
The Ombudsman is an Officer of the Legislature who submits his reports directly to the Legislative Assembly. The Ombudsman's mandate is set out in the Ombudsman Act. The Ombudsman publishes an Annual Report as required by the Act, as well as special reports throughout the year on systemic investigations conducted by the Special Ombudsman Response Team.

The Ombudsman investigates complaints about the administration of Ontario's provincial governmental organizations and makes recommendations to improve government policy, programs and services. The Ombudsman investigates both individual and systemic complaints brought forward by members of the public, Members of Provincial Parliament, and on his own initiative. The Ombudsman services are free of charge.

During the 2014/2015 fiscal year, the Ombudsman's Office handled 23,153 complaints. The Ombudsman's Office maintains a complement of 86 FTE's, 63 of which are members of the Canadian Office and Professional Employees union (COPE).

The Ombudsman also investigates citizens' complaints about closed municipal meetings pursuant to the Municipal Act, where no municipal investigator is in place. This additional jurisdiction was received in 2008 and was implemented using existing resources and with no resulting increase in the operating budget of the office. The Ombudsman also publishes an Annual Report on the Closed Meetings investigations conducted by his office, as well as special reports on individual investigations.

In December of 2014, The Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014 - known familiarly as "Bill 8" passed. This legislation makes historic changes to the Ombudsman’s mandate, allowing our Office to help many more Ontarians. It expands the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction to municipalities, universities and school boards. Starting September 1, 2015, the Ontario Ombudsman is officially able to take complaints about the province’s 82 school boards. The Bill will also enable the Ombudsman to take complaints about municipalities and universities as of January 1, 2016.

The Office of the Ombudsman maintains a high social media presence and individuals may contact the Office to lodge a complaint in person, in writing, via toll-free telephone, email, internet or using a mobile web application. The Office provides extensive information about its operations and specific investigations in both English and French, on its website at

VOTE PROGRAM Estimates 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 DifferenceBetween 2015-16 and 2014-15 Actual 2013-14
2301 Ombudsman Ontario Program 18,582,200 11,413,200 7,169,000 11,288,100
  Less: Special Warrants - 3,073,300 (3,073,300) -
  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE VOTED 18,582,200 8,339,900 10,242,300 11,288,100
  Special Warrants - 3,073,300 (3,073,300) -
  Total Operating Expense 18,582,200 11,413,200 7,169,000 11,288,100
  Total Operating and Capital Including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including Assets) 18,582,200 11,413,200 7,169,000 11,288,100

Ombudsman Ontario Program - VOTE 2301

The Ombudsman is an Officer of the Legislature who submits his reports directly to the Legislative Assembly. The Ombudsman's mandate is set out in the Ombudsman Act. The Ombudsman publishes an Annual Report as required by the Act, as well as special reports throughout the year on systemic investigations conducted by the Special Ombudsman Response Team.

The Ombudsman investigates complaints about the administration of Ontario's provincial governmental organizations and makes recommendations to improve government policy, programs and services. The Ombudsman investigates both individual and systemic complaints brought forward by members of the public, Members of Provincial Parliament, and on his own initiative. The Ombudsman services are free of charge.

During the 2014/2015 fiscal year, the Ombudsman's Office handled 23,153 complaints. The Ombudsman's Office maintains a complement of 86 FTE's, 63 of which are members of the Canadian Office and Professional Employees union (COPE).

The Ombudsman also investigates citizens' complaints about closed municipal meetings pursuant to the Municipal Act, where no municipal investigator is in place. This additional jurisdiction was received in 2008 and was implemented using existing resources and with no resulting increase in the operating budget of the office. The Ombudsman also publishes an Annual Report on the Closed Meetings investigations conducted by his office, as well as special reports on individual investigations.

In December of 2014, The Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014 - known familiarly as "Bill 8" passed. This legislation makes historic changes to the Ombudsman’s mandate, allowing our Office to help many more Ontarians. It expands the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction to municipalities, universities and school boards. Starting September 1, 2015, the Ontario Ombudsman is officially able to take complaints about the province’s 82 school boards. The Bill will also enable the Ombudsman to take complaints about municipalities and universities as of January 1, 2016.

The Office of the Ombudsman maintains a high social media presence and individuals may contact the Office to lodge a complaint in person, in writing, via toll-free telephone, email, internet or using a mobile web application. The Office provides extensive information about its operations and specific investigations in both English and French, on its website at

Vote Summary($)
ITEM # ITEM Estimates 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 Difference Between 2015-16 and 2014-15 Actual 2013-14
1 The Ombudsman 18,582,200 11,413,200 7,169,000 11,288,100
  Total Including Special Warrants 18,582,200 11,413,200 7,169,000 11,288,100
  Less: Special Warrants - 3,073,300 (3,073,300) -
  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE VOTED 18,582,200 8,339,900 10,242,300 11,288,100
  Special Warrants - 3,073,300 (3,073,300) -
  Total Operating Expense 18,582,200 11,413,200 7,169,000 11,288,100
Standard Account by Item and Sub-Items($)
2301-1 The Ombudsman  
  Salaries and wages 10,496,600
  Employee benefits 2,669,200
  Transportation and communication 821,100
  Services 2,902,900
  Supplies and equipment 1,692,400
  Total Operating Expense to be Voted 18,582,200
  Total Operating Expense for Ombudsman Ontario Program 18,582,200