What we heard

A summary of Ontarians' ideas related to transportation and infrastructure.

For Ontario to succeed and grow, we need to invest in our future, take risks, and be innovative.
Subcategory Your ideas

Energy and utilities

  • Stop the sale of Hydro One (51 ideas)
  • Reduce hydro rates (22 ideas)
  • Invest in nuclear power generation (6 ideas)
  • Divert investment from nuclear  to renewable energy generation (3 ideas)
  • Better explain hydro bills (3 ideas)
  • Stop Time of Use rates (3 ideas)
  • Invest in hydroelectric power generation (2 ideas)
  • Improve household heating (2 ideas)
  • Invest in the energy grid (2 ideas)
  • Repay costs of gas plant cancellation and relocation (2 ideas)
  • Divert nuclear station refurbishment funds to invest in renewable energy
  • Review Ontario’s energy system
  • Take action on the cost of utilities and services in rural Ontario
  • Do not bury nuclear waste
  • Produce hydrogen fuel at nuclear stations
  • Divert investment from nuclear energy to hydroelectric
  • Increase privatization of the energy system
  • Launch an independent review of the costs of nuclear refurbishment against renewables
  • Compensate victims of wind power
  • Normalize the cost of gasoline across regions
  • Allow properties to have two water meters
  • Invest in power generation
  • Sell excess power generation to Ontarians
  • Supply untreated water to homes for utility usage
  • Sell Hydro One
  • Reappropriate and merge the former parts of Ontario Hydro
  • Eliminate delivery charges
  • Appoint an outside expert to investigate problems with Ontario’s hydro system
  • Invest in landfill gas capture power generation
  • Lower the cost of electric heating below oil or natural gas
  • Tie hydro bills to income
  • Reduce hydro costs for manufacturers
  • Continue Time of Use discounts
  • Reduce hydro rates in rural areas
  • Remove the debt retirement charge

Public transit

  • Build a high speed rail network (11 ideas)
  • Invest in public transit (10 ideas)
  • Invest in rail transportation (3 ideas)
  • Create regional transportation agencies (2 ideas)
  • Do not build LRTs (2 ideas)
  • Improve transfers on public transit (2 ideas)
  • Reintroduce operating subsidies for public transit (2 ideas)
  • Attract private investment in public transit (2 ideas)
  • Make public transit accessible (2 ideas)
  • Reinstate provincial operational funding for the TTC
  • Create free public transit
  • Create a system of urban chairlifts or gondolas
  • Create time of use fares on public transit
  • Decrease public transit fares
  • Improve infrastructure in rural Ontario
  • Provide transportation options for people with disabilities
  • Invest in public transit to Niagara region
  • Increase bus service from suburban Mississauga to Sheridan College
  • Invest in future modes of public transit
  • Expand funding for public transit in Toronto
  • Scrap the Scarborough subway
  • Build the Downtown Relief Line in Toronto
  • Build a subway in Mississauga
  • Reduce traffic on the midtown Toronto rail freight corridor and cancel the Davenport overpass
  • Create a bank to fund transit investment
  • Run express trains on the GO Transit rail system
  • Create a TTC taxi service
  • Build a new GO Transit station in Brampton East - Castlemore
  • Develop regional public transportation centered around specific transit hubs
  • Eliminate subsidies for public transit
  • Fund the Waterloo LRT
  • Modernize fare payment on Toronto’s TTC
  • Expand GO Transit service to Niagara Region
  • Emulate Uber technology in providing public transit
  • Reduce investment in public transit
  • Create a tax deduction for public transit
  • Improved parking for public transit users
  • Eliminate fares on public transit
  • Fund transit through a gas tax
  • Introduce zoned fares

Highways and roads

  • Improve street lighting (9 ideas)
  • Strengthen enforcement of the Highway Traffic Act (8 ideas)
  • Improve street lighting (8 ideas)
  • Introduce highway tolls (3 ideas)
  • Improve highway maintenance (3 ideas)
  • Invest in highways (3 ideas)
  • Build more rest stops (2 ideas)
  • Pilot solar roadways (2 ideas)
  • Buy back the 407 highway (2 ideas)
  • Increase speed limits (2 ideas)
  • Prevent over engineering when replacing road infrastructure
  • Build underpasses at major intersections with provincial highways in Toronto
  • Eliminate HOV lanes
  • Use corrosion-resistant steel in bridges
  • Replace road salting with a less damaging alternative
  • Build traffic circles
  • Reintroduce photo radar
  • Do not introduce highway tolls
  • Use precast and recycled pavement for local roads
  • Tax road usage by distance
  • Create a bus lane on Highway 401
  • Decrease street lighting
  • Invest in widening roads and highways
  • Remove the Gardiner Expressway
  • Build roads out of concrete
  • Improve the capacity of the QEW

Traffic congestion

  • Create congestion charges for Toronto (6 ideas)
  • Promote telecommuting (4 ideas)
  • Prohibit trucks in the GTA during rush hours (2 ideas)
  • Create smart traffic control systems (2 ideas)
  • Ban transport trucks from 400 series highways during rush hour (2 ideas)
  • HOT and HOV lanes
  • Ban transport trucks from 400 series highways during rush hour
  • Introduce variable speed limits
  • Reduce congestion
  • Require all trucks to occupy the far right lane
  • Decrease traffic congestion in Toronto
  • Require faster acceleration of trucks
  • Tax credits for carpooling


  • Encourage adoption of Electric Vehicles (3 ideas)
  • Eliminate the second licence plate requirement (2 ideas)
  • Force unsafe drivers to retake driving tests
  • Attend a traffic course to clear driving records
  • Require written tests at all licence renewals
  • Increase fines for winter driving without headlights
  • Require licences for all road users
  • Eliminate the farm licence plate
  • Associate phone numbers with licences
  • Pilot self-driving cars
  • Decrease impaired driving
  • Make driving lessons mandatory
  • Set aside funds and make driver’s training mandatory for refugees
  • Develop rules regulating e-Bikes

Car insurance

  • Decrease car insurance rates (5 ideas)
  • Create public car insurance (4 ideas)
  • Increase benefits for accident insurance


  • Invest in cycling infrastructure (5 ideas)
  • Educate and strengthen enforcement of pedestrian and cyclist traffic violations
  • Increase funding for cycling initiatives to 5% of MTO's budget
  • Licence cyclists

Northern Ontario

  • Expand highways in Northern Ontario (2 ideas)
  • Encourage Northern development (2 ideas)
  • Restructure MNDM to increase investment in the North
  • Ensure services and infrastructure are equitably provided in Northern Ontario
  • Improve transportation in Northern Ontario
  • Fund onsite wastewater treatment in rural and northern Ontario

Government operations

  • Ensure review of infrastructure projects (2 ideas)
  • Decrease costs of government offices (2 ideas)
  • Invest in infrastructure
  • Strengthen oversight of provincial funding to municipal projects
  • Procure greener vehicles in government fleets
  • Increase infrastructure funding

Internet and telecommunications

  • Create a provincial Internet provider (2 ideas)
  • Create a provincial telecommunications provider (2 ideas)
  • Improve Internet access in rural Ontario (2 ideas)
  • Improve Internet access in Northern Ontario

Green energy

  • Help home and property owners invest in onsite renewable generation (2 ideas)
  • Create a tax credit for homeowners who score well on a home energy audit
  • Create a program to help low income homeowners invest in green energy generation

Air travel

  • Subsidize domestic air travel


  • Create a provincial boating licence