
Prior to COVID-19, partners and stakeholders of the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries’ partners delivered a spectacular double bottom line - economic bottom line and a social one. The economic bottom line translated into billions in economic activity and jobs for hundreds of thousands of people in every single community across the province. The social bottom line contributed to quality of life by making Ontario healthier, more dynamic and more diverse and inclusive.

Tourism, the arts and creative industries, museums and public libraries, amateur sport and recreation activities were hit first and hit hardest by the pandemic and will be among the last to recover. The Ministry acted quickly to protect heritage, sport, tourism and culture sectors by taking immediate steps such as adapting programs to expedite funding in a nimble and responsive way to support businesses and organizations as they pivot to a new way of life and a new way of doing business during the pandemic.

The Ministry continues to engage with its partners, adapt its existing programs and create new ones to support businesses and stakeholders, as well as local communities. When the timing is right, countries and communities will fully re-open and Ontario needs to be ready to support Ministry’s sectors in their short-, medium-, and long-term recovery.

Looking towards the future, the government is transforming Ontario Place into a world class, year-round destination that will attract local, provincial and international visitors - including exciting sport and entertainment landmarks, public spaces and parks, recreational facilities and retail. It is central to the recovery of heritage, culture, recreation and tourism for all Ontarians post pandemic - both as a tourism destination but also as a display of our strong cultural identity.

The Ministry’s continued work will help generate economic activity, create jobs, and boost local economies by creating an environment where businesses and their employees can rebuild and thrive.

Investments in ministry programs provide much needed support in communities across the province, provide jobs and opportunities for people and help communities thrive and succeed by showcasing their strengths to the world. These investments ensure that the Ministry remains a powerhouse that fuels a double bottom line, both the financial bottom line and the equally important bottom line of the province's cultural fabric and identity.

Ministry program summary

Vote Program





Operating expense

3801 Ministry Administration Program $23,764,900 $23,772,200 ($7,300) $24,203,587
3803 Sport, Recreation and Community Programs $57,603,600 $57,825,700 ($222,100) $64,533,001
3805 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs $303,290,200 $418,692,700 ($115,402,500) $108,647,537
3806 Ontario Trillium Foundation Program $103,557,000 $178,557,000 ($75,000,000) $133,497,000
3808 Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits $816,922,600 $602,135,900 $214,786,700 $576,151,935
3811 Agency Programs $236,518,400 $235,372,900 $1,145,500 $320,814,248
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,541,656,700 $1,516,356,400 $25,300,300 $1,227,847,308
  Statutory appropriations $83,187 $99,360 ($16,173) $246,055
  Ministry total operating expense $1,541,739,887 $1,516,455,760 $25,284,127 $1,228,093,363
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Place Corporation $9,630,700 $7,022,000 $2,608,700 $6,252,849
  Consolidation adjustment - Metro Toronto Convention Centre $45,965,700 $35,000,000 $10,965,700 $11,506,893
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation ($3,150,900) $639,900 ($3,790,800) ($1,993,725)
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Science Centre $9,971,000 $14,071,800 ($4,100,800) $897,630
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Trillium Foundation $24,185,100 $20,742,000 $3,443,100 ($1,412,626)
  Consolidation adjustment - Royal Ontario Museum $33,800,000 $34,295,000 ($495,000) $11,936,688
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Arts Council $1,130,300 $1,257,500 ($127,200) $1,360,570
  Consolidation adjustment - Niagara Parks Commission $57,588,600 $84,556,400 ($26,967,800) $31,098,251
  Consolidation adjustment - Ottawa Convention Centre $12,114,100 $14,346,400 ($2,232,300) $571,916
  Consolidation adjustment - Science North $6,823,000 $5,846,200 $976,800 $4,664,653
  St. Lawrence Parks – Operating Consolidation $9,921,400 $12,277,800 ($2,356,400) $6,454,864
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($899,900) ($891,000) ($8,900) ($897,747)
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation - - - ($8,788,849)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $1,748,818,987 $1,745,619,760 $3,199,227 $1,289,744,730

Capital Expense

3801 Ministry Administration Program $4,000 $4,000 - -
3804 Tourism and Culture Capital Program $108,888,400 $85,821,100 $23,067,300 $81,957,408
3805 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs $1,000 $1,000 - -
3811 Agency Programs $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $108,894,400 $85,827,100 $23,067,300 $81,957,408
  Statutory appropriations $4,000 $4,000 - -
  Ministry total capital expense $108,898,400 $85,831,100 $23,067,300 $81,957,408
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Place Corporation $354,800 $473,500 ($118,700) $339,040
  Consolidation adjustment - Metro Toronto Convention Centre $10,700,000 $11,100,000 ($400,000) $10,760,532
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation $1,014,800 $514,000 $500,800 $991,585
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Science Centre $1,631,100 $1,423,500 $207,600 $1,461,153
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Trillium Foundation $140,000 $234,000 ($94,000) $248,260
  Consolidation adjustment - Royal Ontario Museum $8,100,000 $7,248,000 $852,000 $9,879,000
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Arts Council $210,000 $210,000 - $256,349
  Consolidation adjustment - Niagara Parks Commission $13,149,900 $14,679,500 ($1,529,600) $11,814,242
  Consolidation adjustment - Ottawa Convention Centre $744,300 ($1,253,600) $1,997,900 $4,492,134
  St. Lawrence Parks – Capital Consolidation ($3,453,100) ($422,700) ($3,030,400) ($1,070,363)
  Consolidation adjustment - Science North $2,847,600 $1,746,600 $1,101,000 $2,319,845
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($5,000,000) ($46,007,100) $41,007,100 ($4,125)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $139,337,800 $75,776,800 $63,561,000 $123,445,060

Capital assets

3801 Ministry Administration Program $3,000 $3,000 - -
3805 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs $2,501,000 $1,000 $2,500,000 -
3811 Agency Programs $39,273,000 $39,273,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $41,777,000 $39,277,000 $2,500,000 -
  Ministry total capital assets $41,777,000 $39,277,000 $2,500,000 -
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $1,888,156,787 $1,821,396,560 $66,760,227 $1,413,189,790

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $1,518,822,260 $1,231,732,752
Government reorganization    
Transfer of functions to other Ministries ($2,366,500) ($3,639,389)
Restated total operating expense $1,516,455,760 $1,228,093,363

Ministry Administration Program - vote 3801

The Ministry Administration Program includes the Offices of the Minister, Parliamentary Assistant and Deputy Minister as well as the Regional and Corporate Services Division, Communications Branch and Legal Services Branch. The Program works to achieve ministry and government objectives by providing strategic advice and vital support services, including communications, legal services, human resources, regional program delivery and support, strategic policy, corporate and fiscal planning, controllership activities, and information technology and business solutions. Regional and Corporate Services Division and Legal Services Branch serve multiple client ministries.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ministry administration $23,764,900 $23,772,200 ($7,300) $24,203,587
  Total operating expense to be voted $23,764,900 $23,772,200 ($7,300) $24,203,587
S Minister's salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary assistants' salaries, the Executive Council Act $32,346 $48,519 ($16,173) $50,001
  Total statutory appropriations $80,187 $96,360 ($16,173) $99,302
  Total operating expense $23,845,087 $23,868,560 ($23,473) $24,302,889

Capital expense

3 Ministry administration $4,000 $4,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $4,000 $4,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total capital expense $6,000 $6,000 - -

Capital assets

2 Ministry administration $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Total capital assets $3,000 $3,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3801-1 Ministry administration    
  Salaries and wages   $16,749,800
  Employee benefits   $1,953,200
  Transportation and communication   $934,000
  Services   $3,543,000
  Supplies and equipment   $584,900
  Transfer payments    
  Summer Experience Program (SEP)   $1,000
  Subtotal   $23,765,900
  Less: recoveries   $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $23,764,900
  Main office    
  Salaries and wages $2,575,000  
  Employee benefits $313,400  
  Transportation and communication $204,700  
  Services $98,600  
  Supplies and equipment $83,400 $3,275,100
  Communications services    
  Salaries and wages $2,238,300  
  Employee benefits $348,400  
  Transportation and communication $48,000  
  Services $93,100  
  Supplies and equipment $121,000 $2,848,800
  Information technology    
  Services $1,155,100 $1,155,100
  Legal services    
  Transportation and communication $17,500  
  Services $2,095,000  
  Supplies and equipment $12,400 $2,124,900
  Regional services    
  Salaries and wages $5,805,100  
  Employee benefits $614,500  
  Transportation and communication $541,200  
  Supplies and equipment $227,100  
  Transfer payments    
  Summer Experience Program (SEP) $1,000  
  Subtotal $7,188,900  
  Less: recoveries $1,000 $7,187,900
  Human resources    
  Salaries and wages $1,218,200  
  Employee benefits $91,000  
  Transportation and communication $24,400  
  Services $53,800  
  Supplies and equipment $26,200 $1,413,600
  Financial and Administrative Support Services    
  Salaries and wages $3,063,100  
  Employee benefits $380,200  
  Transportation and communication $70,000  
  Services $27,700  
  Supplies and equipment $95,300 $3,636,300
  Strategic Policy Development and Planning    
  Salaries and wages $1,850,100  
  Employee benefits $205,700  
  Transportation and communication $28,200  
  Services $19,700  
  Supplies and equipment $19,500 $2,123,200
  Total operating expense to be voted   $23,764,900
  Statutory appropriations    
Statutory Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act   $47,841
Statutory Parliamentary assistants' salaries, the Executive Council Act   $32,346
  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $23,845,087

Capital expense

3801-3 Ministry administration    
  Other transactions   $4,000
  Total capital expense to be voted   $4,000
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act   $2,000
  Total capital expense for Ministry Administration Program   $6,000
  Capital assets    
3801-2 Ministry administration    
  Land   $1,000
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs   $2,000
  Total capital assets to be voted   $3,000
  Total capital assets for Ministry Administration Program   $3,000

Sport, Recreation and Community Programs - vote 3803

The Ministry's sport and recreation sectors are important to the physical, social and economic well-being of Ontarians. The Ministry’s programs champion sport and recreation activities across the Province.

Support for amateur sport is focused on participation, development, safety and excellence for athletes of all ages and abilities.

The Ministry leads Ontario's interests in recreation by providing funding for key partners to deliver programs that increase physical activity, including targeted supports to engage Indigenous communities; provide after school programs for children and youth; and provide coordination for provincial interests in trails, parkland, open space and water-based recreation resources.

The Ministry also has oversight and responsibility for amateur and professional combative sport, and works to make Ontario a leader in the area of sport safety.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Sport, Recreation and Community $57,603,600 $57,825,700 ($222,100) $64,533,001
  Total operating expense to be voted $57,603,600 $57,825,700 ($222,100) $64,533,001
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating expense $57,604,600 $57,826,700 ($222,100) $64,533,001

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3803-1 Sport, Recreation and Community    
  Salaries and wages   $4,246,200
  Employee benefits   $438,400
  Transportation and communication   $385,000
  Services   $713,700
  Supplies and equipment   $408,100
  Transfer payments    
  Active recreation $27,354,000  
  Sport $24,058,200 $51,412,200
  Total operating expense to be voted   $57,603,600
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
  Total operating expense for Sport, Recreation and Community Programs   $57,604,600

Tourism and Culture Capital Program - vote 3804

The Ministry makes capital investments in its sectors which address repair and rehabilitation considerations, drive competitiveness and sustainability, and help Ontario enhance the visitor experience and its appeal as a regional, national and international tourist and cultural destination.

The Ministry leads the development of the Ontario Place site as a world-class year-round destination that will attract local, provincial and international visitors.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Capital expense

1 Tourism and Culture Capital $108,888,400 $85,821,100 $23,067,300 $81,957,408
  Total capital expense to be voted $108,888,400 $85,821,100 $23,067,300 $81,957,408
  Total capital expense $108,888,400 $85,821,100 $23,067,300 $81,957,408

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Capital expense

3804-1 Tourism and Culture Capital    
  Services   $78,441,000
  Supplies and equipment   $1,000
  Transfer payments    
  Repairs and Rehabilitation Capital $25,045,400  
  Grants in Support of Sport and Recreation $1,000  
  Agencies and Attractions Capital Sector Support $2,900,000  
  Grants in Support of Culture $2,500,000 $30,446,400
  Total capital expense to be voted   $108,888,400
  Total capital expense for Tourism and Culture Capital Program   $108,888,400

Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs - vote 3805

The Ministry is responsible for strategic policy, programs and services, and research initiatives related to the arts, cultural industries, archaeology, museums, heritage, public libraries and tourism in Ontario. The Ministry works with partners to: foster community capacity in the conservation of Ontario's heritage; raise the profile of Ontario as a province rich in cultural, heritage and archaeological resources and attractions; encourage and promote Ontario's cultural tourism products; cultivate growth in creative industries such as film, television, book and magazine publishing, music recording and digital media to make Ontario a leader in the knowledge-based economy; provide communities with greater access to information through their public libraries; attract private sector investment; and support regional planning and economic development through the Regional Tourism Organizations to build a stronger, more competitive tourism industry.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs $303,290,200 $418,692,700 ($115,402,500) $108,647,537
  Total operating expense to be voted $303,290,200 $418,692,700 ($115,402,500) $108,647,537
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $70,916
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - $70,916
  Total operating expense $303,291,200 $418,693,700 ($115,402,500) $108,718,453

Capital expense

3 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital assets

2 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs $2,501,000 $1,000 $2,500,000 -
  Total capital assets to be voted $2,501,000 $1,000 $2,500,000 -
  Total capital assets $2,501,000 $1,000 $2,500,000 -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3805-1 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs    
  Salaries and wages   $10,534,400
  Employee benefits   $1,286,100
  Transportation and communication   $152,000
  Services   $1,394,600
  Supplies and equipment   $97,900
  Transfer payments    
  Grants in Support for Tourism Regions $19,955,200  
  Grants in Support of the Festival and Event Attractions and Support Program $19,500,000  
  Grants in Support of Tourism Investment Development $500,000  
  Tourism Recovery and Support $200,000,000  
  Heritage Initiative $7,000,000  
  Ontario Library Service $2,743,500  
  Arts Sector Support $2,245,800  
  Heritage Sector Support $5,730,600  
  Libraries Sector Support $25,151,100  
  Ontario Music Investment Fund $7,000,000 $289,826,200
  Subtotal   $303,291,200
  Less: recoveries   $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $303,290,200
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
  Total operating expense for Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs   $303,291,200

Capital expense

3805-3 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs    
  Other transactions   $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
  Total capital expense for Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs   $2,000

Capital assets

3805-2 Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs    
  Business application software - asset costs   $2,500,000
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs   $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted   $2,501,000
  Total capital assets for Heritage, Tourism and Culture Programs   $2,501,000

Ontario Trillium Foundation Program - vote 3806

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is one of Canada's leading charitable grant-making foundations. The mission of the Foundation is to build healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario by strengthening the capacity of the voluntary sector, through investments in community-based initiatives.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ontario Trillium Foundation $103,557,000 $178,557,000 ($75,000,000) $133,497,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $103,557,000 $178,557,000 ($75,000,000) $133,497,000
  Total operating expense $103,557,000 $178,557,000 ($75,000,000) $133,497,000

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount

Operating expense

3806-1 Ontario Trillium Foundation  
  Transfer payments  
  Ontario Trillium Foundation $103,557,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $103,557,000
  Total operating expense for Ontario Trillium Foundation Program $103,557,000

Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits - vote 3808

Ontario's cultural media tax credits provide incentives and support for Ontario-based companies to produce films, television programs, interactive digital media products or books in Ontario. The tax credits help stimulate job creation and investment in the province's creative industries. The Canada Revenue Agency administers the program on behalf of Ontario through the federal income tax system.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits $816,922,600 $602,135,900 $214,786,700 $576,151,935
  Total operating expense to be voted $816,922,600 $602,135,900 $214,786,700 $576,151,935
  Total operating expense $816,922,600 $602,135,900 $214,786,700 $576,151,935

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

3808-1 Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits    
  Transfer payments    
  Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit $4,253,000  
  Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit $64,125,000  
  Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit $309,840,500  
  Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit $71,881,500  
  Ontario Production Services Tax Credit $366,822,600 $816,922,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $816,922,600
  Total operating expense for Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits   $816,922,600

Agency Programs - vote 3811

The Ministry's attractions and agencies promote the cultural fabric of Ontario as well as its economic growth and job creation by offering a range of educational, recreational, cultural and entertainment programs for residents and visitors. The Agency Program is responsible for governance, appointments, accountability and oversight of operating funding for agencies and attractions within the Ministry's portfolio, including two directly operated attractions.

The Agency Program is responsible for driving the Ministry's agency modernization and transformation initiatives and to ensure agencies are provided with stabilization funding to assist with their operational needs.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Agency programs $236,518,400 $235,372,900 $1,145,500 $320,814,248
  Total operating expense to be voted $236,518,400 $235,372,900 $1,145,500 $320,814,248
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $75,837
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - $75,837
  Total operating expense $236,519,400 $235,373,900 $1,145,500 $320,890,085

Capital expense

3 Agency programs $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -

Capital assets

2 Agency programs $39,273,000 $39,273,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $39,273,000 $39,273,000 - -
  Total capital assets $39,273,000 $39,273,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount Amount

Operating expense

3811-1 Agency programs      
  Salaries and wages     $9,812,000
  Employee benefits     $1,349,500
  Transportation and communication     $277,200
  Services     $2,123,300
  Supplies and equipment     $867,100
  Transfer payments      
  McMichael Canadian Collection   $3,328,800  
  Ontario Arts Council   $64,937,400  
  Ontario Media Development Corporation   $28,850,300  
  Ontario Heritage Trust   $3,829,300  
  Ontario Science Centre   $19,364,100  
  Royal Botanical Gardens   $4,036,000  
  Royal Ontario Museum   $27,280,900  
  Science North   $6,828,900  
  St. Lawrence Parks Commission   $7,122,800  
  Ontario Place Corporation   $2,070,000  
  Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation   $32,967,500  
  Agencies and Attractions Sector Support   $1,000  
  Transformation and Delivery Office   $400,000  
  Art Gallery of Ontario   $21,072,300 $222,089,300
  Total operating expense to be voted     $236,518,400
  Transformation and delivery      
  Salaries and wages   $2,539,300  
  Employee benefits   $270,800  
  Transportation and communication   $75,200  
  Services   $213,700  
  Supplies and equipment   $54,000  
  Transfer payments      
  Transformation and Delivery Office $400,000    
  Ontario Place Corporation $2,070,000 $2,470,000 $5,623,000
  Agency Relations and Accountability      
  Salaries and wages   $7,272,700  
  Employee benefits   $1,078,700  
  Transportation and communication   $202,000  
  Services   $1,909,600  
  Supplies and equipment   $813,100  
  Transfer payments      
  McMichael Canadian Collection $3,328,800    
  Ontario Arts Council $64,937,400    
  Ontario Media Development Corporation $28,850,300    
  Ontario Heritage Trust $3,829,300    
  Ontario Science Centre $19,364,100    
  Royal Botanical Gardens $4,036,000    
  Royal Ontario Museum $27,280,900    
  Science North $6,828,900    
  St. Lawrence Parks Commission $7,122,800    
  Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation $32,967,500    
  Agencies and Attractions Sector Support $1,000    
  Art Gallery of Ontario $21,072,300 $219,619,300 $230,895,400
  Total operating expense to be voted     $236,518,400
  Statutory appropriations      
  Other transactions      
Statutory Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act     $1,000
  Total operating expense for agency programs     $236,519,400

Capital expense

3811-3 Agency programs      
  Other transactions     $1,000
  Total capital expense to be voted     $1,000
  Statutory appropriations      
  Other transactions      
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act     $1,000
  Total capital expense for Agency Programs     $2,000

Capital assets

3811-2 Agency programs      
  Land     $39,272,000
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs     $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted     $39,273,000
  Total capital assets for Agency Programs     $39,273,000