Ontario Health Insurance Program - vote 1405

The Ontario Health Insurance Program includes key elements of Ontario's health care system: client eligibility and health card policies, physicians' payments for services that are insured under the Health Insurance Act, other practitioners' payments, out-of-province/out-of-country services, Family Health Teams, Aboriginal Health Access Centers, Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics, midwifery services, underserviced areas, northern health travel grants, tele triage services, disease prevention, health quality, drugs, community laboratories including genetic testing, psychiatric patient advocacy and rights advice, assistive devices including home oxygen, and protection/risk management of both provider and subscriber fraudulent activity.

The Ontario Drug Benefit program continues to be reviewed with the objectives of creating an easier-to-understand, more consistent and sustainable program.

Publicly funded health services are available from health professionals in various settings from family doctors' offices to academic health science centres, to hospitals, to Telehealth Ontario and Telephone Health Advisory Service where triage advice and health information are provided. Government-funded services are available to Ontarians who have registered, and who are eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. The Underserviced Area Program helps rural, remote and northern communities recruit and retain health care professionals, as well as ensure access to health care services in these communities. The Northern Health Travel Grant Program helps defray medical related travel costs northern Ontario residents incur to access medical specialist, or health care facility services unavailable in their local communities.

Vote summary

Item number Item Supplementary estimates
  Operating assets        

Ontario Health Insurance Program

$768,900,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $768,900,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000
  Total operating assets $768,900,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating assets    

Ontario Health Insurance Program

  Advances and recoverable amounts    

Assistive Devices and Supplies Program


Payments made for services and for care provided by physicians and practitioners

$690,000,000 $768,900,000
  Total operating assets to be voted   $768,900,000
  Total operating assets for Ontario Health Insurance Program   $768,900,000
  Total operating assets for Ministry of Health   $768,900,000

Health Services and Programs - vote 1416

The Ministry of Health (the ministry) collaborates with Ontario Health (OH) to implement the health system strategies developed by the ministry. While the ministry provides strategic direction and guidance, Ontario Health is responsible for planning, integrating and funding Health Service Providers.

OH exercises its authority under the Connecting Care Act, 2019. Additional administrative responsibilities are set out in the Memorandum of Understanding, while operational funding and performance expectations are set out in the Minister's Mandate Letter to OH and the Accountability Agreement between OH and the ministry.

OH manages services in public, private and specialty psychiatric hospitals, long-term care homes, community health centres, community support services, community services for persons with acquired brain injury, assisted living services in supportive housing, mental health and addiction agencies.

In addition, through its programs (Cancer and Cancer Screening, Renal, Digital Health, Health Quality, Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Services, Health Workforce Programs, and Regional Coordination Operations Support), Ontario Health is responsible for:

  • Providing back office support to the agencies that manage and deliver home care, including IT, finance, human resources, procurement, and the home care database.
  • Overseeing highly specialized care (for example, cancer, renal, organ donation)
  • Managing provincial population health programs (for example, cancer screening)
  • Clinical and quality standards development for patient care and safety,
  • Patient engagement and patient relations,
  • Championing and supporting the implementation of the ministry’s Digital First for Health strategy to deliver a more modern, integrated and digitally-enabled health system experience for patients ,
  • Supporting health care practitioner recruitment and retention;
  • Planning, coordinating, undertaking and supporting activities related to organ and tissue donation and transplantation
  • Supporting the office of the patient ombudsman in carrying out its functions in accordance with the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010;
  • Supporting or providing supply chain management services to health service providers and related organizations; and
  • Promoting health service integration to enable appropriate, coordinated and effective health service delivery.

Vote summary

Item number Item Supplementary estimates
  Operating expense        

Health services

$1,439,586,500 $26,689,026,900 $25,223,901,200 $24,491,518,739
  Total operating expense to be voted $1,439,586,500 $26,689,026,900 $25,223,901,200 $24,491,518,739
  Total operating expense $1,439,586,500 $26,689,026,900 $25,223,901,200 $24,491,518,739

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    

Health services

  Transfer payments    

Operation of hospitals

  Total operating expense to be voted   $1,439,586,500
  Transfer payments    

Operation of hospitals

$1,439,586,500 $1,439,586,500
  Total operating expense to be voted   $1,439,586,500
  Total operating expense for Health Services and Programs   $1,439,586,500
  Total operating expense for Ministry of Health   $1,439,586,500

Health Capital Program - vote 1407

Health Capital is responsible for the provision of capital funding to health care facilities including public hospitals, integrated health facilities and community sector health service providers.

Vote summary

Item number Item Supplementary estimates
  Capital expense        

Health capital

$29,200,000 $1,306,070,100 $1,804,240,400 $1,515,736,031
  Total capital expense to be voted $29,200,000 $1,306,070,100 $1,804,240,400 $1,515,736,031
  Total capital expense $29,200,000 $1,306,070,100 $1,804,240,400 $1,515,736,031

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Capital expense  

Health capital

  Transfer payments  

Small hospital projects

  Total capital expense to be voted $29,200,000
  Total capital expense for Health Capital Program $29,200,000
  Total capital expense for Ministry of Health $29,200,000