What we heard

A summary of Ontarians' ideas related to government.

The public needs to see and experience a provincial government that reflects and responds to a radically changing economy, environment and population.
Subcategory Your ideas

Debt and Deficit

  • Balance the budget (52 ideas)
  • Reduce the size of the debt (4 ideas)
  • Borrow from the Bank of Canada (4 ideas)
  • Reduce the size of government (4 ideas)
  • Set a maximum deficit limit (3 ideas)
  • Stop privatization of public assets (2 ideas)
  • Sell government buildings in downtown Toronto
  • Increase taxes and reduce the size of government
  • Increase taxes to reduce the size of the deficit
  • Allow retailers to help pay down the debt by rounding up purchases
  • Create a public bank to collect and lend money for infrastructure investment
  • Charge a special assessment to reduce the debt
  • Ontario should declare bankruptcy
  • Institute tough program reviews to reduce the deficit
  • Allow Ontarians to help pay down the debt


  • Reduce public sector compensation (32 ideas)
  • Create a wage cap for the public service (5 ideas)
  • Increase public sector compensation (3 ideas)
  • Reduce compensation for public sector CEOs (2 ideas)
  • Reintroduce voluntary unpaid time off for civil servants (2 ideas)
  • Allow RRSP and TFSA payroll contributions from public servants
  • Address the FSCO ruling which significantly reduced civil servants' pensions
  • Reduce compensation for all MPPs and Ministers
  • Tie compensation for government executives to performance
  • Lower allocations of sick days for government workers

Accountability and Oversight

  • Complaint about government (34 ideas)
  • Government needs strong accountability (2 ideas)
  • Properly fund accountability and oversight bodies (2 ideas)
  • Submit all spending to rigorous review (2 ideas)
  • Base government decisions on evidence (2 ideas)
  • Review every agency which receives public funding (2 ideas)
  • Require that elected officials wear name tags when out in public
  • Investigate compensation at the Ontario Tire Stewardship Fund
  • Increase provincial oversight of ethics of municipal politicians

Public Sector reform

  • Reduce the size of government (5 ideas)
  • Allow public sector allocations to roll over (3 ideas)
  • Reduce meal, travel and hospitality expenses (3 ideas)
  • Update the Drummond Report's recommendations (2 ideas)
  • Reduce the number of consultants in government (2 ideas)
  • Create an expert bureaucracy to administer government
  • Increase the size of government, seize private profits
  • Stop reimbursement to unions for negotiation costs
  • Enforce the province's anti-credentialism policy
  • Require receipts for expenses claimed during personal use of government vehicles
  • Reform the interest arbitration system
  • Use public servants as consultants to generate revenue
  • Reform and reduce funding to the Human Rights Commission
  • Establish cross-jurisdiction communities of practice to support public service renewal
  • Create a Behavioural Insights Unit
  • Run government like a business
  • Eliminate provincial crown agencies
  • Invest in public policy innovation
  • Improve government management to reduce waste
  • Give more power to the Auditor General
  • Reduce the number of managers across the public sector
  • Transform and shrink the public service

Open Government

  • Seriously consider results of public consultation (6 ideas)
  • Increase public consultation (2 ideas)
  • Allow the public to review government's performance (2 ideas)
  • Use digital tools to increase collaboration (2 ideas)
  • Improve public education on government spending
  • Publish all publicly-funded medical research under open access
  • Seek out qualified public consultation participants
  • Ban public servants from public consultations
  • Create an online consultation system which allows Ontarians to vote on important policies
  • Demand federal pre-budget consultations
  • Allow citizens to pick and choose where their taxes are spent
  • Replace government with online community voting

Budgets and planning

  • Ensure all Ontarians benefit from government programs (4 ideas)
  • Ensure all Ontarians are considered in the budget (3 ideas)
  • Focus spending on essential needs
  • Recruit the public service in identifying areas for savings
  • Keep spending in Ontario
  • Invest in healthcare, transportation and education
  • Invest in education, job creation and infrastructure
  • Create participatory budgeting
  • Issue bonds to raise money for government priorities
  • Change the fiscal year start to January 1
  • Set a minimum threshold for direct spending on program delivery


  • Implement electoral reform (4 ideas)
  • Pass recall legislation (3 ideas)
  • Eliminate tax credits for political donations
  • Ensure only candidates with business experience can run for office
  • End corporate and union donations to political parties

Government services

  • End daylight savings time
  • Create a graduated licensing system for marriages
  • Tie all fines and user fees to income
  • Create a single government ID card
  • Turn the August Civic Holiday into a province-wide holiday
  • Abolish the Land Registry Act
  • Allow funeral homes and cemeteries access to online burial permits
  • Tie all fines and user fee to inflation
  • Combine health and driver's licenses

Constitutional reform

  • Split Ontario into smaller provinces
  • Separate Toronto from Ontario
  • Endorse substantive Senate reform
  • Separate Ontario from Canada, and join the United States

Contracts and procurement

  • Separate material costs from labour costs when conducting procurement to limit hidden markups
  • Ensure small businesses can compete for infrastructure contracts
  • Ensure fairness in government procurement
  • Promote government procurement from social enterprises

Intergovernmental affairs

  • Get equalization payments from Quebec
  • Collaborate with other governments on health promotion
  • Create a free trade deal between the provinces

Public Service

  • Increase opportunities for youth to join public service
  • Ensure fairness in public service recruitment
  • Prevent retired public servants from re-entering the public service

Technology in Government

  • Make the public service paperless
  • Upgrade the Legislative Assembly's technology
  • Eliminate voicemail and land lines in the public service