
The Ministry of the Attorney General is responsible for the administration and delivery of justice services to all communities in Ontario. The Ministry co-ordinates the administration of criminal, civil and family court services providing courtroom and judicial support services in approximately 156 court locations throughout Ontario. The Ministry prosecutes matters under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and provincial statutes. The Ministry delivers integrated and enhanced services to victims of crime by providing a range of victim services such as the Victim/Witness Assistance Program. The Ministry also delivers programs that provide critical supports to children and vulnerable persons, through the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, and the Office of the Children's Lawyer. In addition, the Ministry provides expert legal services to government ministries, agencies, boards and commissions, including advice to the government on constitutional questions and civil litigation conducted on behalf of the Crown. Agencies, boards and commissions that are overseen by the Ministry include the Office for Victims of Crime, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Tribunals Ontario, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and the Human Rights Legal Support Centre. The Ministry also funds Legal Aid Ontario and administers the Special Investigations Unit and the Office of the Independent Police Review Director.

Ministry program summary

Vote Program





Operating expense

301 Ministry Administration Program $229,272,100 $199,850,600 $29,421,500 $252,223,206
302 Prosecuting Crime Program $338,417,300 $297,118,600 $41,298,700 $290,942,082
303 Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program $579,545,200 $537,314,600 $42,230,600 $603,241,481
304 Legal Services Program $31,043,500 $26,634,300 $4,409,200 $27,087,194
305 Court Services Program $468,655,300 $445,886,100 $22,769,200 $430,149,153
306 Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program $155,814,100 $145,723,500 $10,090,600 $122,112,304
307 Political Contribution Tax Credit $16,028,000 $13,641,900 $2,386,100 $8,964,172
308 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $39,869,700 $1,000 $39,868,700 -
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,858,645,200 $1,666,170,600 $192,474,600 $1,734,719,592
  Statutory appropriations $5,368,014 $5,369,014 ($1,000) $262,786,223
  Ministry total operating expense $1,864,013,214 $1,671,539,614 $192,473,600 $1,997,505,815
  Consolidation adjustment - Legal Aid Ontario $174,435,700 $115,735,800 $58,699,900 $41,926,674
  Consolidation adjustment - Hospitals ($1,019,500) ($1,019,500) - -
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation - ($1,050,600) $1,050,600 -
  Consolidation adjustment - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - - - ($666,750)
  Consolidation adjustment - Health Sciences North - - - ($371,891)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($217,467,300) ($190,181,500) ($27,285,800) ($282,635,438)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $1,819,962,114 $1,595,023,814 $224,938,300 $1,755,758,410

Operating assets

301 Ministry Administration Program $2,000 $2,000 - $7,024
302 Prosecuting Crime Program $1,000 $1,000 - $1,302,900
303 Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program $3,000 $3,000 - $89,200
304 Legal Services Program $1,000 $1,000 - $199,711
305 Court Services Program $1,000 $1,000 - $73,800
306 Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program $1,000 $1,000 - $83,583
308 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $10,000 $10,000 - $1,756,218
  Ministry total operating assets $10,000 $10,000 - $1,756,218

Capital expense

301 Ministry Administration Program $53,364,400 $50,966,600 $2,397,800 $42,359,551
303 Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
305 Court Services Program $49,391,700 $39,840,400 $9,551,300 $50,598,104
308 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $102,758,100 $90,809,000 $11,949,100 $92,957,655
  Statutory appropriations $9,839,400 $5,872,500 $3,966,900 $2,370,132
  Ministry total capital expense $112,597,500 $96,681,500 $15,916,000 $95,327,787
  Consolidation adjustment - Legal Aid Ontario $1,200,000 $1,500,000 ($300,000) $893,340
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation $313,700 - $313,700 ($1,071,689)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($98,331,400) ($79,388,400) ($18,943,000) -
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $15,779,800 $18,793,100 ($3,013,300) $95,149,438

Capital assets

301 Ministry Administration Program $39,794,000 $32,309,800 $7,484,200 $15,204,681
303 Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program - $7,863,000 ($7,863,000) $1,802,574
304 Legal Services Program $1,880,000 $3,320,000 ($1,440,000) -
305 Court Services Program $115,222,000 $234,473,500 ($119,251,500) $191,892,799
306 Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program - $8,400,000 ($8,400,000) -
308 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $3,774,100 $1,000 $3,773,100 -
  Total capital assets to be voted $160,670,100 $286,367,300 ($125,697,200) $208,900,054
  Ministry total capital assets $160,670,100 $286,367,300 ($125,697,200) $208,900,054
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $1,835,741,914 $1,613,816,914 $221,925,000 $1,850,907,848

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $1,732,686,814 $2,067,789,629
Government reorganization    

Transfer of functions from other Ministries

$430,000 -

Transfer of functions to other Ministries

($61,578,200) ($70,283,814)
Supplementary estimates    

2021-22 Supplementary estimates

$1,000 -
Restated total operating expense $1,671,539,614 $1,997,505,815
Operating assets



Total operating assets previously published footnote 2 $9,000 $1,756,218
Supplementary Estimates    

2021-22 Supplementary Estimates

$1,000 -
Restated total operating assets $10,000 $1,756,218
Capital expense



Total capital expense previously published footnote 3 $96,680,500 $95,327,787
Supplementary estimates    

2021-22 Supplementary estimates

$1,000 -
Restated total capital expense $96,681,500 $95,327,787
Capital assets



Total capital assets previously published footnote 4 $286,366,300 $208,900,054
Supplementary estimates    

2021-22 Supplementary estimates

$1,000 -
Restated total capital assets $286,367,300 $208,900,054

Ministry Administration Program - vote 301

The Ministry Administration Program includes the Attorney General's Office, Parliamentary Assistant's Office, the Deputy Attorney General's Office and the Communications Branch.

This program provides for the overall administration of the Ministry. The Corporate Services Management Division (CSMD) provides strategic support and advice in the areas of business and fiscal planning, human resources, diversity, inclusion and accessibility, emergency management, project management, data and analytics, facilities management and oversight of the Ministry’s capital, accommodation and lease portfolio. CSMD also delivers shared services for the Justice Sector, including security support, freedom of information and French language services.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ministry Administration $229,272,100 $199,850,600 $29,421,500 $252,223,206
  Total operating expense to be voted $229,272,100 $199,850,600 $29,421,500 $252,223,206
S Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary Assistant's Salary, the Executive Council Act $16,173 $16,173 - $16,667
  Total statutory appropriations $64,014 $64,014 - $65,968
  Total operating expense $229,336,114 $199,914,614 $29,421,500 $252,289,174

Operating assets

5 Law Society Fee Prepayment $1,000 $1,000 - $7,024
10 Accounts Receivable $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - $7,024
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - $7,024

Capital expense

2 Facilities Renewal $53,364,400 $50,966,600 $2,397,800 $42,359,551
  Total capital expense to be voted $53,364,400 $50,966,600 $2,397,800 $42,359,551
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $4,547,200 $1,643,600 $2,903,600 -
  Total statutory appropriations $4,547,200 $1,643,600 $2,903,600 -
  Total capital expense $57,911,600 $52,610,200 $5,301,400 $42,359,551

Capital assets

7 Modernization Initiative $39,794,000 $32,309,800 $7,484,200 $15,204,681
  Total capital assets to be voted $39,794,000 $32,309,800 $7,484,200 $15,204,681
  Total capital assets $39,794,000 $32,309,800 $7,484,200 $15,204,681

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

301-1 Ministry Administration    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Innovation Projects

  Subtotal   $229,273,100
  Less: recoveries   $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $229,272,100
  Main office    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$35,800 $3,536,000
  Communications Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$10,000 $3,084,500
  Accommodation - Lease Costs    


$173,975,200 $173,975,200
  Corporate Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Innovation Projects




Less: recoveries

$1,000 $48,676,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $229,272,100
  Statutory appropriations    

Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act


Parliamentary Assistant's Salary, the Executive Council Act

  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $229,336,114

Operating assets

301-5 Law Society Fee Prepayment    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
301-10 Accounts receivable    

Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Ministry Administration Program   $2,000

Capital expense

301-2 Facilities Renewal    

Other transactions


Capital Investments - Asset Renewal


Capital Investments - Renewal Expense

$16,692,100 $53,364,400
  Total capital expense to be voted   $53,364,400
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Ministry Administration Program   $57,911,600

Capital assets

301-7 Modernization Initiative    

Information technology hardware


Business application software - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $39,794,000
  Total capital assets for Ministry Administration Program   $39,794,000

Prosecuting Crime Program - vote 302

This program is responsible for the prosecution of all criminal offences under the Criminal Code and other federal and provincial statutes, to inspire public confidence and uphold the Rule of Law. This program also provides legal representation for the Crown in Right of Ontario in all criminal matters, including prosecuting criminal cases before all levels of courts, representing the Crown on appeal and providing legal advice to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General in all criminal law matters and to the police upon request.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

2 Criminal Law $338,417,300 $297,118,600 $41,298,700 $290,942,082
  Total operating expense to be voted $338,417,300 $297,118,600 $41,298,700 $290,942,082
S Payments Under the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $455,288
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - $455,288
  Total operating expense $338,418,300 $297,119,600 $41,298,700 $291,397,370

Operating assets

7 Law Society Fee Prepayment $1,000 $1,000 - $1,302,900
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - $1,302,900
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - $1,302,900

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

302-2 Criminal Law    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Bail Safety


Justice Centre – Community Partnerships


Direct Accountability Programs


Proceeds of Crime Victims Compensation

$1,000,000 $5,205,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $338,417,300
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Payments Under the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Prosecuting Crime Program   $338,418,300

Operating assets

302-7 Law Society Fee Prepayment    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Prosecuting Crime Program   $1,000

Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program - vote 303

This program includes the Policy Division and the Indigenous Justice Division. The Policy Division is responsible for developing legislation, regulations and policy initiatives to respond to diverse issues in areas such as civil, family, human rights, administrative and commercial law, as well as regulation of the liquor, gaming, horseracing and retail cannabis sectors. It is also responsible for policy oversight and partnership building relating to the ministry's regulatory and operational agencies, adjudicative tribunals and programs. This includes: Tribunals Ontario, Ontario Land Tribunal, Legal Aid Ontario, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the Human Rights Legal Support Centre, the Special Investigations Unit, the Office of the Independent Police Review Director, and the Bail Verification and Supervision Program. The Policy Division also leads the development and implementation of Ontario's provincial policy and framework for the regulation of recreational cannabis. In addition, the Division administers ministry public appointments to all agencies and adjudicative tribunals and manages legal appointments, providing direct service delivery to non-lawyer notary and commissioner applicants. The Division also provides administrative and other support to the two judicial appointment committees that make recommendations to the Attorney General for judge and justices of the peace appointments in Ontario.

The Indigenous Justice Division is dedicated to addressing Indigenous justice issues, with a specific focus on reducing recidivism rates and the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the justice system as victims, accused and offenders. The Division is committed to building strong and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities in Ontario in order to improve trust in, and understanding of, the justice system. The Division is currently engaged in work that includes overseeing Indigenous justice programs, facilitating Indigenous cultural competency training, legislative reform, policy development and Coroner's Inquests. The Division also provides strategic advice to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General on matters tied to Indigenous justice. The Division works closely with and supports / informs the work of other divisions within the Ministry of the Attorney General, other ministries including Ministry of the Solicitor General and Ministry of Indigenous Affairs, the Ontario Provincial Police and First Nations Police Services within the province. In addition to this, the Division supports the Indigenous Justice Advisory Group and the Elders' Council as they provide critical expert advice to the Attorney General and other ministries as requested.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

2 Legal Aid Ontario $388,864,300 $326,864,300 $62,000,000 $353,628,511
4 Agency and Tribunal Relations $142,208,900 $165,009,400 ($22,800,500) $205,304,652
8 Policy $6,721,400 $6,469,900 $251,500 $7,392,528
13 Indigenous Justice $41,750,600 $38,971,000 $2,779,600 $36,915,790
  Total operating expense to be voted $579,545,200 $537,314,600 $42,230,600 $603,241,481
S Hearings under the Police Services Act $1,000 $1,000 - $1,080,104
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $68,234
  Total statutory appropriations $2,000 $2,000 - $1,148,338
  Total operating expense $579,547,200 $537,316,600 $42,230,600 $604,389,819

Operating assets

12 Law Society Fee Prepayment $3,000 $3,000 - $89,200
  Total operating assets to be voted $3,000 $3,000 - $89,200
  Total operating assets $3,000 $3,000 - $89,200

Capital expense

5 Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act - $3,129,700 ($3,129,700) $1,831,556
  Total statutory appropriations - $3,129,700 ($3,129,700) $1,831,556
  Total capital expense $1,000 $3,130,700 ($3,129,700) $1,831,556

Capital assets

- Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies - $7,863,000 ($7,863,000) $1,802,574
  Total capital assets to be voted - $7,863,000 ($7,863,000) $1,802,574
  Total capital assets - $7,863,000 ($7,863,000) $1,802,574

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

303-2 Legal Aid Ontario    

Transfer payments


Legal Aid Ontario

  Total operating expense to be voted   $388,864,300
303-4 Agency and Tribunal Relations    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Bail Verification and Supervision


Human Rights Legal Support Centre

$5,336,200 $18,095,100
  Subtotal   $142,846,200
  Less: recoveries   $637,300
  Total operating expense to be voted   $142,208,900
  Agency Relations/Program Management    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment




Less: recoveries

$180,000 $4,317,400
  Bail Verification and Supervision    

Transfer payments


Bail Verification and Supervision

$12,758,900 $12,758,900
  Ontario Human Rights Commission    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$28,200 $5,488,800
  Human Rights Legal Support Centre    

Transfer payments


Human Rights Legal Support Centre

$5,336,200 $5,336,200
  Office of the Independent Police Review Director    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$100,000 $7,464,600
  Special Investigations Unit    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$61,700 $10,552,000
  Tribunals Ontario    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment




Less: recoveries

$457,300 $80,680,000
  Ontario Land Tribunals    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$90,900 $15,609,000
  Public Inquiries    


$1,000 $1,000
  Royal Commissions    


$1,000 $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $142,208,900
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Hearings under the Police Services Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act

303-8 Policy    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $6,721,400

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$63,000 $6,721,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $6,721,400
303-13 Indigenous Justice    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Indigenous Victims' Services


Ontario Indigenous Courtwork Program


Indigenous Justice Projects


Jury Roll

$319,000 $37,063,700
  Total operating expense to be voted   $41,750,600
  Total operating expense for Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program   $579,547,200

Operating assets

303-12 Law Society Fee Prepayment    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $3,000
  Total operating assets for Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program   $3,000

Capital expense

303-5 Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Total capital expense for Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program   $1,000

Legal Services Program - vote 304

This program includes both the Civil Law Division and the Office of Legislative Counsel.

The Civil Law Division provides legal services in all civil law matters to the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, all ministries and many agencies in the Ontario Public Service. The Division supports the Attorney General in his duties as Chief Law Officer of the Crown, which includes conducting litigation for and against the Crown, ensuring that the rule of law is maintained and that Cabinet decisions are legally and constitutionally valid, and advising on matters of law connected to the government’s operations and priorities.

The Office of Legislative Counsel is responsible for legislative drafting in English and French. This includes drafting bills for the Government and members of the Legislative Assembly and drafting regulations. The Office also provides related legal advice and editing and publishing services, including providing the content for the e-Laws website.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

2 Civil Law $25,540,400 $21,335,100 $4,205,300 $23,026,962
3 Legislative Counsel Services $5,503,100 $5,299,200 $203,900 $4,060,232
  Total operating expense to be voted $31,043,500 $26,634,300 $4,409,200 $27,087,194
S Settlements - Other, the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act $1,000 $1,000 - $60,275,139
S Settlements - Direct Payments, the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act - $1,000 ($1,000) -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $2,000 ($1,000) $60,275,139
  Total operating expense $31,044,500 $26,636,300 $4,408,200 $87,362,333

Operating assets

6 Law Society Fee Prepayment $1,000 $1,000 - $199,711
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - $199,711
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - $199,711

Capital assets

5 Legal Services $1,880,000 $3,320,000 ($1,440,000) -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,880,000 $3,320,000 ($1,440,000) -
  Total capital assets $1,880,000 $3,320,000 ($1,440,000) -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

304-2 Civil Law    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $164,783,800
  Less: recoveries   $139,243,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $25,540,400
  Central Branches    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment




Less: recoveries

$19,470,200 $25,539,400
  Seconded Legal Services Branches    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits






Less: recoveries

$119,773,200 $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $25,540,400
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Settlements - Other, the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act

304-3 Legislative Counsel Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $7,367,100
  Less: recoveries   $1,864,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $5,503,100
  Total operating expense for Legal Services Program   $31,044,500

Operating assets

304-6 Law Society Fee Prepayment    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Legal Services Program   $1,000

Capital assets

304-5 Legal Services    

Business application software - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,880,000
  Total capital assets for Legal Services Program   $1,880,000

Court Services Program - vote 305

This program is responsible for the administration and functioning of criminal, civil, family and small claims courts in Ontario. These services comprise of three main components: court administration, judicial services and court construction. Court administration and judicial services provide judicial, courtroom and court operational support, and are divided into three key program areas: Court and Client Services, Program Support Services and Judicial Services. Court construction, which is delivered by Corporate Services Management Division (Facilities Management Branch), manages funding for new courthouses and large-scale renovations of existing court facilities to support a justice system that is modern, secure and accessible.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Administration of Justice $265,922,500 $244,475,600 $21,446,900 $250,040,352
2 Judicial Services $202,732,800 $201,410,500 $1,322,300 $180,108,801
  Total operating expense to be voted $468,655,300 $445,886,100 $22,769,200 $430,149,153
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $5,300,000 $5,300,000 - $200,841,490
  Total statutory appropriations $5,300,000 $5,300,000 - $200,841,490
  Total operating expense $473,955,300 $451,186,100 $22,769,200 $630,990,643

Operating assets

6 Law Society Fee Prepayment $1,000 $1,000 - $73,800
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - $73,800
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - $73,800

Capital expense

3 Court Construction $49,390,700 $39,839,400 $9,551,300 $50,598,104
4 Court Services $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $49,391,700 $39,840,400 $9,551,300 $50,598,104
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,758,300 $1,099,200 $659,100 $538,576
  Total statutory appropriations $1,758,300 $1,099,200 $659,100 $538,576
  Total capital expense $51,150,000 $40,939,600 $10,210,400 $51,136,680

Capital assets

5 Court Services $115,222,000 $234,473,500 ($119,251,500) $191,892,799
  Total capital assets to be voted $115,222,000 $234,473,500 ($119,251,500) $191,892,799
  Total capital assets $115,222,000 $234,473,500 ($119,251,500) $191,892,799

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

305-1 Administration of Justice    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Modernization Projects


Federal Contraventions Act Support for French Language Services

$1,438,400 $1,803,400
  Subtotal   $265,923,500
  Less: recoveries   $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $265,922,500
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act

305-2 Judicial Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Grants - National Judicial Institute/Ontario Conference of Judges

  Total operating expense to be voted   $202,732,800
  Total operating expense for Court Services Program   $473,955,300

Operating assets

305-6 Law Society Fee Prepayment    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Court Services Program   $1,000

Capital expense

305-3 Court Construction    

Transfer payments


Land Transfers


Other transactions


Major Infrastructure Projects - Payments

  Total capital expense to be voted   $49,390,700
305-4 Court Services    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Court Services Program   $51,150,000

Capital assets

305-5 Court Services    

Buildings – alternative financing and procurement


Machinery and equipment - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $115,222,000
  Total capital assets for Court Services Program   $115,222,000

Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program - vote 306

This program delivers vital services to victims of crime and their families, children, and vulnerable persons.  Victims of crime and their family member(s) are supported through the Ontario Victim Services Branch, which offers a wide array of support services delivered both directly and through ministry funded community agencies.  Mentally incapable adults receive personal and property guardianship services from the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, and the Office of the Children's Lawyer protects the personal and property rights of children before courts and tribunals.  The Office for Victims of Crime, a statutory advisory agency to Ontario’s Attorney General, is also included in this program.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Victims' Services $27,022,400 $25,924,800 $1,097,600 $24,337,639
2 Victim Witness Assistance $24,639,000 $21,486,300 $3,152,700 $22,080,028
6 Vulnerable Persons $104,152,700 $98,312,400 $5,840,300 $75,694,637
  Total operating expense to be voted $155,814,100 $145,723,500 $10,090,600 $122,112,304
  Total operating expense $155,814,100 $145,723,500 $10,090,600 $122,112,304

Operating assets

7 Law Society Fee Prepayment $1,000 $1,000 - $83,583
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - $83,583
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - $83,583

Capital assets

- Modernization Initiative - $8,400,000 ($8,400,000) -
  Total capital assets to be voted - $8,400,000 ($8,400,000) -
  Total capital assets - $8,400,000 ($8,400,000) -

Standard account by item and sub-items


Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

306-1 Victims' Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Drug Treatment Courts


Civil Remedies for Illicit Activities - Civil Remedies Act - Victims Compensation


Outstanding Criminal Injuries Compensation Board Orders


Grants for Partner Assault Response Programs


Special Victims' Projects


Child Victims' Program


Specialized Services

$350,000 $17,896,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $27,022,400
306-2 Victim Witness Assistance    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $24,639,000
306-6 Vulnerable Persons    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $104,227,700
  Less: recoveries   $75,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $104,152,700
  Children's Lawyer    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication


Supplies and equipment




Less: recoveries

$75,000 $40,852,100
  Public Guardian and Trustee/Accountant of the Ontario Court (General Division)    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$544,000 $63,300,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $104,152,700
  Total operating expense for Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program   $155,814,100

Operating assets

306-7 Law Society Fee Prepayment    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program   $1,000

Political Contribution Tax Credit - vote 307

The Political Contribution Tax Credit is a political contribution credit for contributions made to an Ontario party, constituency association or candidate registered under Ontario's Election Finances Act.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Political Contribution Tax Credit $16,028,000 $13,641,900 $2,386,100 $8,964,172
  Total operating expense to be voted $16,028,000 $13,641,900 $2,386,100 $8,964,172
  Total operating expense $16,028,000 $13,641,900 $2,386,100 $8,964,172

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

307-1 Political Contribution Tax Credit  

Transfer payments


Political Contribution Tax Credit

  Total operating expense to be voted $16,028,000
  Total operating expense for Political Contribution Tax Credit $16,028,000

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program - vote 308

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is a regulatory agency with responsibility for administering the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Act, 2019, the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019, the Gaming Control Act, 1992, the Charitable Gaming Order-in-Council 1413/08, the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 and the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015. The agency was established in 1998 with the merger of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario and the Gaming Control Commission.

The AGCO’s primary mandate is to regulate the liquor, gaming, cannabis and horse racing sectors in accordance with the principles of honesty and integrity, and in the public interest. It regulates the following activities:

  • the sale of beer in grocery stores;
  • the sale and service of beverage alcohol at licensed premises and Special Occasion Permit (SOP) events;
  • liquor delivery services;
  • liquor manufacturers, representatives and ferment on premise facilities;
  • lottery schemes conducted by charitable and religious organizations;
  • commercial gaming including casinos and slot machine facilities at racetracks;
  • lotteries operated by the provincial government;
  • the sale and distribution of recreational cannabis by authorized cannabis retailers.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario $39,869,700 $1,000 $39,868,700 -
  Total operating expense to be voted $39,869,700 $1,000 $39,868,700 -
  Total operating expense $39,869,700 $1,000 $39,868,700 -

Operating assets

3 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Capital expense

2 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $3,533,900 - $3,533,900 -
  Total statutory appropriations $3,533,900 - $3,533,900 -
  Total capital expense $3,534,900 $1,000 $3,533,900 -

Capital assets

4 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario $3,774,100 $1,000 $3,773,100 -
  Total capital assets to be voted $3,774,100 $1,000 $3,773,100 -
  Total capital assets $3,774,100 $1,000 $3,773,100 -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

308-1 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario  

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario

  Subtotal $118,964,400
  Less: recoveries $79,094,700
  Total operating expense to be voted $39,869,700
  Total operating expense for Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $39,869,700

Operating assets

308-3 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario  

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000
  Total operating assets for Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $1,000

Capital expense

308-2 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario  

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $3,534,900

Capital assets

308-4 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario  

Information technology hardware

  Total capital assets to be voted $3,774,100
  Total capital assets for Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Program $3,774,100