Section overview

The trainer discusses the skills and knowledge required to work individually and as part of a team. Private investigators must be able to assess their own roles and responsibilities within a larger team framework, use acquired interpersonal skills to build positive relationships and comply with legislative and procedural requirements to complete tasks within designated timeframes.

Suggested duration

In class: 5 hours
Outside class: 2 hours

Minimum requirements

  1. discuss how to act under stress while maintaining professional composure
  2. address the following time management skills
    • multitasking in a quick and efficient manner
    • completing tasks within allotted timeframes
    • prioritizing time to complete tasks safely and effectively
    • arriving to assignments on time
  3. aiscuss the ability to work independently and in a team and address the following
    • working well with others to accomplish mutual objectives
    • understanding conditions/situations that are best accomplished by working in a team
    • understanding the strengths and weaknesses of team members, drawing on talents and compensating accordingly
  4. explain flexibility/adaptability requirements in the workplace
    • being prepared for any type of investigation
    • ability to modify actions, appearance or image to changing circumstances and environment
    • adjusting to demands and changes in schedule, location, work environments, weather, and priorities
    • adjusting to clients’ needs, preferences, and requirements
    • working in physically or personally uncomfortable environments
    • creating distinct and convincing presences/personae across different assignments

Note: There are four components in this section: Acting under stress, Time management, Working independently and in a team, and Adaptability.

Acting under stress


Private investigators can encounter high-stress situations and must maintain their professional composure. The trainer will explain what to do if exposed when conducting surveillance, how to control situations by asking questions and when one should identify oneself. The trainer will also address how to manage stress when dealing with isolation, driving, and fatigue.

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. pre-reading on common work related stressors
  2. role-playing on how to control situations
  3. learning journal

Time management


Private investigators work under stringent timelines. The trainer discusses how to prioritize multiple tasks at once including how to properly manage cases, time, different types of reports and dealing with shift work.

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. lecture and discussion
  2. exercise: the student schedules and prioritizes multiple investigations
  3. learning journal

Working independently and in team


Private investigators may be assigned to situations where they need to work in isolation or within a team. They need to be able to work under a variety of circumstances and be able to understand the different working styles of colleagues (e.g. two person surveillance, inter-agency cooperation).

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. lecture and discussion
  2. role play and demonstration
  3. learning journal



Private investigators can encounter a multitude of situations and must adjust to changes quickly while maintaining their composure. The trainer will discuss how to prepare for a variety of situations and how to adjust to work environment and demands (e.g. sitting for long periods, in stairwells, confined environments, etc.).

Working/detailed knowledge


Suggested methodology

  1. lecture on common items needed for the role of private investigator
  2. discussion of typical unexpected situations with effective responses
  3. learning journal
  4. providing a list of helpful tools to prepare for situations in advance.

Suggested training evaluation for section

Role-playing can be used to assess how well training participants can focus on staying calm when under stress. A quiz on time management and concepts of teamwork and/or a quiz on appropriate items to bring for different situations could also be used as a form of evaluation.