
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities is responsible for making sure that Ontario’s postsecondary education system prepares students and job seekers with the high-quality education, skills and opportunities needed to get good jobs, providing Ontario’s businesses with the skilled workforce and talent they need to thrive and prosper. The ministry also supports research and innovation to help the province compete and thrive in the global economy.

Ministry program summary

Vote Program





Operating expense

3001 Ministry Administration Program $15,012,000 $15,021,000 ($9,000) $15,404,198
3002 Postsecondary Education Program $6,631,704,000 $6,477,912,500 $153,791,500 $6,102,039,959
3005 Research Program $206,897,100 $210,688,900 ($3,791,800) $163,482,281
  Total operating expense to be voted $6,853,613,100 $6,703,622,400 $149,990,700 $6,280,926,438
  Statutory appropriations $56,506,014 $55,106,014 $1,400,000 $57,767,700
  Ministry total operating expense $6,910,119,114 $6,758,728,414 $151,390,700 $6,338,694,138
  Consolidation adjustment - Colleges $4,627,116,400 $3,490,626,700 $1,136,489,700 $3,798,265,975
  Operating expense adjustment - Student Assistance Interest Expense Reclassification ($48,979,900) ($48,979,900) - ($18,140,954)
  Consolidation adjustment - Children Aid Societies ($1,050,000) - ($1,050,000) -
  Consolidation adjustment - Hospitals ($10,591,200) ($8,792,300) ($1,798,900) ($9,149,160)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($676,800) ($656,900) ($19,900) ($700,360)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $11,475,937,614 $10,190,926,014 $1,285,011,600 $10,108,969,639

Operating assets

3002 Postsecondary Education Program $331,000,000 $352,500,000 ($21,500,000) $243,739,008
  Total operating assets to be voted $331,000,000 $352,500,000 ($21,500,000) $243,739,008
  Ministry total operating assets $331,000,000 $352,500,000 ($21,500,000) $243,739,008

Capital expense

3002 Postsecondary Education Program $204,847,700 $212,322,400 ($7,474,700) $178,410,358
3005 Research Program $110,642,000 $101,185,200 $9,456,800 $41,277,145
  Total capital expense to be voted $315,489,700 $313,507,600 $1,982,100 $219,687,503
  Statutory appropriations $870,900 $6,700,100 ($5,829,200) $6,769,383
  Ministry total capital expense $316,360,600 $320,207,700 ($3,847,100) $226,456,886
  Consolidation adjustment - Colleges $342,315,900 $312,790,000 $29,525,900 $287,155,683
  Consolidation adjustment - Hospitals ($19,766,200) ($23,336,400) $3,570,200 ($12,443,275)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $638,910,300 $609,661,300 $29,249,000 $501,169,294

Capital assets

3002 Postsecondary Education Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Ministry total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $12,114,847,914 $10,800,587,314 $1,314,260,600 $10,610,138,933

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $6,741,228,414 $6,338,694,138
Government reorganization    

   Transfer of functions from other Ministries

$17,500,000 -
Restated total operating expense $6,758,728,414 $6,338,694,138

Ministry Administration Program - vote 3001

The Ministry Administration Program provides overall direction required to enable the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to meet its objectives; and delivers administrative and support services for the operational programs of the ministry.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ministry Administration $15,012,000 $15,021,000 ($9,000) $15,404,198
  Total operating expense to be voted $15,012,000 $15,021,000 ($9,000) $15,404,198
S Minister's salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary assistant's salary, the Executive Council Act $16,173 $16,173 - $15,707
S Bad debt expenses for Administrative Costs, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $65,014 $65,014 - $65,008
  Total operating expense $15,077,014 $15,086,014 ($9,000) $15,469,206

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3001-1 Ministry Administration    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $15,012,000
  Main office    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$71,500 $3,997,000
  Financial and Administrative Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits



$3,126,200 $4,866,900
  Human resources    


$992,200 $992,200
  Communications services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits



$495,500 $3,472,700
  Legal services    


$1,530,200 $1,530,200
  Information systems    


$153,000 $153,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $15,012,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Minister's salary, the Executive Council Act


Parliamentary assistant's salary, the Executive Council Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expenses for Administrative Costs, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $15,077,014

Postsecondary Education Program - vote 3002

The Postsecondary Education (PSE) program, supported by the Postsecondary Education Division (PSED) and the Advanced Education Learner Supports Division (AELSD) are responsible for supporting institutions and students respectively, to create an innovative, accessible and responsive PSE system in Ontario. The PSE program develops and implements strategic and operational policies, and provides financial support for postsecondary education institutions and students in Ontario. The PSE program works in support of the government's social and economic policy objectives with the goal of providing opportunities for high quality, innovative, responsive and accessible postsecondary education. The PSE program also supports Ontarians who are seeking access to the postsecondary education system by providing financial and regulatory support, as well as modern delivery channels, enabled by technology.

PSED’s key programs and activities include: developing policy, legislative and funding frameworks for colleges, Indigenous Institutes, and universities; capital policy and evaluation; administration of operating and capital transfer payments to colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes; managing financial and governance relationships with postsecondary education institutions, agencies and transfer payment (TP) organizations; managing accountability mechanisms (such as enrolment, program and financial reporting and key performance indicators); providing supports for Indigenous learners; regulating the public colleges of applied arts and technology in accordance with applicable statutes; providing quality assurance to public colleges as well as out of province and private postsecondary institutions that are seeking to offer degrees in the province; and developing vocational learning outcomes for non-degree postsecondary programs.

AELSD delivers the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), an integrated needs-based financial aid program with the federal government. OSAP provides financial assistance, in the form of grants and loans, to qualified students in postsecondary studies. In addition to the funding provided through OSAP, AELSD provides bursaries, scholarships and other aid programs to postsecondary students. Through the Office of the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges, AELSD also regulates private career colleges, ensuring student protection and program quality. AELSD administers the International Student Program which allows institutions in Ontario to accept international students. Finally, AELSD is responsible for policy that supports technology-enabled learning at the postsecondary level, the implementation and oversight of the province's Virtual Learning Strategy, and administers transfer payment agreements in support of digitally-enabled learning.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Colleges, Universities and Student Support $6,631,704,000 $6,477,912,500 $153,791,500 $6,102,039,959
  Total operating expense to be voted $6,631,704,000 $6,477,912,500 $153,791,500 $6,102,039,959
S Bad debt expenses for Defaulted Student Loans, the Financial Administration Act $54,540,000 $54,540,000 - $52,977,179
S Bad debt expenses for Colleges and Universities, the Financial Administration Act $1,400,000 - $1,400,000 $3,500,000
S Training Completion Assurance Fund, the Private Career Colleges Act $1,000 $1,000 - $725,513
S Bad debt expenses for Private Career Colleges, the Financial Administration Act $500,000 $500,000 - $500,000
  Total statutory appropriations $56,441,000 $55,041,000 $1,400,000 $57,702,692
  Total operating expense $6,688,145,000 $6,532,953,500 $155,191,500 $6,159,742,651

Operating assets

4 Colleges, Universities and Student Support $331,000,000 $352,500,000 ($21,500,000) $243,739,008
  Total operating assets to be voted $331,000,000 $352,500,000 ($21,500,000) $243,739,008
  Total operating assets $331,000,000 $352,500,000 ($21,500,000) $243,739,008

Capital expense

3 Support for Postsecondary Education $204,847,700 $212,322,400 ($7,474,700) $178,410,358
  Total capital expense to be voted $204,847,700 $212,322,400 ($7,474,700) $178,410,358
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $870,900 $6,700,100 ($5,829,200) $6,769,383
  Total statutory appropriations $870,900 $6,700,100 ($5,829,200) $6,769,383
  Total capital expense $205,718,600 $219,022,500 ($13,303,900) $185,179,741

Capital assets

6 Colleges, Universities and Student Support $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3002-1 Colleges, Universities and Student Support    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Grants for Indigenous Institute Operating Costs


Grants for College Operating Costs


Grants for University Operating Costs


Council of Ministers of Education, Canada


Postsecondary Transformation


Student Financial Assistance Programs

$1,357,674,900 $6,581,139,500
  Subtotal   $6,631,905,000
  Less: recoveries   $201,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $6,631,704,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expenses for Defaulted Student Loans, the Financial Administration Act


Other transactions


Bad debt expenses for Colleges and Universities, the Financial Administration Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Training Completion Assurance Fund, the Private Career Colleges Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expenses for Private Career Colleges, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Postsecondary Education Program   $6,688,145,000

Operating assets

3002-4 Colleges, Universities and Student Support    

Loans and Investments


Student Loans


Defaulted student loans

$500,000 $331,000,000
  Total operating assets to be voted   $331,000,000
  Total operating assets for Postsecondary Education Program   $331,000,000

Capital expense

3002-3 Support for Postsecondary Education    

Transfer payments


Capital grants - Indigenous Institutes


Capital grants - Colleges


Capital grants - Universities

$124,108,800 $204,846,700

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $204,847,700
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Postsecondary Education Program   $205,718,600

Capital assets

3002-6 Colleges, Universities and Student Support    

Business application software - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total capital assets for Postsecondary Education Program   $1,000

Research Program - vote 3005

The Research Program, supported by the Data, Research and Innovation Division (DRID) supports a stronger research and innovation ecosystem in Ontario by: developing and administering the ministry's suite of research programs that invest in operations, infrastructure and research talent to support world-class research and researchers working in publicly-funded institutions across Ontario; leveraging federal funding; advancing translational and focused research in specific areas; supporting the development of talent; and supporting global research and development collaborations via Memoranda of Understanding with other jurisdictions.

DRID also supports implementation of the government's Intellectual Property (IP) Action Plan, including oversight of the Ontario Agency Intellectual Property Ontario (IPON), and other related initiatives to support the postsecondary education sector and broader innovation ecosystem achieve economic opportunity through an enhanced focus on the generation, protection and management of IP. In addition, DRID also leads information management and data initiatives which are aligned with central government directives and fosters evidence-based decision making and continuous improvement for the ministry. DRID is also responsible for the college and university bilateral Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMA). This includes SMA performance and reporting metrics, design, development and implementation of the performance-based funding model, and annual evaluation of performance results.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Research Support Operating Expense $206,897,100 $210,688,900 ($3,791,800) $163,482,281
  Total operating expense to be voted $206,897,100 $210,688,900 ($3,791,800) $163,482,281
  Total operating expense $206,897,100 $210,688,900 ($3,791,800) $163,482,281

Capital expense

3 Research Support Capital Expense $110,642,000 $101,185,200 $9,456,800 $41,277,145
  Total capital expense to be voted $110,642,000 $101,185,200 $9,456,800 $41,277,145
  Total capital expense $110,642,000 $101,185,200 $9,456,800 $41,277,145

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3005-1 Research Support Operating Expense    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Intellectual Property Ontario


Research Operating Costs

$191,582,200 $199,264,500
  Total operating expense to be voted   $206,897,100
  Total operating expense for Research Program   $206,897,100

Capital expense

3005-3 Research Support Capital Expense    

Transfer payments


Ontario Research Fund - Research Infrastructure

  Total capital expense to be voted   $110,642,000
  Total capital expense for Research Program   $110,642,000