Section overview

Private investigators encounter a wide range of situations and are required to act professionally under all circumstances. The trainer reviews the interpersonal and communication skills necessary to adapt to different environments/scenarios and to diffuse situations when required. The importance of using communication to one’s advantage should be emphasized.

Suggested duration

In class: 7 hours
Outside class: 0 hours

Minimum requirements

Communication skills

  1. discuss the following oral and written communication skills
    • adjusting a communication style to accommodate an audience or situation
    • using verbal and non-verbal feedback
    • using effective and appropriate language in oral and written communication
    • writing legibly and clearly (e.g. minimal spelling, grammar or typographical errors)
    • effectively communicating main ideas orally and in writing
    • avoiding personal bias/opinion when communicating
    • asking probing questions to obtain information
    • conveying oral information accurately.
  2. explain tactical communication
    • Adjusting behaviour/demeanor (e.g. passive vs. aggressive) based on an individual or situation

Interpersonal skills

  1. discuss the following interpersonal skills
    • demonstrating sensitivity/empathy to others (e.g. different cultures, persons with disabilities, human rights issues, mental health issues)
    • establishing a rapport with a variety of people for the purpose of building trusting relationships
    • diffusing, avoiding and managing difficult interpersonal relationships and/or potential conflict
    • being assertive yet professional when interacting with the public

Note: There are three components in this section: Communication skills, Communication, and Interpersonal skills.

Although certain topics have been addressed in previous sections (e.g. report writing), the focus should be placed on technical components that allow information to be relayed, such as writing style.

Communication skills


Private Investigators must provide clear and concise information. Their position requires them to communicate with a wide array of individuals both orally and in writing and to obtain information from sources that may be unwilling. The trainer addresses active listening, effective writing techniques and note taking.

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. lecture
  2. role playing using communication techniques with feedback
  3. learning journal



Private Investigators may need to utilize tactical communication during the course of their assignments. They must maintain their composure and adjust their behaviour to suit the individual and situation. The trainer explains the principles of communication (both verbal and non-verbal, including posture, tone, assertiveness, spatial distance, eye contact, facial expressions) and de-escalation techniques with progressive intervention steps.

Working / detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. lecture
  2. role playing
  3. learning journal

Note: Communication was formally known as “Tactical Communication”.

Interpersonal skills


Private Investigators often interact with a variety of individuals during the course of their duties. Their conduct is vital to the professional image of the security industry as a whole. The trainer describes proper conduct and deportment, how to adapt quickly to different situations and how to perform duties in a culturally appropriate manner. Private Investigators should be able to scan for potential problems and act in a preventative way to avoid any escalation of events.

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. lecture
  2. role playing (e.g. 5 minute interactions with feedback)
  3. learning journal

Suggested training evaluation for section

Assess the student’s application of verbal communication skills, communication skills and interpersonal skills through role-playing.