Amendment 1 (2020) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019

  1. Introduction

    1.1 is amended by replacing “impacts of climate change” with “impacts of a changing climate” in the second sentence of the third paragraph and in the first sentence of the eighth bullet under the sixth paragraph.

    1.2.1 is amended by replacing “second units” with “additional residential units” in the fourth bullet under the first paragraph.

    1.2.1 is amended by replacing “impacts of a changing climate” with “impacts of a changing climate” in the tenth bullet under the first paragraph.

    1.2.2 is amended by adding a new sentence after the second sentence of the first paragraph that states “It was most recently amended through an Order in Council under that Act that came into effect on August 28, 2020.”.

    1.2.2 is amended by deleting “made on or after May 16, 2019” in the second sentence of the second paragraph.

    1.2.3 is amended by replacing “up to 20 years” with “up to 25 years” in the first sentence of the eighth paragraph and replacing “2041” with “2051” in the second sentence of the eighth paragraph.

    1.2.3 is amended by adding “For example, "will" and “shall” are used interchangeably for policies that indicate positive directives in the same way that just "shall" is generally used in other provincial plans.  Similarly, expressions like “is not” and “will not be” are used for policies that set out limitations and prohibitions in the same way as "shall not" is generally used in other plans” at the end of the twelfth paragraph.

  2. Where and How to Grow

    2.1 is amended by replacing “2041” with “2051”, “13.5 million” with “at a minimum, 14.8 million”, and “6.3 million” with “7.0 million” in the second sentence of the first paragraph.

    2.1 is amended by replacing “impacts of climate change” with “impacts of a changing climate” in the first sentence of the fifth paragraph.

    2.1 is amended by replacing “second units” with “additional residential units” in the second sentence of the eleventh paragraph.

    2.2.1 is amended by adding “or such higher forecasts as established by the applicable upper- or single-tier municipality through its municipal comprehensive review” after “Schedule 3” in policy

    2.2.1 is amended by replacing “second units” with “additional residential units” in sub-policy c) and by replacing “climate change impacts” with “the impacts of a changing climate” in sub-policy f).

    2.2.4 is amended by replacing “second units” with “additional residential units” in sub-policy a).

    2.2.5 is amended by adding “unless the part of the employment area is located within a major transit station area as delineated in accordance with the policies in subsection 2.2.4” at the end of sub-policy c).

    2.2.6 is amended by replacing “second units” with “additional residential units” in sub-policy a) i.

    2.2.6 is amended by deleting “and” at the end of sub-policy c), adding new sub-policy d) to policy that states “address housing needs in accordance with provincial policy statements such as the Policy Statement: “Service Manager Housing and Homelessness Plans”; and”, and renumbering existing sub-policy d) as sub-policy e).

    2.2.6 is amended by deleting “b) and c)” and replacing it with “b), c) and d)” in sub-policy e).

  3. Infrastructure to Support Growth

    3.2.1 is amended by replacing “impacts of a changing climate” with “impacts of a changing climate” in sub-policy d).

    3.2.1 is amended by replacing “impacts of a changing climate” with “impacts of a changing climate” in policy

  4. Protecting What is Valuable

    4.2.10 is amended by replacing “impacts of climate change” with “impacts of a changing climate” in policy

  5. Implementation and Interpretation

    5.2.3 is amended by deleting “, First Nations and Métis communities,” in policy

    5.2.3 is amended by adding a new policy reading, “Municipalities shall engage Indigenous communities in local efforts to implement this Plan, and to provide the necessary information to ensure the informed involvement of these communities.”

    5.2.3 is amended by renumbering policy as and policy as

    5.2.3 is amended by renumbering policy as policy and replacing “are encouraged to” with “shall”, replacing “First Nations and Métis communities throughout the planning process” with “Indigenous communities throughout the planning process to ensure that appropriate engagement is undertaken” in policy

    5.2.4 is amended by adding “or such higher forecasts as are established by the applicable upper- or single-tier municipality through its municipal comprehensive review” at the end of policy

    5.2.4 is amended by adding “, at a minimum,” after “All upper- and single-tier municipalities will” and “or such higher forecasts as are established through the municipal comprehensive review” after “apply the forecasts in Schedule 3” in policy

    5.2.4 is amended by deleting “July 1, 2017” and replacing it with “August 28, 2020” in policy

    5.2.4 is amended by deleting “and Schedule 7” in policy

    5.2.4 is amended by adding new policy reading, “Higher forecasts established by upper- and single-tier municipalities through their municipal comprehensive reviews will not apply to Provincial ministries and agencies.”

  6. Simcoe Sub-area

    6.1 is amended by deleting “The intent is that by 2031 development for all the municipalities within Simcoe County will not exceed the overall population and employment forecasts for Simcoe County contained in Schedule 7.” in the second paragraph.

    6.1 is amended by deleting “to 2031” in the third sentence of the third paragraph.

    6.2 is amended by deleting policy 6.2.1.

    6.2 is amended by deleting “Beyond 2031,” at the beginning of policy 6.2.2 and renumbering this policy as 6.2.1, and renumbering policy 6.2.3 as policy 6.2.2.

    6.5 is amended by replacing “Section 6, Schedule 7, and Schedule 8” with “Section 6 and Schedule 8” in policy 6.5.2.

  7. Definitions

    The definition of “Built Heritage Resource” is amended by deleting
    “(PPS, 2014)”.
    The definition of “Conserved” is amended by deleting
    “(PPS, 2014)”.
    The definition of “Cultural Heritage Landscape” is deleted and replaced with
    “A defined geographical area that may have been modified by human activity and is identified as having cultural heritage value or interest by a community, including an Indigenous community. The area may include features such as buildings, structures, spaces, views, archaeological sites or natural elements that are valued together for their interrelationship, meaning or association. Cultural heritage landscapes may be properties that have been determined to have cultural heritage value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act or have been included on federal and/or international registers, and/or protected through official plan, zoning by-law, or other land use planning mechanisms. (PPS, 2020)”.
    The definition of “Ecological Function” is amended by replacing
    PPS, 2014” with “Greenbelt Plan”.
    The definition of “Habitat of Endangered Species and Threatened Species” is deleted and replaced with
    “Habitat within the meaning of section 2 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007. (PPS, 2020)”.
    The list of definitions is amended by adding “Impacts of a Changing Climate” and defining it as
    “The present and future consequences from changes in weather patterns at local and regional levels including extreme weather events and increased climate variability. (PPS, 2020)”.
    The definition of “Municipal Water and Wastewater Systems” is amended by adding
    “, including centralized and decentralized systems” at the end of clause d).
    The definition of “Negative Impact” is amended by deleting
    “(Based on PPS, 2014 and modified for this Plan)”.
    The definition of “On-farm Diversified Uses” is amended by adding
    “Ground-mounted solar facilities are permitted in prime agricultural areas and specialty crop areas only as on-farm diversified uses.” after the second sentence.
    The definition of “Public Service Facilities” is amended by adding
    “long-term care services,” after “health and educational programs,”.
    The definition of “Transit-supportive” is amended by deleting
    “(Based on PPS, 2014 and modified for this Plan)”.
    The definition of “Water Resource System” is amended by deleting
    “(PPS, 2014)”.
    The definition of “Watershed Planning” is amended by replacing
    “climate change impacts” with “the impacts of a changing climate”.
  8. Schedules

    Schedule 3 is replaced by the following Schedule 3:

    Schedule 3 - Distribution of Population and Employment for the Greater Golden Horseshoe to 2051

    Schedule 7 is deleted and replaced with “Schedule 7 has been deleted”.

  • Housekeeping Changes

    1.2.3, 2.2.6, 3.2.6, 4.2.8, 5.2.5, and Definitions are amended by replacing “PPS, 2014” with “PPS, 2020” except where that text would be deleted or otherwise amended by this Amendment.

Order in Council 1244/2020