
The Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs works to advance the government’s approach in Indigenous matters, address legal obligations, and work cooperatively with Indigenous people, the federal government and other partners to benefit Indigenous people in Ontario.

Ministry program summary

Operating expense

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑2017 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑2017 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2001 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program $73,920,400 $71,439,800 $2,480,600 $68,585,216
  Total operating expense to be voted $73,920,400 $71,439,800 $2,480,600 $68,585,216
  Statutory appropriations $65,014 $65,014 - $307,122
  Ministry total operating expense $73,985,414 $71,504,814 $2,480,600 $68,892,338

Capital expense

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑2017 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑2017 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2001 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program $3,001,000 $3,001,000 - $1,696,249
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,001,000 $3,001,000 - $1,696,249
  Ministry total capital expense $3,001,000 $3,001,000 - $1,696,249
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $76,986,414 $74,505,814 $2,480,600 $70,588,587

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program - vote 2001

The Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs' mandate is to: develop stronger, broader partnerships with Indigenous people, lead strategic policy and priority planning, resolve land claims and address rights, help Indigenous people access government programs, services and information, and enhance government awareness of Indigenous people, issues and best practices for consulting and engaging with Indigenous people.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑2017 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑2017 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
4 Ministry administration $11,455,800 $9,825,200 $1,630,600 $11,460,619
1 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs $62,462,600 $61,612,600 $850,000 $53,824,597
2 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs – land claims and self-government initiatives $2,000 $2,000 - $3,300,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $73,920,400 $71,439,800 $2,480,600 $68,585,216
S Minister’s salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary assistant’s salary, the Executive Council Act $16,173 $16,173 - $12,824
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $244,997
  Total statutory appropriations $65,014 $65,014 - $307,122
  Total operating expense $73,985,414 $71,504,814 $2,480,600 $68,892,338

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑2017 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑2017 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
3 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs $3,001,000 $3,001,000 - $1,696,249
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,001,000 $3,001,000 - $1,696,249
  Total capital expense $3,001,000 $3,001,000 - $1,696,249

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2001-4 Ministry administration    
  Salaries and wages   $4,032,300
  Employee benefits   $453,600
  Transportation and communication   $312,600
  Services   $6,587,100
  Supplies and equipment   $70,200
  Total operating expense to be voted   $11,455,800
  Statutory appropriations    
Statutory Minister’s salary, the Executive Council Act   $47,841
Statutory Parliamentary assistant’s salary, the Executive Council Act   $16,173
2001-1 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs    
  Salaries and wages   $9,073,600
  Employee benefits   $1,054,500
  Transportation and communication   $712,400
  Services   $7,293,100
  Supplies and equipment   $195,100
  Transfer payments    
  Aboriginal Economic Development Fund $10,000,000  
  Participation Fund $3,630,000  
  Support for Community Negotiations Fund $3,200,000  
  Support for Algonquin Negotiation Fund $2,875,000  
  Six Nations Fund $650,000  
  Chiefs of Ontario $247,100  
  Ontario Native Women’s Association $371,700  
  Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres $446,100  
  Métis Nation Of Ontario $200,000  
  Islington Grassy Narrows Mercury Disability Fund $1,104,000  
  Urban Aboriginal Strategy $500,000  
  Policy Development Engagement Fund $3,410,000  
  New Relationship Fund $14,500,000  
  Métis Economic Development Fund $3,000,000 $44,133,900
  Total operating expense to be voted   $62,462,600
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
2001-2 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs – land claims and self-government Initiatives    
  Transfer payments    
  Land claim settlements $1,000  
  Negotiated settlements $1,000 $2,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $2,000
  Total operating expense for Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program   $73,985,414

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2001-3 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs    
  Transfer payments    
  Aboriginal Community Capital Grants Program $3,000,000  
  Negotiated settlements $1,000 $3,001,000
  Total capital expense to be voted   $3,001,000
  Total capital expense for Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program   $3,001,000