of relevant legislation, regulations and policies, including meetings with representatives from the Electrical Safety Authority; Technical Safety and Standards Authority; Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care; Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; Ministry of Attorney General; and the Ministry of Labour
  • analysis of approaches used in other Canadian jurisdictions with regard to scopes of practice; enforcement; trade classification reviews; and apprenticeship and trades; including interviews with representatives of the regulatory body/government in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia
  • analysis of approaches to apprenticeship and trades in the U.K. and Germany
  • review and analysis of literature, including academic reports and decisions from the Ontario Labour Relations Board
  • analysis of Ontario College of Trades’ review panel decisions on ratios and trade classification reviews and review of the College’s current trade classification and ratio review processes and criteria framework
  • review and analysis of briefing materials and research prepared by staff of the Ontario College of Trades and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.