
The mandate of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is to ensure that all of Ontario’s diverse communities are safe, supported and protected by law enforcement and that public safety and correctional systems are safe, secure, effective, efficient and accountable. The Ministry has a wide range of responsibilities which include: front-line policing, establishing and ensuring policing and private security standards and providing police oversight services, coordinating community safety initiatives, supervising and rehabilitating adult offenders in correctional institutions and in the community, animal welfare, forensic and coroner’s services, fire investigation/prevention and public education, emergency planning and management and business continuity.

Ministry Program Summary

Operating expense

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2601 Ministry Administration Program $143,063,800 $127,862,400 $15,201,400 $136,305,547
2603 Public Safety Division $268,815,100 $332,270,400 ($63,455,300) $241,352,446
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $1,067,278,500 $1,132,628,000 ($65,349,500) $1,091,301,048
2605 Correctional Services Program $839,155,300 $824,157,100 $14,998,200 $819,263,544
2606 Justice Technology Services Program $149,202,600 $81,987,900 $67,214,700 $75,548,143
2607 Agencies, Boards and Commissions Program $905,800 $896,000 $9,800 $1,032,536
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $71,221,400 $68,854,800 $2,366,600 $68,607,331
2610 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $3,599,300 $3,562,500 $36,800 $3,264,171
2611 Public safety training $20,229,900 $17,016,000 $3,213,900 $18,291,690
  Total operating expense to be voted $2,563,471,700 $2,589,235,100 ($25,763,400) $2,454,966,456
  Statutory appropriations $132,187 $132,187 - $12,273,650
  Ministry total operating expense $2,563,603,887 $2,589,367,287 ($25,763,400) $2,467,240,106
  Consolidation adjustment - hospitals ($20,869,900) ($19,993,600) ($876,300) ($18,703,041)
  Total including consolidation and other adjustments $2,542,733,987 $2,569,373,687 ($26,639,700) $2,448,537,065

Operating assets

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2601 Ministry Administration Program $2,000 $2,000 - -
2603 Public Safety Division $2,000 $2,000 - -
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $2,000 $2,000 - -
2605 Correctional Services Program $2,000 $2,000 - -
2606 Justice Technology Services Program $2,000 $2,000 - -
2607 Agencies, Boards and Commissions Program $2,000 $2,000 - -
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $2,000 $2,000 - -
2610 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $2,000 $2,000 - -
2611 Public safety training $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $18,000 $18,000 - -
  Ministry total operating assets $18,000 $18,000 - -

Capital expense

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2601 Ministry Administration Program $6,411,500 $890,200 $5,521,300 $1,949,693
2603 Public Safety Division $16,640,800 $18,071,900 ($1,431,100) $18,055,899
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $23,053,900 $18,979,600 $4,074,300 $16,347,855
2605 Correctional Services Program $46,293,200 $30,238,600 $16,054,600 $42,479,700
2606 Justice Technology Services Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $1,000 $1,000 - -
2610 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $1,000 $1,000 - -
2611 Public safety training $1,001,000 $501,000 $500,000 $471,399
  Total capital expense to be voted $93,403,400 $68,684,300 $24,719,100 $79,304,546
  Statutory appropriations $13,372,100 $11,188,300 $2,183,800 $8,674,074
  Ministry total capital expense $106,775,500 $79,872,600 $26,902,900 $87,978,620
  Capital expense adjustment - - - $31,816,332
  Total including consolidation and other adjustments $106,775,500 $79,872,600 $26,902,900 $119,794,952

Capital assets

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2601 Ministry Administration Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
2603 Public Safety Division $1,193,500 $1,408,000 ($214,500) $15,229,578
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $25,560,600 $21,631,100 $3,929,500 $7,324,849
2605 Correctional Services Program $7,216,900 $14,289,800 ($7,072,900) $7,139,500
2606 Justice Technology Services Program $3,351,000 $13,931,000 ($10,580,000) $12,264,300
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $5,035,000 $314,000 $4,721,000 $281,323
2610 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $1,000 $1,000 - -
2611 Public safety training $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $42,360,000 $51,576,900 ($9,216,900) $42,239,550
  Ministry total capital assets $42,360,000 $51,576,900 ($9,216,900) $42,239,550
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $2,649,509,487 $2,649,246,287 $263,200 $2,568,332,017

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense 2015‑16 Estimates 2014‑15 Actual
Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $2,589,367,287 $2,441,925,744
Government reorganization    
   Transfer of functions from other ministries - $25,314,362
Restated total operating expense $2,589,367,287 $2,467,240,106
Capital assets 2015‑16 Estimates 2014‑15 Actual
Total capital assets previously published footnote 2 $51,576,900 $29,975,250
Government reorganization    
   Transfer of functions from other ministries - $12,264,300
Restated total capital assets $51,576,900 $42,239,550

Ministry Administration Program - vote 2601

This program provides a broad range of management services with respect to the overall administration of the Ministry including: human resources, business and financial planning, procurement and business improvement, controllership, communication, legal services, and facilities management. The program shares Justice Sector services for freedom of information, French language services, and audit.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Ministry Administration $143,063,800 $127,862,400 $15,201,400 $136,305,547
  Total operating expense to be voted $143,063,800 $127,862,400 $15,201,400 $136,305,547
S Minister’s salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary Assistants' salaries, the Executive Council Act $32,346 $32,346 - -
S Payments under the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $11,513,027
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $50,000 $50,000 - $250,000
  Total statutory appropriations $131,187 $131,187 - $11,812,328
  Total operating expense $143,194,987 $127,993,587 $15,201,400 $148,117,875

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
3 Ministry Administration $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2 Facilities renewal $6,410,500 $889,200 $5,521,300 $1,949,693
5 Ministry Administration, Expense related to capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $6,411,500 $890,200 $5,521,300 $1,949,693
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $6,412,500 $891,200 $5,521,300 $1,949,693

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
4 Ministry Administration $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2601-1 Ministry Administration    
  Salaries and wages   $16,247,900
  Employee benefits   $1,949,600
  Transportation and communication   $749,200
  Services   $123,561,600
  Supplies and equipment   $555,500
  Total operating expense to be voted   $143,063,800
  Main office    
  Salaries and wages $2,900,300  
  Employee benefits $294,500  
  Transportation and communication $72,600  
  Services $288,700  
  Supplies and equipment $80,300 $3,636,400
  Corporate services    
  Salaries and wages $10,112,300  
  Employee benefits $1,270,900  
  Transportation and communication $501,400  
  Services $1,502,800  
  Supplies and equipment $286,600 $13,674,000
  Communications services    
  Salaries and wages $3,210,300  
  Employee benefits $380,800  
  Transportation and communication $79,900  
  Services $369,000  
  Supplies and equipment $123,600 $4,163,600
  Legal services    
  Salaries and wages $25,000  
  Employee benefits $3,400  
  Transportation and communication $95,300  
  Services $4,400,300  
  Supplies and equipment $65,000 $4,589,000
  Accommodation - leasing costs    
  Services $117,000,800 $117,000,800
  Total operating expense to be voted   $143,063,800
  Statutory appropriations    
Statutory Minister’s salary, the Executive Council Act   $47,841
Statutory Parliamentary Assistants' salaries, the Executive Council Act   $32,346
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Payments under the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act   $50,000
  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $143,194,987

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2601-3 Ministry Administration  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Ministry Administration Program $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2601-2 Facilities renewal  
  Services $6,410,500
  Total capital expense to be voted $6,410,500
2601-5 Ministry Administration, expense related to capital assets  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000
  Total capital expense for Ministry Administration Program $6,412,500

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2601-4 Ministry Administration  
  Information technology hardware $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000
  Total capital assets for Ministry Administration Program $1,000

Public Safety Division - vote 2603

Reporting to the Deputy Minister of Community Safety, the Public Safety Division works with its policing partners to promote community safety and well-being. Activities include: scientific analysis in the Centre of Forensic Sciences; oversight of the private security industry; development of policing guidelines and standards; monitoring and inspecting police services; distribution of crime prevention grants; support for intelligence-led operations; management of provincial appointments and the Constable Selection System; delivery of the Major Case Management system; the promotion of animal welfare; and representing the Province in negotiating tripartite First Nations policing agreements with the federal government and First Nations communities.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Public Safety Division – Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister $593,500 $734,800 ($141,300) $555,315
5 External relations branch $237,977,300 $301,846,000 ($63,868,700) $210,628,168
6 Private security and investigative services $2,712,300 $2,386,400 $325,900 $2,851,726
7 Centre of Forensic Sciences $27,532,000 $27,303,200 $228,800 $27,317,237
  Total operating expense to be voted $268,815,100 $332,270,400 ($63,455,300) $241,352,446
  Total operating expense $268,815,100 $332,270,400 ($63,455,300) $241,352,446

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
4 Public Safety Programs Division $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
9 Public Safety Division $16,640,800 $18,071,900 ($1,431,100) $18,055,899
  Total capital expense to be voted $16,640,800 $18,071,900 ($1,431,100) $18,055,899
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $685,200 $466,200 $219,000 $207,768
  Total statutory appropriations $685,200 $466,200 $219,000 $207,768
  Total capital expense $17,326,000 $18,538,100 ($1,212,100) $18,263,667

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
8 Public Safety Division $1,193,500 $1,408,000 ($214,500) $15,229,578
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,193,500 $1,408,000 ($214,500) $15,229,578
  Total capital assets $1,193,500 $1,408,000 ($214,500) $15,229,578

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2603-1 Public Safety Division – Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister    
  Salaries and wages   $475,700
  Employee benefits   $60,300
  Transportation and communication   $18,900
  Services   $27,300
  Supplies and equipment   $11,300
  Total operating expense to be voted   $593,500
2603-5 External relations branch    
  Salaries and wages   $5,472,200
  Employee benefits   $707,900
  Transportation and communication   $836,900
  Services   $5,574,200
  Supplies and equipment   $405,800
  Transfer payments    
  Safer communities 1,000 officers partnership $44,093,500  
  Grants for community policing and crime prevention $30,708,800  
  Grants for municipal reduce impaired driving everywhere (RIDE) programs $2,400,000  
  Miscellaneous grants - policing services $11,635,000  
  Safer and vital communities grant $855,000  
  Federal-provincial first nations policing agreement $32,777,000  
  Municipal hate crime extremism investigative funding $250,000  
  Ontario Association of Crime Stoppers $225,000  
  Grants for public safety $12,021,800  
  Court security $93,714,200 $228,680,300
  Subtotal   $241,677,300
  Less: recoveries   $3,700,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $237,977,300
2603-6 Private security and investigative services    
  Salaries and wages   $2,212,800
  Employee benefits   $341,300
  Transportation and communication   $52,400
  Services   $73,900
  Supplies and equipment   $31,900
  Total operating expense to be voted   $2,712,300
2603-7 Centre of Forensic Sciences    
  Salaries and wages   $18,314,300
  Employee benefits   $2,811,700
  Transportation and communication   $487,100
  Services   $1,466,600
  Supplies and equipment   $4,452,300
  Total operating expense to be voted   $27,532,000
  Total operating expense for Public Safety Division   $268,815,100

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2603-4 Public Safety Programs Division  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Public Safety Division $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2603-9 Public Safety Division    
  Other transactions    
  Capital investments $16,639,800  
  Loss on asset disposal $1,000 $16,640,800
  Total capital expense to be voted   $16,640,800
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act   $685,200
  Total capital expense for Public Safety Division   $17,326,000

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2603-8 Public Safety Division  
  Machinery and equipment - asset costs $1,193,500
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,193,500
  Total capital assets for Public Safety Division $1,193,500

Ontario Provincial Police - vote 2604

Reporting to the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the OPP provides direct front-line policing services in hundreds of municipalities and First Nations communities throughout the province utilizing Ontario’s Mobilization and Engagement Model. The OPP investigates province-wide and cross-jurisdictional crimes including complex fraud and organized criminal activity. In addition, the OPP patrols provincial highways and is responsible for many of the waterways and trail systems in the province. The OPP maintains specialized provincial registries, e.g., Violent Crimes Linkages Analysis System and the Ontario Sex Offender Registry. Oversight of provincial strategies such as child exploitation and biker enforcement are responsibilities of the OPP. Included as part of its provincial mandate, the OPP also investigates anti-terrorism, provides emergency services support, is responsible for security for high profile international events, and delivers specialized security and protection services for the Government of Ontario throughout the province.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Corporate and strategic services $161,823,000 $158,721,100 $3,101,900 $183,307,590
2 Chief Firearms Office $7,165,000 $7,165,000 - $6,303,546
3 Investigations and organized crime $118,025,400 $111,397,700 $6,627,700 $111,874,871
4 Field and traffic services $726,036,400 $801,323,000 ($75,286,600) $729,782,745
5 Fleet management $54,228,700 $54,021,200 $207,500 $60,032,296
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,067,278,500 $1,132,628,000 ($65,349,500) $1,091,301,048
S Payments under the Police Services Act $1,000 $1,000 - $461,322
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - $461,322
  Total operating expense $1,067,279,500 $1,132,629,000 ($65,349,500) $1,091,762,370

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
6 Ontario Provincial Police $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
8 Ontario Provincial Police $23,053,900 $18,979,600 $4,074,300 $16,347,855
  Total capital expense to be voted $23,053,900 $18,979,600 $4,074,300 $16,347,855
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $9,883,700 $9,053,600 $830,100 $8,091,746
  Total statutory appropriations $9,883,700 $9,053,600 $830,100 $8,091,746
  Total capital expense $32,937,600 $28,033,200 $4,904,400 $24,439,601

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
7 Ontario Provincial Police $25,560,600 $21,631,100 $3,929,500 $7,324,849
  Total capital assets to be voted $25,560,600 $21,631,100 $3,929,500 $7,324,849
  Total capital assets $25,560,600 $21,631,100 $3,929,500 $7,324,849

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2604-1 Corporate and strategic services  
  Salaries and wages $99,878,400
  Employee benefits $6,537,400
  Transportation and communication $20,013,600
  Services $18,412,700
  Supplies and equipment $18,547,900
  Subtotal $163,390,000
  Less: recoveries $1,567,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $161,823,000
2604-2 Chief Firearms Office  
  Salaries and wages $4,212,000
  Employee benefits $540,700
  Transportation and communication $99,500
  Services $2,209,100
  Supplies and equipment $103,700
  Total operating expense to be voted $7,165,000
2604-3 Investigations and organized crime  
  Salaries and wages $97,942,000
  Employee benefits $4,877,600
  Transportation and communication $6,655,100
  Services $9,062,600
  Supplies and equipment $2,754,100
  Subtotal $121,291,400
  Less: recoveries $3,266,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $118,025,400
2604-4 Field and traffic services  
  Salaries and wages $634,269,400
  Employee benefits $88,553,700
  Transportation and communication $2,884,900
  Services $16,526,000
  Supplies and equipment $16,026,300
  Subtotal $758,260,300
  Less: recoveries $32,223,900
  Total operating expense to be voted $726,036,400
2604-5 Fleet management  
  Transportation and communication $18,300
  Services $11,684,200
  Supplies and equipment $46,050,800
  Subtotal $57,753,300
  Less: recoveries $3,524,600
  Total operating expense to be voted $54,228,700
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Payments under the Police Services Act $1,000
  Total operating expense for Ontario Provincial Police $1,067,279,500

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2604-6 Ontario Provincial Police  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Ontario Provincial Police $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2604-8 Ontario Provincial Police    
  Services   $9,000,000
  Other transactions    
  Capital investments $13,627,900  
  Loss on asset disposal $426,000 $14,053,900
  Total capital expense to be voted   $23,053,900
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act   $9,883,700
  Total capital expense for Ontario Provincial Police   $32,937,600

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2604-7 Ontario Provincial Police  
  Buildings - asset costs $4,334,500
  Machinery and equipment - asset costs $8,238,200
  Information technology hardware $2,565,000
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs $10,421,900
  Aircraft - asset costs $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $25,560,600
  Total capital assets for Ontario Provincial Police $25,560,600

Correctional Services Program - vote 2605

Reporting to the Deputy Minister of Correctional Services, the Correctional Services Program is responsible for the operation of jails, detention centres, correctional centres, treatment centres, a Regional Intermittent Centre and probation and parole services. The program supervises the detention and release of adult inmates and provides supervision of offenders serving sentences in the community on terms of probation, conditional sentence and Ontario parole. Key services and programs include training, rehabilitative programming, treatment and services designed to help offenders achieve changes in attitude and behaviour to support successful reintegration into the community.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Operational support $28,409,100 $24,230,900 $4,178,200 $22,629,478
2 Staff training $10,161,300 $6,112,700 $4,048,600 $6,760,194
3 Institutional services $677,578,200 $674,289,700 $3,288,500 $671,724,856
4 Community services $119,385,900 $116,028,600 $3,357,300 $115,322,369
5 Correctional services oversight and investigations $3,620,800 $3,495,200 $125,600 $2,826,647
  Total operating expense to be voted $839,155,300 $824,157,100 $14,998,200 $819,263,544
  Total operating expense $839,155,300 $824,157,100 $14,998,200 $819,263,544

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
7 Correctional services $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
6 Correctional facilities $46,291,200 $30,236,600 $16,054,600 $42,479,700
10 Institutional services, expense related to capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
11 Community services, expense related to capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $46,293,200 $30,238,600 $16,054,600 $42,479,700
S Amortization, institutional services, the Financial Administration Act $793,900 $434,000 $359,900 $64,927
S Amortization, community services, the Financial Administration Act - - - $93,136
  Total statutory appropriations $793,900 $434,000 $359,900 $158,063
  Total capital expense $47,087,100 $30,672,600 $16,414,500 $42,637,763

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
8 Institutional services $7,216,900 $14,289,800 ($7,072,900) $7,139,500
  Total capital assets to be voted $7,216,900 $14,289,800 ($7,072,900) $7,139,500
  Total capital assets $7,216,900 $14,289,800 ($7,072,900) $7,139,500

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2605-1 Operational support    
  Salaries and wages   $19,157,600
  Employee benefits   $2,711,400
  Transportation and communication   $651,900
  Services   $4,831,400
  Supplies and equipment   $5,724,300
  Transfer payments    
  Community works program   $412,400
  Subtotal   $33,489,000
  Less: recoveries   $5,079,900
  Total operating expense to be voted   $28,409,100
2605-2 Staff training    
  Salaries and wages   $6,375,800
  Employee benefits   $831,500
  Transportation and communication   $496,000
  Services   $1,807,500
  Supplies and equipment   $650,500
  Total operating expense to be voted   $10,161,300
2605-3 Institutional services    
  Salaries and wages   $466,482,600
  Employee benefits   $71,837,700
  Transportation and communication   $6,415,500
  Services   $65,270,400
  Supplies and equipment   $63,986,400
  Transfer payments    
  Grants to compensate for municipal taxation $730,700  
  Compassionate allowances to permanently handicapped inmates $11,600  
  Violence Awareness Program $92,300  
  Offender rehabilitation programs $2,751,000 $3,585,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $677,578,200
2605-4 Community services    
  Salaries and wages   $86,065,300
  Employee benefits   $14,188,300
  Transportation and communication   $2,491,900
  Services   $9,450,400
  Supplies and equipment   $995,600
  Transfer payments    
  Assistance to inmates - rehabilitation assistance $25,000  
  Community residential / non-residential client services $6,169,400 $6,194,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $119,385,900
2605-5 Correctional services oversight and investigations    
  Salaries and wages   $2,971,000
  Employee benefits   $334,200
  Transportation and communication   $115,000
  Services   $187,600
  Supplies and equipment   $13,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $3,620,800
  Total operating expense for Correctional Services Program   $839,155,300

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2605-7 Correctional services  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Correctional Services Program $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2605-6 Correctional facilities  
  Services $14,000,000
  Other transactions  
  Capital investments $32,291,200
  Total capital expense to be voted $46,291,200
2605-10 Institutional services, expense related to capital assets  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
2605-11 Community services, expense related to capital assets  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, institutional services, the Financial Administration Act $793,900
  Total capital expense for Correctional Services Program $47,087,100

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2605-8 Institutional services  
  Buildings - asset costs $2,585,900
  Machinery and equipment - asset costs $4,630,000
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $7,216,900
  Total capital assets for Correctional Services Program $7,216,900

Justice Technology Services Program - vote 2606

The mandate of the Information and Information Technology Justice Cluster is to deliver highly integrated and complex technology services and solutions; and reliable and responsive operational support. This is in alignment with the Corporate Information and Information Technology Strategic Plan that enables and supports business priorities and goals across the Justice Sector ministries. Key support is provided in technology solutions, information management and planning, services management, security, project management and the OPS government mobile communication services.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Justice technology services $149,202,600 $81,987,900 $67,214,700 $75,548,143
  Total operating expense to be voted $149,202,600 $81,987,900 $67,214,700 $75,548,143
  Total operating expense $149,202,600 $81,987,900 $67,214,700 $75,548,143

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
3 Justice technology $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
5 Justice technology services, expense related to capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,876,000 $975,300 $900,700 $16,363
  Total statutory appropriations $1,876,000 $975,300 $900,700 $16,363
  Total capital expense $1,877,000 $976,300 $900,700 $16,363

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
4 Justice technology services $3,351,000 $13,931,000 ($10,580,000) $12,264,300
  Total capital assets to be voted $3,351,000 $13,931,000 ($10,580,000) $12,264,300
  Total capital assets $3,351,000 $13,931,000 ($10,580,000) $12,264,300

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2606-1 Justice technology services  
  Salaries and wages $30,094,300
  Employee benefits $4,015,200
  Transportation and communication $111,640,100
  Services $91,536,500
  Supplies and equipment $516,500
  Subtotal $237,802,600
  Less: recoveries $88,600,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $149,202,600
  Total operating expense for Justice Technology Services Program $149,202,600

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2606-3 Justice technology  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Justice Technology Services Program $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2606-5 Justice technology services, expense related to capital assets  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,876,000
  Total capital expense for Justice Technology Services Program $1,877,000

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2606-4 Justice technology services  
  Information technology hardware $3,351,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $3,351,000
  Total capital assets for Justice Technology Services Program $3,351,000

Agencies, Boards and Commissions Program - vote 2607

To provide for the operation of ministry agencies including the Ontario Police Arbitration Commission, and the Death Investigation Oversight Council.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Agencies, boards and commissions $905,800 $896,000 $9,800 $1,032,536
  Total operating expense to be voted $905,800 $896,000 $9,800 $1,032,536
  Total operating expense $905,800 $896,000 $9,800 $1,032,536

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2 Agencies, boards and commissions $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2607-1 Agencies, boards and commissions    
  Salaries and wages   $477,000
  Employee benefits   $59,500
  Transportation and communication   $86,000
  Services   $259,300
  Supplies and equipment   $24,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $905,800
  Ontario Police Arbitration Commission    
  Salaries and wages $182,000  
  Employee benefits $23,500  
  Transportation and communication $40,000  
  Services $199,200  
  Supplies and equipment $14,000 $458,700
  Death Investigation Oversight Council    
  Salaries and wages $295,000  
  Employee benefits $36,000  
  Transportation and communication $46,000  
  Services $60,100  
  Supplies and equipment $10,000 $447,100
  Total operating expense to be voted   $905,800
  Total operating expense for Agencies, Boards and Commissions Program   $905,800

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2607-2 Agencies, boards and commissions  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Agencies, Boards and Commissions Program $2,000

Emergency Planning and Management - vote 2609

Reporting to the Deputy Minister of Community Safety, this program is dedicated to providing quality services related to public safety, security, and death investigations. This is achieved through the efforts of the Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service and the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management. All are devoted to the rapid identification of issues and their resolution through effective mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, scientific, investigative, business continuity and public education initiatives. The section strives to be a leader in ensuring that all of Ontario’s diverse communities are safe and secure thereby supporting the government in its priority of stronger, safer communities.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
- Office of the commissioner - - - $665,168
5 Office of the chief coroner and ontario forensic pathology service $38,179,900 $37,799,200 $380,700 $36,714,410
8 Office of the fire marshal and emergency management $33,041,500 $31,055,600 $1,985,900 $31,227,753
  Total operating expense to be voted $71,221,400 $68,854,800 $2,366,600 $68,607,331
  Total operating expense $71,221,400 $68,854,800 $2,366,600 $68,607,331

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
3 Emergency planning and management $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
7 Emergency planning and management, expense related to capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $130,300 $256,200 ($125,900) $200,134
  Total statutory appropriations $130,300 $256,200 ($125,900) $200,134
  Total capital expense $131,300 $257,200 ($125,900) $200,134

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
6 Emergency planning and management $5,035,000 $314,000 $4,721,000 $281,323
  Total capital assets to be voted $5,035,000 $314,000 $4,721,000 $281,323
  Total capital assets $5,035,000 $314,000 $4,721,000 $281,323

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2609-5 Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service    
  Salaries and wages   $12,750,800
  Employee benefits   $1,335,000
  Transportation and communication   $987,600
  Services   $20,525,800
  Supplies and equipment   $560,700
  Transfer payments    
  Grants for forensic services   $2,020,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $38,179,900
2609-8 Office of the fire marshal and emergency management    
  Salaries and wages   $23,278,200
  Employee benefits   $3,565,600
  Transportation and communication   $1,046,200
  Services   $2,386,700
  Supplies and equipment   $2,143,800
  Transfer payments    
  Grants for fire safety $620,000  
  Grants for emergency operations $1,000 $621,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $33,041,500
  Total operating expense for emergency planning and management   $71,221,400

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2609-3 Emergency planning and management  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for emergency planning and management $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2609-7 Emergency planning and management, expense related to capital assets  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $130,300
  Total capital expense for emergency planning and management $131,300

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2609-6 Emergency planning and management  
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs $5,035,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $5,035,000
  Total capital assets for emergency planning and management $5,035,000

Policy and Strategic Planning Division - vote 2610

Reporting to the Deputy Minister of Community Safety and the Deputy Minister of Correctional Services, this division is responsible for leading/co-ordinating the development of advice, analysis and recommendations in support of Ministry and Government priorities. Key functions include the development of policy and legislation, strategic planning, research and evaluation, and co-ordination of the Ministry’s activities with other ministries, key stakeholders and intergovernmental partners.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $3,599,300 $3,562,500 $36,800 $3,264,171
  Total operating expense to be voted $3,599,300 $3,562,500 $36,800 $3,264,171
  Total operating expense $3,599,300 $3,562,500 $36,800 $3,264,171

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
4 Policy and Strategic Planning Division, expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
3 Policy and Strategic Planning Division $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2610-1 Policy and Strategic Planning Division  
  Salaries and wages $2,572,200
  Employee benefits $354,000
  Transportation and communication $229,000
  Services $196,100
  Supplies and equipment $219,600
  Transfer payments  
  Miscellaneous grants for administrative services $28,400
  Total operating expense to be voted $3,599,300
  Total operating expense for Policy and Strategic Planning Division $3,599,300

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2610-2 Policy and Strategic Planning Division  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Policy and Strategic Planning Division $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2610-4 Policy and Strategic Planning Division, expense related to capital assets  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000
  Total capital expense for Policy and Strategic Planning Division $2,000

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2610-3 Policy and Strategic Planning Division  
  Information technology hardware $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000
  Total capital assets for Policy and Strategic Planning Division $1,000

Public safety training - vote 2611

The mandate of the Public safety training program is to support expert training for police, firefighters and correctional services workers (correctional officers and probation and parole officers) to meet the policing, fire protection and correctional service needs of all communities throughout the province in a sustainable way.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Public safety training $20,229,900 $17,016,000 $3,213,900 $18,291,690
  Total operating expense to be voted $20,229,900 $17,016,000 $3,213,900 $18,291,690
  Total operating expense $20,229,900 $17,016,000 $3,213,900 $18,291,690

Operating assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
5 Public safety training $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
7 Public safety training $1,001,000 $501,000 $500,000 $471,399
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,001,000 $501,000 $500,000 $471,399
S Amortization, The Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $1,002,000 $502,000 $500,000 $471,399

Capital assets

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
6 Public safety training $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
2611-1 Public safety training    
  Salaries and wages   $11,192,200
  Employee benefits   $1,227,600
  Transportation and communication   $470,500
  Services   $5,582,100
  Supplies and equipment   $1,758,500
  Subtotal   $20,230,900
  Less: recoveries   $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $20,229,900
  Business support    
  Salaries and wages $474,100  
  Employee benefits $57,100  
  Transportation and communication $10,000  
  Services $9,200  
  Supplies and equipment $8,600  
  Subtotal $559,000  
  Less: recoveries $1,000 $558,000
  Ontario police college    
  Salaries and wages $10,718,100  
  Employee benefits $1,170,500  
  Transportation and communication $460,500  
  Services $5,572,900  
  Supplies and equipment $1,749,900 $19,671,900
  Total operating expense to be voted   $20,229,900
  Total operating expense for public safety training   $20,229,900

Operating assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2611-5 Public safety training  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Advances and recoverable amounts $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for public safety training $2,000

Capital expense

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2611-7 Public safety training  
  Services $1,000,000
  Other transactions  
  Loss on asset disposal $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,001,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, The Financial Administration Act $1,000
  Total capital expense for public safety training $1,002,000

Capital assets

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2611-6 Public safety training  
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000
  Total capital assets for public safety training $1,000