Schedule A – Appointment


Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

The employees of the Ministry of Transportation holding the positions listed in Schedule A, attached, are appointed as Directors pursuant to the authority set out below:

Section 5 of the Environmental Protection Act

This appointment includes the ability to exercise the powers and obligations of a Director in respect of Ontario Regulation 457/19 (Vehicle Emissions) made under the Environmental Protection Act.

Each Director may exercise the powers and obligations conferred on him or her anywhere in Ontario. In addition, an employee of the Ministry of Transportation who is formally acting in place of a person who holds a position listed in Schedule A may exercise the powers and obligations of a Director which the Schedule confers.

For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, an employee of the Ministry of Transportation is formally acting in a position if appointed in writing, by a person who has the authority to do so, and the appointment specifies the term of the acting assignment.

Appointment made at Toronto this 14 day of January 2021

[Original Signed by]

Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Schedule of Director Appointments

Schedule A: Director Appointments

The table below comprises Director Appointments made in respect of Ontario Regulation 457/19 (Vehicle Emissions) made under the Environmental Protection Act.

Regulation Section Title of Director
O. Reg. 457/19 Entire regulation Director, Commercial Transportation Safety, Compliance and Services Branch, Transportation Safety Division, Ministry of Transportation
O. Reg. 457/19 Entire regulation Vehicle Inspection Program Oversight Manager, Commercial Transportation Safety, Compliance and Services Branch, Transportation Safety Division, Ministry of Transportation
O. Reg. 457/19 Entire regulation Vehicle Inspection Program Operations Manager, Commercial Transportation Safety, Compliance and Services Branch, Transportation Safety Division, Ministry of Transportation

Order in Council 98/2021