
The Ministry of the Solicitor General (the ministry) is committed to ensuring that all Ontario’s communities are kept safe. To fulfill its mandate, the ministry’s responsibilities are divided into two distinct parts: community safety and correctional services.

As part of its community safety mandate, the ministry is responsible for establishing provincewide police standards, police oversight and supporting crime prevention initiatives at a local and provincial level. It maintains the physical and economic security of Ontario by coordinating public safety initiatives among municipal, fire and emergency services. In addition, the ministry leads Ontario’s emergency response, including declarations of emergency and the implementation of emergency and public safety orders, including orders for enforcement. It also oversees the governance and licensing of private security guards and investigators and is directly responsible for Ontario’s animal welfare enforcement system.

Within the correctional services’ mandate, the ministry operates a safe, effective and accountable adult corrections system that includes correctional facilities and probation and parole offices across the province. It is responsible for the safety and well-being of correctional services staff and those on remand or serving a custodial or community sentence.

Organizations within the ministry that contribute to community safety include the Ontario Provincial Police, the Office of the Chief Coroner, the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, the Office of the Fire Marshal, Emergency Management Ontario, Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations and the Anti-Racism Directorate. The ministry also delivers training for first responders and frontline staff through the Correctional Services Recruitment & Training Centre and Ontario Police College and develops training courses for local fire services.

Ministry Program Summary

Vote Program





  Operating expense        
2601 Ministry Administration $145,802,900 $146,689,000 ($886,100) $163,366,481
2603 Public Safety Division $380,139,100 $359,175,400 $20,963,700 $340,054,935
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $1,273,231,700 $1,225,499,600 $47,732,100 $1,162,198,705
2605 Correctional Services $1,077,661,800 $1,036,691,300 $40,970,500 $1,017,685,191
2606 Justice Technology Services $221,429,300 $124,742,400 $96,686,900 $97,003,094
2607 Agencies, Boards and Commissions $892,600 $894,200 ($1,600) $745,314
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $83,326,100 $83,148,400 $177,700 $82,604,545
2610 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $6,624,400 $4,451,000 $2,173,400 $7,386,645
2612 Inspectorate $5,345,500 $3,644,200 $1,701,300 -
2613 Anti-Racism Directorate $4,914,500 $4,915,200 ($700) $3,576,263
  Total operating expense to be voted $3,199,367,900 $2,989,850,700 $209,517,200 $2,874,621,173
  Statutory appropriations $132,187 $132,187 - $20,295,909
  Ministry total operating expense $3,199,500,087 $2,989,982,887 $209,517,200 $2,894,917,082
  Consolidation adjustment - School Boards - - - ($1,034,580)
  Consolidation adjustment - Colleges - - - ($15,902)
  Consolidation adjustment - Hospitals ($21,135,400) ($21,367,000) $231,600 ($22,201,631)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($179,711,000) ($178,602,400) ($1,108,600) ($525,738)
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation ($24,046,300) ($4,643,300) ($19,403,000) ($140,961,350)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $2,974,607,387 $2,785,370,187 $189,237,200 $2,730,177,881
  Operating assets        
2601 Ministry Administration $1,000 $1,000 - -
2603 Public Safety Division $2,000 $4,000 ($2,000) -
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $2,000 $2,000 - -
2605 Correctional Services $2,000 $2,000 - -
2606 Justice Technology Services $9,209,600 $6,002,000 $3,207,600 -
2607 Agencies, Boards and Commissions $2,000 $2,000 - -
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $2,000 $2,000 - -
2610 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $2,000 $2,000 - -
2612 Inspectorate $2,000 $2,000 - -
2613 Anti-Racism Directorate $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $9,226,600 $6,021,000 $3,205,600 -
  Ministry total operating assets $9,226,600 $6,021,000 $3,205,600 -
  Capital expense        
2601 Ministry Administration $702,600 $5,944,100 ($5,241,500) $2,181,135
2603 Public Safety Division $27,215,100 $24,274,100 $2,941,000 $22,214,161
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $26,170,900 $25,868,100 $302,800 $26,127,613
2605 Correctional Services $84,202,000 $71,757,100 $12,444,900 $47,870,578
2606 Justice Technology Services $1,000 $3,051,000 ($3,050,000) -
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $1,000 $1,000 - -
2610 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $138,293,600 $130,896,400 $7,397,200 $98,393,487
  Statutory appropriations $24,950,500 $21,216,300 $3,734,200 $16,156,858
  Ministry total capital expense $163,244,100 $152,112,700 $11,131,400 $114,550,345
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($41,406,800) ($73,936,900) $32,530,100 ($81,279,256)
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation - - - ($561,792)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $121,837,300 $78,175,800 $43,661,500 $32,709,297
  Capital assets        
2601 Ministry Administration $1,000 $1,000 - -
2603 Public Safety Division $1,926,000 $1,292,000 $634,000 $923,739
2604 Ontario Provincial Police $36,308,900 $48,935,800 ($12,626,900) $118,484,328
2605 Correctional Services $150,577,900 $12,161,400 $138,416,500 $4,914,233
2606 Justice Technology Services $401,029,700 $75,446,800 $325,582,900 -
2609 Emergency Planning and Management $140,000 $5,281,000 ($5,141,000) $5,494,167
2610 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $589,984,500 $143,119,000 $446,865,500 $129,816,467
  Ministry total capital assets $589,984,500 $143,119,000 $446,865,500 $129,816,467
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $3,096,444,687 $2,863,545,987 $232,898,700 $2,762,887,178

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $2,975,889,787 $2,906,006,883
Government reorganization    

Transfer of functions from other Ministries

$2,097,900 $2,097,900

Transfer of functions to other Ministries

($13,187,700) ($13,187,701)
Supplementary Estimates    

2020-21 Supplementary Estimates

$25,182,900 -
Restated total operating expense $2,989,982,887 $2,894,917,082

Ministry Administration - vote 2601

Ministry Administration provides a broad range of management services with respect to the overall administration of the ministry including: human resources, business and financial planning, controllership, procurement and business improvement, communications, legal services, facilities management as well as other specialized and time-limited functions. The program shares Justice Sector services for freedom of information, French language services and internal audit.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Ministry Administration $145,802,900 $146,689,000 ($886,100) $163,366,481
  Total operating expense to be voted $145,802,900 $146,689,000 ($886,100) $163,366,481
S Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Parliamentary Assistants' Salaries, the Executive Council Act $32,346 $32,346 - $29,121
S Payments under the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $19,635,744
S Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act $50,000 $50,000 - $90,000
  Total statutory appropriations $131,187 $131,187 - $19,804,166
  Total operating expense $145,934,087 $146,820,187 ($886,100) $183,170,647
  Operating assets        
10 Accounts Receivable $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Capital expense        
2 Facilities Renewal $701,600 $5,943,100 ($5,241,500) $2,181,135
5 Ministry Administration, Expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $702,600 $5,944,100 ($5,241,500) $2,181,135
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $703,600 $5,945,100 ($5,241,500) $2,181,135
  Capital assets        
4 Ministry Administration $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2601-1 Ministry Administration    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $145,802,900
  Main Office    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$80,300 $3,578,800
  Corporate Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$349,600 $13,306,800
  Communications Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$73,600 $3,746,700
  Legal Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$65,000 $4,589,000
  Accommodation - Leasing Costs    


$114,269,900 $114,269,900

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits



$1,240,000 $6,311,700
  Total operating expense to be voted   $145,802,900
  Statutory appropriations    

Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act


Parliamentary Assistants' Salaries, the Executive Council Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Payments under the Financial Administration Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration   $145,934,087
  Operating assets    
2601-10 Accounts Receivable    

Advances and recoverable amounts


Advances and Recoverable - In-year Recoveries

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Ministry Administration   $1,000
  Capital expense    
2601-2 Facilities Renewal    



Supplies and equipment


Other transactions


Other Transactions - Capital Investment

  Total capital expense to be voted   $701,600
2601-5 Ministry Administration, Expense related to Capital assets    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Ministry Administration   $703,600
  Capital assets    
2601-4 Ministry Administration    

Information technology hardware

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total capital assets for Ministry Administration   $1,000

Public Safety Division - vote 2603

The Public Safety Division works with its policing, municipal, First Nation and community partners to promote community safety and well-being. Activities include: scientific analysis at the Centre of Forensic Sciences; oversight of the private security and investigative services industry; development and amendment of policing legislation, regulation and guidance; expert training delivery and support for police and other public safety personnel; administration of community safety grants; implementing and supporting community safety and well-being planning across the province; support for intelligence-led operations; management of provincial appointments and oversight of the Constable Selection System tools; delivery of the Ontario Major Case Management system; administration and enforcement of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) Act, including the protection of animals; and broader engagement to support First Nations policing in Ontario including administration of funding agreements with First Nations communities in partnership with the federal government.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Public Safety Division – Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister $583,200 $584,500 ($1,300) $648,565
5 External Relations Branch $302,505,100 $284,052,900 $18,452,200 $280,697,454
6 Animal Welfare and Private Security and Investigative Services $21,640,800 $18,841,500 $2,799,300 $4,967,300
7 Centre of Forensic Sciences $30,523,100 $30,731,300 ($208,200) $28,086,166
10 Ontario Police College $24,886,900 $24,965,200 ($78,300) $25,655,450
  Total operating expense to be voted $380,139,100 $359,175,400 $20,963,700 $340,054,935
  Total operating expense $380,139,100 $359,175,400 $20,963,700 $340,054,935
  Operating assets        
4 Public Safety Programs Division $2,000 $4,000 ($2,000) -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $4,000 ($2,000) -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $4,000 ($2,000) -
  Capital expense        
9 Public Safety Division $27,215,100 $24,274,100 $2,941,000 $22,214,161
  Total capital expense to be voted $27,215,100 $24,274,100 $2,941,000 $22,214,161
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $951,700 $621,200 $330,500 $624,416
  Total statutory appropriations $951,700 $621,200 $330,500 $624,416
  Total capital expense $28,166,800 $24,895,300 $3,271,500 $22,838,577
  Capital assets        
8 Public Safety Division $1,926,000 $1,292,000 $634,000 $923,739
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,926,000 $1,292,000 $634,000 $923,739
  Total capital assets $1,926,000 $1,292,000 $634,000 $923,739

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2603-1 Public Safety Division – Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $583,200
2603-5 External Relations Branch    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Community Safety and Policing Grant


Grants for Municipal Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) Programs


Miscellaneous Grants - Policing Services


Safer and Vital Communities Grant


Federal-Provincial First Nations Policing Agreement


Municipal Hate Crime Extremism Investigative Funding


Ontario Association of Crime Stoppers


Court Security

$125,000,000 $284,804,900
  Subtotal   $306,205,100
  Less: recoveries   $3,700,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $302,505,100
2603-6 Animal Welfare and Private Security and Investigative Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $21,640,800
2603-7 Centre of Forensic Sciences    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $30,523,100
2603-10 Ontario Police College    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $24,887,900
  Less: recoveries   $1,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $24,886,900
  Total operating expense for Public Safety Division   $380,139,100
  Operating assets    
2603-4 Public Safety Programs Division    

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted   $2,000
  Total operating assets for Public Safety Division   $2,000
  Capital expense    
2603-9 Public Safety Division    



Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Policing Equipment


Federal-Provincial First Nations Policing Agreements

$8,000,000 $10,000,000

Other transactions


Capital Investments


Loss on asset disposal

$1,000 $16,465,100
  Total capital expense to be voted   $27,215,100
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Public Safety Division   $28,166,800
  Capital assets    
2603-8 Public Safety Division    

Machinery and equipment - asset costs


Land and marine fleet - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,926,000
  Total capital assets for Public Safety Division   $1,926,000

Ontario Provincial Police - vote 2604

Reporting to the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the OPP provides direct front-line policing services in hundreds of municipalities and First Nations communities throughout the province utilizing Ontario’s Mobilization and Engagement Model. The OPP investigates province-wide and cross-jurisdictional crimes including complex fraud and organized criminal activity. In addition, the OPP patrols provincial highways and is responsible for many of the waterways and trail systems in the province. The OPP maintains specialized provincial registries, e.g., Violent Crimes Linkages Analysis System, Human Trafficking and the Ontario Sex Offender Registry. Oversight of provincial strategies such as child exploitation, serious fraud and biker enforcement are also responsibilities of the OPP. Included as part of its provincial mandate, the OPP also investigates anti-terrorism, cybercrime, provides emergency services support, is responsible for security for high profile international events, and delivers specialized security and protection services for the Government of Ontario throughout the province.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Corporate and Strategic Services $191,336,000 $161,625,700 $29,710,300 $191,789,570
2 Chief Firearms Office $7,167,300 $7,167,300 - $5,991,268
3 Investigations and Organized Crime $181,539,300 $167,282,500 $14,256,800 $152,426,790
4 Field and Traffic Services $826,698,500 $823,387,900 $3,310,600 $764,424,444
5 Fleet Management $66,490,600 $66,036,200 $454,400 $47,566,633
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,273,231,700 $1,225,499,600 $47,732,100 $1,162,198,705
S Payments under the Police Services Act $1,000 $1,000 - $491,743
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - $491,743
  Total operating expense $1,273,232,700 $1,225,500,600 $47,732,100 $1,162,690,448
  Operating assets        
6 Ontario Provincial Police $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital expense        
8 Ontario Provincial Police $26,170,900 $25,868,100 $302,800 $26,127,613
  Total capital expense to be voted $26,170,900 $25,868,100 $302,800 $26,127,613
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $12,945,600 $10,876,000 $2,069,600 $11,038,038
  Total statutory appropriations $12,945,600 $10,876,000 $2,069,600 $11,038,038
  Total capital expense $39,116,500 $36,744,100 $2,372,400 $37,165,651
  Capital assets        
7 Ontario Provincial Police $36,308,900 $48,935,800 ($12,626,900) $118,484,328
  Total capital assets to be voted $36,308,900 $48,935,800 ($12,626,900) $118,484,328
  Total capital assets $36,308,900 $48,935,800 ($12,626,900) $118,484,328

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2604-1 Corporate and Strategic Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $193,183,600
  Less: recoveries   $1,847,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $191,336,000
2604-2 Chief Firearms Office    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $7,167,300
2604-3 Investigations and Organized Crime    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $185,047,900
  Less: recoveries   $3,508,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $181,539,300
2604-4 Field and Traffic Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $861,219,900
  Less: recoveries   $34,521,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $826,698,500
2604-5 Fleet Management    

Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $70,015,200
  Less: recoveries   $3,524,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $66,490,600
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Payments under the Police Services Act

  Total operating expense for Ontario Provincial Police   $1,273,232,700
  Operating assets    
2604-6 Ontario Provincial Police    

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted   $2,000
  Total operating assets for Ontario Provincial Police   $2,000
  Capital expense    
2604-8 Ontario Provincial Police    



Supplies and equipment


Other transactions


Capital Investments


Loss on asset disposal

$375,000 $18,170,900
  Total capital expense to be voted   $26,170,900
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Ontario Provincial Police   $39,116,500
  Capital assets    
2604-7 Ontario Provincial Police    

Buildings – alternative financing and procurement


Machinery and equipment - asset costs


Information technology hardware


Land and marine fleet - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $36,308,900
  Total capital assets for Ontario Provincial Police   $36,308,900

Correctional Services - vote 2605

The ministry is committed to reforming Ontario’s adult correctional system to increase efficiency, enhance long-term outcomes and improve the experience of our frontline staff. This will be achieved by using technology to automate and digitize business processes, providing alternatives to incarceration, developing resources to better support frontline staff, implementing governance and review mechanisms and working collaboratively with other ministries, stakeholders and communities. The reform of Ontario’s Correctional Services will contribute to creating an integrated, efficient and sustainable criminal justice system that supports prevention and successful reintegration, while protecting public safety.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Operational Support $21,229,100 $19,167,900 $2,061,200 $21,970,891
2 Staff Recruitment and Training $15,818,000 $12,504,700 $3,313,300 $12,887,904
3 Institutional Services $890,739,600 $869,304,000 $21,435,600 $854,159,469
4 Community Services $143,980,400 $130,565,700 $13,414,700 $124,261,765
5 Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations $5,894,700 $5,149,000 $745,700 $4,405,162
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,077,661,800 $1,036,691,300 $40,970,500 $1,017,685,191
  Total operating expense $1,077,661,800 $1,036,691,300 $40,970,500 $1,017,685,191
  Operating assets        
7 Correctional Services $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital expense        
6 Correctional Facilities $84,200,000 $71,755,100 $12,444,900 $46,609,233
10 Institutional Services, Expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - $1,261,345
11 Community Services, Expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $84,202,000 $71,757,100 $12,444,900 $47,870,578
S Amortization, Institutional Services, the Financial Administration Act $4,140,800 $2,688,800 $1,452,000 $2,522,091
  Total statutory appropriations $4,140,800 $2,688,800 $1,452,000 $2,522,091
  Total capital expense $88,342,800 $74,445,900 $13,896,900 $50,392,669
  Capital assets        
8 Institutional Services $150,577,900 $12,161,400 $138,416,500 $4,914,233
  Total capital assets to be voted $150,577,900 $12,161,400 $138,416,500 $4,914,233
  Total capital assets $150,577,900 $12,161,400 $138,416,500 $4,914,233

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2605-1 Operational Support    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Community Works Program

  Subtotal   $26,309,000
  Less: recoveries   $5,079,900
  Total operating expense to be voted   $21,229,100
2605-2 Staff Recruitment and Training    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $15,818,000
2605-3 Institutional Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Grants to compensate for Municipal Taxation


Compassionate allowances to permanently handicapped inmates


Violence Awareness Program


Offender Rehabilitation Programs

$5,164,000 $6,006,300
  Total operating expense to be voted   $890,739,600
2605-4 Community Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Assistance to Inmates - Rehabilitation Assistance


Community Residential / Non-Residential Client Services

$12,087,600 $12,112,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $143,980,400
2605-5 Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $5,894,700
  Total operating expense for Correctional Services   $1,077,661,800
  Operating assets    
2605-7 Correctional Services    

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted   $2,000
  Total operating assets for Correctional Services   $2,000
  Capital expense    
2605-6 Correctional Facilities    



Supplies and equipment


Other transactions


Capital Investments

  Total capital expense to be voted   $84,200,000
2605-10 Institutional Services, Expense related to Capital assets    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
2605-11 Community Services, Expense related to Capital assets    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, Institutional Services, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Correctional Services   $88,342,800
  Capital assets    
2605-8 Institutional Services    

Buildings – alternative financing and procurement


Machinery and equipment - asset costs


Land and marine fleet - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $150,577,900
  Total capital assets for Correctional Services   $150,577,900

Justice Technology Services - vote 2606

Justice Technology Services (JTS) provides information technology leadership and advice to its ministry partners. JTS delivers highly integrated, complex technology services and solutions; and reliable, responsive operational support. This is in alignment with the provincial Corporate Information and Information Technology Strategy that enables and supports business priorities and modernization across the Justice Sector ministries. Key support is provided in technology solutions, information management and planning, service management, security, project management and government mobile communication services.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Justice Technology Services $221,429,300 $124,742,400 $96,686,900 $97,003,094
  Total operating expense to be voted $221,429,300 $124,742,400 $96,686,900 $97,003,094
  Total operating expense $221,429,300 $124,742,400 $96,686,900 $97,003,094
  Operating assets        
3 Justice Technology Services $9,209,600 $6,002,000 $3,207,600 -
  Total operating assets to be voted $9,209,600 $6,002,000 $3,207,600 -
  Total operating assets $9,209,600 $6,002,000 $3,207,600 -
  Capital expense        
5 Justice Technology Services, Expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $3,051,000 ($3,050,000) -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $3,051,000 ($3,050,000) -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $6,255,900 $6,515,800 ($259,900) $1,838,481
  Total statutory appropriations $6,255,900 $6,515,800 ($259,900) $1,838,481
  Total capital expense $6,256,900 $9,566,800 ($3,309,900) $1,838,481
  Capital assets        
4 Justice Technology Services $401,029,700 $75,446,800 $325,582,900 -
  Total capital assets to be voted $401,029,700 $75,446,800 $325,582,900 -
  Total capital assets $401,029,700 $75,446,800 $325,582,900 -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Operating expense  
2606-1 Justice Technology Services  

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal $283,459,900
  Less: recoveries $62,030,600
  Total operating expense to be voted $221,429,300
  Total operating expense for Justice Technology Services $221,429,300
  Operating assets  
2606-3 Justice Technology Services  

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted $9,209,600
  Total operating assets for Justice Technology Services $9,209,600
  Capital expense  
2606-5 Justice Technology Services, Expense related to Capital assets  

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Justice Technology Services $6,256,900
  Capital assets  
2606-4 Justice Technology Services  

Dams and engineering structures - asset costs


Information technology hardware


Business application software - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted $401,029,700
  Total capital assets for Justice Technology Services $401,029,700

Agencies, Boards and Commissions - vote 2607

Agencies, Boards and Commissions supports the operation of ministry agencies including the Ontario Police Arbitration Commission and the Death Investigation Oversight Council.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Agencies, Boards and Commissions $892,600 $894,200 ($1,600) $745,314
  Total operating expense to be voted $892,600 $894,200 ($1,600) $745,314
  Total operating expense $892,600 $894,200 ($1,600) $745,314
  Operating assets        
2 Agencies, Boards and Commissions $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount Amount
  Operating expense      
2607-1 Agencies, Boards and Commissions      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted     $892,600
  Ontario Police Arbitration Commission      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  $14,000 $452,100
  Death Investigation Oversight Council      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  $10,000 $440,500
  Total operating expense to be voted     $892,600
  Total operating expense for Agencies, Boards and Commissions     $892,600
  Operating assets      
2607-2 Agencies, Boards and Commissions      

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted     $2,000
  Total operating assets for Agencies, Boards and Commissions     $2,000

Emergency Planning and Management - vote 2609

Emergency Planning and Management is dedicated to providing quality services related to public safety, security, and death investigations. This is achieved through the Office of the Chief Coroner/Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, and the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management Ontario. All are devoted to the rapid identification of issues and their resolution through effective mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, scientific, investigative, business continuity and public education initiatives. These sections strive to be leaders in ensuring that all of Ontario's diverse communities are safe and secure thereby supporting the government in its priority of stronger, safer communities.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
5 Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service $46,076,200 $45,376,800 $699,400 $48,357,682
8 Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management $37,249,900 $37,771,600 ($521,700) $34,246,863
  Total operating expense to be voted $83,326,100 $83,148,400 $177,700 $82,604,545
  Total operating expense $83,326,100 $83,148,400 $177,700 $82,604,545
  Operating assets        
3 Emergency Planning and Management $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital expense        
7 Emergency Planning and Management, Expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $654,500 $512,500 $142,000 $133,832
  Total statutory appropriations $654,500 $512,500 $142,000 $133,832
  Total capital expense $655,500 $513,500 $142,000 $133,832
  Capital assets        
6 Emergency Planning and Management $140,000 $5,281,000 ($5,141,000) $5,494,167
  Total capital assets to be voted $140,000 $5,281,000 ($5,141,000) $5,494,167
  Total capital assets $140,000 $5,281,000 ($5,141,000) $5,494,167

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2609-5 Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Grants for Forensic Services

  Total operating expense to be voted   $46,076,200
2609-8 Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Grants for Fire Safety


Grants for Emergency Operations

$1,000 $2,481,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $37,249,900
  Total operating expense for Emergency Planning and Management   $83,326,100
  Operating assets    
2609-3 Emergency Planning and Management    

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted   $2,000
  Total operating assets for Emergency Planning and Management   $2,000
  Capital expense    
2609-7 Emergency Planning and Management, Expense related to Capital assets    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Emergency Planning and Management   $655,500
  Capital assets    
2609-6 Emergency Planning and Management    

Machinery and equipment - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $140,000
  Total capital assets for Emergency Planning and Management   $140,000

Strategic Policy Research and Innovation - vote 2610

Strategic Policy Research and Innovation is responsible for leading the development of evidenced-based policy, regulations and legislation, along with the coordination of justice sector intergovernmental activities to support ministry and government priorities.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $6,624,400 $4,451,000 $2,173,400 $7,386,645
  Total operating expense to be voted $6,624,400 $4,451,000 $2,173,400 $7,386,645
  Total operating expense $6,624,400 $4,451,000 $2,173,400 $7,386,645
  Operating assets        
2 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital expense        
4 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation, Expense related to Capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital assets        
3 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Operating expense  
2610-1 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation  

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Miscellaneous Grants for Administrative Services

  Total operating expense to be voted $6,624,400
  Total operating expense for Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $6,624,400
  Operating assets  
2610-2 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation  

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $2,000
  Capital expense  
2610-4 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation, Expense related to Capital assets  

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000
  Statutory appropriations  

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $2,000
  Capital assets  
2610-3 Strategic Policy Research and Innovation  

Information technology hardware

  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000
  Total capital assets for Strategic Policy Research and Innovation $1,000

Inspectorate - vote 2612

The Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA), which received Royal Assent but is not yet in force, establishes a provincial Inspector General of Policing (IG) as part of the ministry. The IG and supporting Inspectorate of Policing (IOP) will monitor, advise and conduct inspections on the delivery of policing and compliance with the CSPA and its regulations. In addition, the IOP will investigate complaints related to board member misconduct, the delivery of policing, and failure to comply with the CSPA and its regulations, including systemic failures. The IG may issue directions and impose measures to address non-compliance and to ensure the delivery of policing is in accordance with the provincial standards. The IOP will enhance the ministry’s capacity to monitor compliance with the CSPA and its regulations across the province and will report annually on its activities.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
2 Inspectorate $5,345,500 $3,644,200 $1,701,300 -
  Total operating expense to be voted $5,345,500 $3,644,200 $1,701,300 -
  Total operating expense $5,345,500 $3,644,200 $1,701,300 -
  Operating assets        
5 Inspectorate $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Operating expense  
2612-2 Inspectorate  

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted $5,345,500
  Total operating expense for Inspectorate $5,345,500
  Operating assets  
2612-5 Inspectorate  

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Inspectorate $2,000

Anti-Racism Directorate - vote 2613

The Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) works to eliminate systemic racism in government policies, decisions and programs, and advance racial equity in Ontario for Black, Indigenous and racialized populations. The ministry is committed to supporting ARD in advancing a more inclusive and responsive Ontario government, to ensure all people are served equitably, with a plan that is grounded in evidence and research.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Anti-Racism Directorate $4,914,500 $4,915,200 ($700) $3,576,263
  Total operating expense to be voted $4,914,500 $4,915,200 ($700) $3,576,263
  Total operating expense $4,914,500 $4,915,200 ($700) $3,576,263
  Operating assets        
4 Anti-Racism Directorate $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Operating expense  
2613-1 Anti-Racism Directorate  

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits




Transfer payments


Anti-Racism Initiatives

  Total operating expense to be voted $4,914,500
  Total operating expense for Anti-Racism Directorate $4,914,500
  Operating assets  
2613-4 Anti-Racism Directorate  

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000
  Total operating assets for Anti-Racism Directorate $2,000