On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas by Order in Council (“OIC”) number 2328/83, dated August 18, 1983, the administration and control of certain public lands (the “Original Lands”) was transferred to Ontario Place Corporation (the “Corporation”), a body corporate continued under the Ontario Place Corporation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.34 (the “OPCA”);

And Whereas due to the Corporation’s inability to lease lands, first  by OIC number 2360/93 dated October 21, 1993, and subsequently by OIC number 1896/94 dated July 20, 1994, each in turn revoking the preceding OIC, the administration and control of a portion of the Original Lands (the “Leased Lands”)  was retransferred to the Minister of Natural Resources (now Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry or the “MNRF”) to enable the granting of a lease in respect of the Leased Lands, leaving the balance of the Original Lands (the “East and West Islands”) under the administration and control of the Corporation;

And Whereas pursuant to section 6 and subsection 37.1(1) of the Public Lands Act, R.S.O 1990, c. P.43 (the “PLA”), the Lieutenant Governor in Council (the “LGIC”) may, by order, transfer the administration and control of public lands to a Crown agency within the meaning of the Crown Agency Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. C.48;

And Whereas pursuant to subsection 9(2) of the OPCA, subject to the approval of the LGIC, such property of the Crown in right of Ontario as is considered necessary or advisable for the purpose of carrying out its objects may be transferred to and vested in the Corporation for such purpose;

And Whereas by the recent addition of subsection 9(3) to the OPCA, by which the Corporation may now, subject to the approval of the LGIC, acquire and dispose of land or any interest in land, by purchase, sale, lease or otherwise, the Leased Lands are no longer required to be under the administration and control of MNRF, but instead can be administered and controlled by the Corporation together with the East and West Islands;

And Whereas it is considered advisable to transfer to and vest the Leased Lands in the Corporation together with the East and West Islands for the purpose of carrying out the Corporation’s objects;

Now therefore:

  1. OIC number 1896/94 is hereby revoked and the administration and control of the public lands that are situate, lying and being in the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, containing admeasurement 55.027 hectares as more particularly described in the attached Schedule “A”, are hereby transferred to the Corporation pursuant to section 6 and subsection 37.1(1) of the PLA and to subsections 9(2) and 9(3) of the OPCA; and
  2. the Corporation and MNRF are hereby directed to execute such documents as may be necessary in relation to the implementation of the transfer.

Schedule A 

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Approved and Ordered: April 18, 2018

Revoked by: Order in Council 1119/2019