On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas the government adopted a policy of putting conservation first in its 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan;

And Whereas the Minister of Energy issued a direction dated March 31, 2014 to the Independent Electricity System Operator (the “IESO”) (formerly the Ontario Power Authority) to require the IESO to undertake activities to support the government’s electricity conservation policy framework (the “Conservation First Framework”), including the funding of electricity distributor conservation and demand management (“CDM”) programs (the “March 2014 Direction”);

And Whereas the Minister of Energy, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, also issued a directive dated March 26, 2014 to the Ontario Energy Board (the “Board”) to require the Board to take steps to promote CDM (the “CDM Directive”);

And Whereas the government expanded the scope of conservation in the 2017 Long-Term Energy Plan (the “2017 LTEP”) to recognize distribution system energy efficiency and better align its conservation initiatives with the 2016 to 2020 Climate Change Action Plan;

And Whereas the Minister of Energy intends to amend the March 2014 Direction to require the IESO to make certain changes to the 2015 to 2020 Conservation First Framework resulting from the 2017 LTEP;

And Whereas it is necessary to also amend the CDM Directive to accommodate the changes to the 2015 to 2020 Conservation First Framework;

And Whereas the Minister of Energy may, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, issue directives under section 27.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 in order to direct the Board to take steps to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency, load management or the use of cleaner energy sources, including alternative and renewable energy sources;

And Whereas the Minister of Energy may, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, issue directives under section 27.2 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 in order to direct the Board to take steps to establish conservation demand management targets to be met by electricity distributors and other licensees;

Now therefore the Directive attached hereto is approved.

Minister's Directive

Ministry of Energy

Approved and Ordered: October 25, 2017