
The Ministry of Government and Consumer services (MGCS) delivers vital programs, services, and products to ministries across the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and to the public. Services are managed and delivered through MGCS’ four business lines: ServiceOntario, Consumer Protection Ontario, Ontario Shared Services and Information, Privacy and Archives.

Ministry Program Summary

Vote Program





Operating expense

1801 Ministry Administration Program $30,636,200 $31,433,300 ($797,100) $33,661,492
1809 Information, Privacy and Archives $17,407,500 $17,407,400 $100 $18,726,272
1811 Ontario Shared Services $214,338,700 $210,276,800 $4,061,900 $203,866,605
1812 Advertising Review Board $1,169,300 $1,169,300 - $1,152,949
1814 ServiceOntario Program $227,891,500 $238,892,800 ($11,001,300) $246,542,136
1816 Consumer services $16,969,800 $17,036,700 ($66,900) $19,350,276
1817 Government Services Integration Cluster $49,743,100 $51,240,100 ($1,497,000) $53,517,445
  Total operating expense to be voted $558,156,100 $567,456,400 ($9,300,300) $576,817,175
  Statutory appropriations $18,868,014 $18,868,014 - $11,864,051
  Ministry total operating expense $577,024,114 $586,324,414 ($9,300,300) $588,681,226
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $577,024,114 $586,324,414 ($9,300,300) $588,681,226

Operating assets

1811 Ontario Shared Services $1,000 $2,663,800 ($2,662,800) $2,605,520
1816 Consumer services $3,001,000 $3,501,000 ($500,000) -
1817 Government Services Integration Cluster $1,914,500 $1,914,500 - $1,862,389
  Total operating assets to be voted $4,916,500 $8,079,300 ($3,162,800) $4,467,909
  Ministry total operating assets $4,916,500 $8,079,300 ($3,162,800) $4,467,909

Capital expense

1801 Ministry Administration Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
1809 Information, Privacy and Archives $3,415,600 $3,706,000 ($290,400) $3,571,654
1811 Ontario Shared Services $2,000 $2,000 - -
1814 ServiceOntario Program $2,000,000 $2,000,000 - $2,738,329
1816 Consumer services $1,000 $1,000 - -
1817 Government Services Integration Cluster $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $5,422,600 $5,713,000 ($290,400) $6,309,983
  Statutory appropriations $10,825,300 $9,763,900 $1,061,400 $7,475,955
  Ministry total capital expense $16,247,900 $15,476,900 $771,000 $13,785,938

Capital assets

1811 Ontario Shared Services $23,564,300 $9,632,000 $13,932,300 -
1814 ServiceOntario Program $14,527,900 $6,708,600 $7,819,300 $1,176,928
1816 Consumer services $1,000 $1,000 - -
1817 Government Services Integration Cluster $7,872,600 $6,389,000 $1,483,600 $2,681,112
  Total capital assets to be voted $45,965,800 $22,730,600 $23,235,200 $3,858,040
  Ministry total capital assets $45,965,800 $22,730,600 $23,235,200 $3,858,040
  Ministry total operating and capital Including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $593,272,014 $601,801,314 ($8,529,300) $602,467,164

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $592,100,614 $593,920,426
Government reorganization    
Transfer of functions to other Ministries ($5,776,200) ($5,239,200)
Restated total operating expense $586,324,414 $588,681,226

Ministry Administration Program - vote 1801

The Ministry Administration Program provides administrative and support services to enable the ministry to deliver results for the government’s objectives and fiscal priorities. Its functions include financial and human resource management, coordination of policy and corporate initiatives, and accommodations and facilities management. The program also provides legal and communications services, and planning and results monitoring. The program assists and supports ministry program areas in achieving their business goals and organizational development.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ministry Administration $30,636,200 $31,433,300 ($797,100) $33,661,492
  Total operating expense to be voted $30,636,200 $31,433,300 ($797,100) $33,661,492
S Minister’s salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary assistant’s salary, the Executive Council Act $16,173 $16,173 - $16,667
  Total statutory appropriations $64,014 $64,014 - $65,968
  Total operating expense $30,700,214 $31,497,314 ($797,100) $33,727,460

Capital expense

4 Ministry Administration $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

1801-1 Ministry Administration    
  Salaries and wages   $15,954,200
  Employee benefits   $1,981,200
  Transportation and communication   $169,200
  Services   $62,273,200
  Supplies and equipment   $258,400
  Subtotal   $80,636,200
  Less: recoveries   $50,000,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $30,636,200
  Main office    
  Salaries and wages $1,776,000  
  Employee benefits $218,400  
  Transportation and communication $70,000  
  Services $469,100  
  Supplies and equipment $22,700 $2,556,200
  Financial and administrative services    
  Salaries and wages $8,440,600  
  Employee benefits $1,128,100  
  Transportation and communication $34,000  
  Services $52,944,600  
  Supplies and equipment $149,600  
  Subtotal $62,696,900  
  Less: recoveries $50,000,000 $12,696,900
  Legal services    
  Salaries and wages $10,000  
  Employee benefits $2,000  
  Transportation and communication $30,200  
  Services $6,619,700  
  Supplies and equipment $17,100 $6,679,000
  Audit services    
  Services $989,900 $989,900
  Communications services    
  Salaries and wages $4,145,400  
  Employee benefits $406,100  
  Transportation and communication $32,300  
  Services $994,600  
  Supplies and equipment $67,100 $5,645,500
  Human resources    
  Salaries and wages $1,582,200  
  Employee benefits $226,600  
  Transportation and communication $2,700  
  Services $255,300  
  Supplies and equipment $1,900 $2,068,700
  Total operating expense to be voted   $30,636,200
  Statutory appropriations    
Statutory Minister’s salary, the Executive Council Act   $47,841
Statutory Parliamentary assistant’s salary, the Executive Council Act   $16,173
  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $30,700,214

Capital expense

1801-4 Ministry Administration    
  Other transactions    
  Loss on asset disposal   $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
  Total capital expense for Ministry Administration Program   $2,000

Information, Privacy and Archives - vote 1809

Information, Privacy and Archives (IPA) provides corporate policies and guidance on sound practices related to records and information management, access to information, and privacy protection. The IPA collects, preserves, promotes, and facilitates access to the province’s documentary memory for current and future generations.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

7 Information, Privacy and Archives $17,407,500 $17,407,400 $100 $18,726,272
  Total operating expense to be voted $17,407,500 $17,407,400 $100 $18,726,272
  Total operating expense $17,407,500 $17,407,400 $100 $18,726,272

Capital expense

8 Information, Privacy and Archives $3,415,600 $3,706,000 ($290,400) $3,571,654
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,415,600 $3,706,000 ($290,400) $3,571,654
  Total capital expense $3,415,600 $3,706,000 ($290,400) $3,571,654

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

1809-7 Information, Privacy and Archives  
  Salaries and wages $8,973,000
  Employee benefits $1,202,100
  Transportation and communication $419,800
  Services $13,998,200
  Supplies and equipment $268,700
  Transfer payments  
  Archives support grants $45,700
  Subtotal $24,907,500
  Less: recoveries $7,500,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $17,407,500
  Total operating expense for Information, Privacy and Archives $17,407,500

Capital expense

1809-8 Information, Privacy and Archives  
  Services $3,415,600
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,415,600
  Total capital expense for Information, Privacy and Archives $3,415,600

Ontario Shared Services - vote 1811

Ontario Shared Services (OSS) provides ministries and employees a range of back office services related to procurement, finance, human resources, pay and benefits, and enterprise business services. OSS also supports Broader Public Sector supply chain transformation.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

5 Ontario Shared Services $214,337,700 $210,275,800 $4,061,900 $203,866,605
27 OPS Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Centralized Services $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating expense to be voted $214,338,700 $210,276,800 $4,061,900 $203,866,605
S Proceedings Against the Crown Act $13,500,000 $13,500,000 - $11,784,074
  Total statutory appropriations $13,500,000 $13,500,000 - $11,784,074
  Total operating expense $227,838,700 $223,776,800 $4,061,900 $215,650,679

Operating assets

6 Ontario Shared Services $1,000 $2,663,800 ($2,662,800) $2,605,520
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $2,663,800 ($2,662,800) $2,605,520
  Total operating assets $1,000 $2,663,800 ($2,662,800) $2,605,520

Capital expense

12 Ontario Shared Services $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
S Amortization - Ontario Shared Services, the Financial Administration Act $4,436,000 $4,436,000 - $4,462,271
  Total statutory appropriations $4,436,000 $4,436,000 - $4,462,271
  Total capital expense $4,438,000 $4,438,000 - $4,462,271

Capital expense

14 Ontario Shared Services $23,564,300 $9,632,000 $13,932,300 -
  Total capital assets to be voted $23,564,300 $9,632,000 $13,932,300 -
  Total capital assets $23,564,300 $9,632,000 $13,932,300 -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

1811-5 Ontario Shared Services    
  Salaries and wages   $131,505,900
  Employee benefits   $19,871,600
  Transportation and communication   $8,231,900
  Services   $56,566,100
  Supplies and equipment   $3,108,100
  Transfer payments    
  Student Experience Programs $1,000  
  Supply Chain Management and Innovation Projects in the Broader Public Sector $14,562,300 $14,563,300
  Other transactions    
  Other Transactions - other $1,883,600  
  Summer Employment $10,019,100 $11,902,700
  Subtotal   $245,749,600
  Less: recoveries   $31,411,900
  Total operating expense to be voted   $214,337,700
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Proceedings Against the Crown Act   $13,500,000
1811-27 OPS Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Centralized Services    
  Services   $58,001,000
  Less: recoveries   $58,000,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating expense for Ontario Shared Services   $227,838,700
  Statutory appropriations    
1811-6 Ontario Shared Services    
  Deposits and prepaid expenses   $1,000
  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Ontario Shared Services   $1,000

Capital expense

1811-12 Ontario Shared Services    
  Other transactions    
  Loss on asset disposal   $2,000
  Total capital expense to be voted   $2,000
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Amortization - Ontario Shared Services, the Financial Administration Act   $6,495,200
  Less: recoveries   $2,059,200
  Total capital expense for Ontario Shared Services   $4,438,000
  Capital assets    
1811-14 Ontario Shared Services    
  Business application software - salaries and wages   $1,318,400
  Business application software - employee benefits   $192,600
  Business application software - asset costs   $22,053,300
  Total capital assets to be voted   $23,564,300
  Total capital assets for Ontario Shared Services   $23,564,300

Advertising Review Board - vote 1812

The Advertising Review Board is designated as a mandatory central service for the procurement of advertising, public and media relations, and creative communications services for the OPS. This ensures ministries and government agencies acquire these services in a manner that is fair, open, transparent and accessible to qualified suppliers.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

4 Advertising Review Board $1,169,300 $1,169,300 - $1,152,949
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,169,300 $1,169,300 - $1,152,949
  Total operating expense $1,169,300 $1,169,300 - $1,152,949

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

1812-4 Advertising Review Board  
  Salaries and wages $506,200
  Employee benefits $45,100
  Transportation and communication $15,000
  Services $583,900
  Supplies and equipment $19,100
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,169,300
  Total operating expense for Advertising Review Board $1,169,300

ServiceOntario Program - vote 1814

ServiceOntario is the gateway to government services for individuals and businesses including health card; driver and vehicle; outdoor licensing (hunting, fishing); vital events; land and personal property registry; business services, information and intake.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 ServiceOntario $227,891,500 $238,892,800 ($11,001,300) $246,542,136
  Total operating expense to be voted $227,891,500 $238,892,800 ($11,001,300) $246,542,136
S Claims against Land Titles Assurance Fund, the Land Titles Act $5,001,000 $5,001,000 - -
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $301,000 $301,000 - $12,766
  Total statutory appropriations $5,302,000 $5,302,000 - $12,766
  Total operating expense $233,193,500 $244,194,800 ($11,001,300) $246,554,902

Capital expense

2 ServiceOntario $2,000,000 $2,000,000 - $2,738,329
  Total capital expense to be voted $2,000,000 $2,000,000 - $2,738,329
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $5,810,400 $5,111,900 $698,500 $3,013,684
  Total statutory appropriations $5,810,400 $5,111,900 $698,500 $3,013,684
  Total capital expense $7,810,400 $7,111,900 $698,500 $5,752,013

Capital assets

3 ServiceOntario $14,527,900 $6,708,600 $7,819,300 $1,176,928
  Total capital assets to be voted $14,527,900 $6,708,600 $7,819,300 $1,176,928
  Total capital assets $14,527,900 $6,708,600 $7,819,300 $1,176,928

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

1814-1 ServiceOntario  
  Salaries and wages $117,167,800
  Employee benefits $18,296,700
  Transportation and communication $13,354,700
  Services $84,084,100
  Supplies and equipment $12,460,500
  Subtotal $245,363,800
  Less: recoveries $17,472,300
  Total operating expense to be voted $227,891,500
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Claims against Land Titles Assurance Fund, the Land Titles Act $5,001,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $301,000
  Total operating expense for ServiceOntario Program $233,193,500

Capital expense

1814-2 ServiceOntario  
  Services $1,999,000
  Other transactions  
  Loss on asset disposal $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $2,000,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $5,810,400
  Total capital expense for ServiceOntario Program $7,810,400

Capital assets

1814-3 ServiceOntario  
  Business application software - salaries and wages $597,900
  Business application software - employee benefits $1,000
  Business application software - asset costs $13,931,000
  Subtotal $14,529,900
  Less: recoveries $2,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $14,527,900
  Total capital assets for ServiceOntario Program $14,527,900

Consumer services - vote 1816

As a modern regulator, Consumer Protection Ontario (CPO) provides services directly and indirectly through arm’s-length administrative authorities in the areas of consumer protection, public safety and business law. CPO leads the way to a fair, safe and informed marketplace through education, partnerships, legislation and enforcement.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Consumer services $16,969,800 $17,036,700 ($66,900) $19,350,276
  Total operating expense to be voted $16,969,800 $17,036,700 ($66,900) $19,350,276
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $2,000 $2,000 - $1,243
  Total statutory appropriations $2,000 $2,000 - $1,243
  Total operating expense $16,971,800 $17,038,700 ($66,900) $19,351,519

Operating assets

3 Consumer services $3,001,000 $3,501,000 ($500,000) -
  Total operating assets to be voted $3,001,000 $3,501,000 ($500,000) -
  Total operating assets $3,001,000 $3,501,000 ($500,000) -

Capital expense

4 Consumer services $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital assets

6 Consumer services $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

1816-1 Consumer services  
  Salaries and wages $10,919,900
  Employee benefits $1,361,100
  Transportation and communication $483,700
  Services $3,507,800
  Supplies and equipment $172,300
  Transfer payments  
  Grants in Support of Consumer services $525,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $16,969,800
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $2,000
  Total operating expense for Consumer services $16,971,800
  Statutory appropriations  
1816-3 Consumer services  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,000
  Loans and Investments  
  Operating assets – Loans and Investments $3,000,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $3,001,000
  Total operating assets for consumer services $3,001,000

Capital expense

1816-4 Consumer services  
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000
  Total capital expense for Consumer services $2,000

Capital assets

1816-6 Consumer services  
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000
  Total capital assets for Consumer services $1,000

Government Services Integration Cluster - vote 1817

The Government Services Integration Cluster (GSIC) provides strategic advice and cost-effective technology solutions for the Ministries of: Economic Development and Growth; Energy; Government and Consumer services; Infrastructure; International Trade; Research, Innovation and Science; Seniors Affairs, and the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario.

GSIC supports and enables the information technology necessary for its supported ministries and agencies to operate, modernize and transform their business.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Government Services Integration Cluster $49,743,100 $51,240,100 ($1,497,000) $53,517,445
  Total operating expense to be voted $49,743,100 $51,240,100 ($1,497,000) $53,517,445
  Total operating expense $49,743,100 $51,240,100 ($1,497,000) $53,517,445

Operating assets

7 Government Services Integration Cluster $1,914,500 $1,914,500 - $1,862,389
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,914,500 $1,914,500 - $1,862,389
  Total operating assets $1,914,500 $1,914,500 - $1,862,389

Capital expense

3 Government Services Integration Cluster $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,000 $3,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $576,900 $214,000 $362,900 -
  Total statutory appropriations $576,900 $214,000 $362,900 -
  Total capital expense $579,900 $217,000 $362,900 -

Capital assets

6 Government Services Integration Cluster $7,872,600 $6,389,000 $1,483,600 $2,681,112
  Total capital assets to be voted $7,872,600 $6,389,000 $1,483,600 $2,681,112
  Total capital assets $7,872,600 $6,389,000 $1,483,600 $2,681,112

Standard account by item and sub-items

Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

1817-1 Government Services Integration Cluster  
  Salaries and wages $24,723,100
  Employee benefits $3,292,600
  Transportation and communication $108,000
  Services $78,321,900
  Supplies and equipment $22,600
  Subtotal $106,468,200
  Less: recoveries $56,725,100
  Total operating expense to be voted $49,743,100
  Total operating expense for Government Services Integration Cluster $49,743,100
  Statutory appropriations  
1817-7 Government Services Integration Cluster  
  Deposits and prepaid expenses $1,914,500
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,914,500
  Total operating assets for Government Services Integration Cluster $1,914,500

Capital expense

1817-3 Government Services Integration Cluster  
  Services $2,000
  Other transactions $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,000
  Statutory appropriations  
  Other transactions  
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $798,100
  Less: recoveries $221,200
  Total capital expense for Government Services Integration Cluster $579,900

Capital assets

1817-6 Government Services Integration Cluster  
  Business application software - salaries and wages $1,948,200
  Business application software - employee benefits $272,800
  Business application software - asset costs $5,651,600
  Total capital assets to be voted $7,872,600
  Total capital assets for Government Services Integration Cluster $7,872,600