Final agreement

This agreement dated for reference the 24th day of March, 2014.


The Pic Mobert First Nation, as represented
by the Chief and Council
(Hereinafter called the “First Nation”)


Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Canada,
as represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
(Hereinafter called “Canada”)


Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario,
as represented by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and the Minister of Natural Resources
(Hereinafter called “Ontario”)


Canada, Ontario and certain Robinson Superior First Nations signed a Framework Agreement dated August 5, 1991, and thereby undertook to use their best efforts to negotiate and conclude agreements regarding land and larger land bases;

The First Nation is a band of Indians within the meaning of the Indian Act;

The First Nation submitted a proposal pursuant to the Framework Agreement to enlarge its reserve land base (the “Proposal”);

The negotiators for the First Nation, Canada and Ontario initialed an Agreement in Principle dated the 20th day of March, 2002, committing the Parties, subject to ratification by each of them, to make all reasonable efforts to conclude tripartite negotiations to enlarge the reserve land base for the First Nation pursuant to the Framework Agreement (the “Agreement in Principle”);

The First Nation, Canada and Ontario wish to enter into a Specific Agreement, as part of this Final Agreement, pursuant to the federal and provincial legislation confirming the Indian Lands Agreement of August 5, 1986, in order to deal with certain land and natural resources matters; and

The First Nation, Canada and Ontario have completed tripartite negotiations pursuant to the Framework Agreement and wish to enter into this Final Agreement (the “Final Agreement”).

Now Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Final Agreement, the First Nation, Canada and Ontario agree as follows:

Article 1


Article 2

Specific Agreement

Article 3


Article 4

Setting the lands aside as reserve

Article 5

Additional crown lands and CPR surplus lands

LUP Lands

Article 6

Private Lands and Adjacent Crown Lands

Article 7

Snowmobile trail

Article 8

Bell Canada and Hydro One Permits

Article 9

Navigable waters

Article 10


Article 11

Condition of the lands

Article 12


  1. Paragraphs 3 to 7 inclusive of the 1924 Agreement shall not apply to the existing Pic Mobert Reserve or to the Lands from and after the date the Lands have been set apart as a reserve.
  2. Ontario shall, by the Order in Council by which it confirms this Specific Agreement, release and quitclaim to Canada, for the use and benefit of the First Nation, all and any rights to the Minerals in the Pic Mobert Reserve and the Lands, and all and any rights to revenues derived from the Minerals in the Pic Mobert Reserve and the Lands, from and after the date the Lands are set apart as a reserve by Canada.

Article 13

Archaeological site

Article 14

Programs and services

Article 15

Offset clause in favour of Ontario

Article 16

Offset clause in favour of Canada

Article 17

Acknowledgment, Release and Indemnity Related To Ambulatory Water Boundary

Article 18


Article 19


Article 20

Non Derogation

Article 21


Article 22


Article 23

Confirmation of agreement

Article 24

Effective Date

Article 25

Representations and Warranties of the First Nation

Article 26


Article 27

Implementation Committee

Article 28

General Provisions

In Witness Whereof the Parties by their duly authorized representatives have set their hands, signs and seals on the dates indicated.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:

On Behalf of The Pic Mobert First Nation


Chief of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation



Councillor of Pic Mobert First Nation


On Behalf Of Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Canada:


Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development


On Behalf Of Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario:


Minister of Aboriginal Affairs



Minister of Natural Resources


Schedule 1

Description of Part 1 Lands

The Part 1 Lands, being more particularly described as:

Schedule 2

Description of Part 2 Lands

The Part 2 Lands, being more particularly described as:

Schedule 3

Certificate of Independent Legal Advice

Schedule 4

Framework Agreement

Schedule 5

Interim Measures Agreement

Schedule 6

Sketch of LUP Lands

Schedule 7

Description of Part A Lands

Schedule 8

Description of CPR Surplus Lands

Schedule 9

Description of Crown Lands North of the CPR Right of Way

Schedule 10

Description of the Private Lands

Schedule 10A

Sketch of the Private Lands

Schedule 11

Description of Snowmobile Trail Lands

Schedule 12

Snowmobile Trail – Section 28(2) Permit

Schedule 13

Snowmobile Trail – Table

Schedule 14

Description of Bell Canada Distribution Lines

and Facilities

Schedule 15

Description of Hydro One Rights of Way and

Distribution Lines

Schedule 16

Bell Canada – Section 28(2) Permit

Schedule 17

Hydro One – Section 28(2) Permit

Schedule 18

Approximate Location of Archaeological Site

Schedule 19

Sketch of Pow Wow Grounds

Schedule 20

Sketch of the Lands

Order in Council 1901/2017