What we heard

A summary of Ontarians' ideas related to land, environment and resources.

The revenue collected from Cap and Trade should be used to further reduce emissions through investment in things like transportation, alternative energy, research, etc.
Subcategory Your ideas

Green consumer choices

  • Help homeowners invest in green generation systems (9 ideas)
  • Encourage adoption of Electric Vehicles (3 ideas)
  • Expand community tree planting activities (3 ideas)
  • Incentivize green choices (2 ideas)
  • Incentivize recycling with deposits (2 ideas)
  • Provide a tax credit for home energy renovations (2 ideas)
  • Help homeowners invest in power storage systems (2 ideas)
  • Discourage food waste
  • Focus on planting fruit-bearing trees
  • Give LCBO customers the option of not receiving a receipt
  • Disincentivize the purchase of bottled water
  • Support initiatives which encourage carpooling to reduce carbon emissions
  • Tree planting program for country roads
  • Educate home owners about the ecoEnergy program
  • Change attitudes and culture towards environmental issues
  • Encourage more recycling and recycled products

Green energy

  • Invest in green energy (9 ideas)
  • Reduce investment in green energy (6 ideas)
  • Repeal the Green Energy Act (3 ideas)
  • Invest in green energy generation for publicly owned buildings (2 ideas)
  • Provide subsidies to business and homeowners investing in on-site green generation (2 ideas)
  • Reduce costs of green energy (2 ideas)
  • Tax credit for green roofing
  • Invest in green energy in Northern Ontario
  • Help businesses invest in green energy​

Agriculture and food

  • Support local food initiatives (3 ideas)
  • Create a tax credit for buying Ontario produce (2 ideas)
  • Invest in green farming
  • Subsidize the soy food industry to reduce carbon emissions
  • Implement change management strategies for farming-related policy
  • Help finance construction of new greenhouse facilities
  • Expand funding for community programs working to improve food security
  • Reduce regulation, allow larger quota-free limits to help small family farms
  • Ban GMOs from the Ontario food supply
  • Invest in farm-to-table food policies to promote healthy eating
  • Repurpose vacant lots and rooftops for small organic gardens
  • Reduce produce imports

Ontario Parks, hunting and fishing

  • Properly fund Ontario parks (2 ideas)
  • Properly fund front line programs to protect Ontario’s wilderness (2 ideas)
  • Promote Ontario Parks as an attractive holiday destination
  • Rehabilitate canoe routes and snowmobile trails
  • Create a single province-wide pass for entry to local conservation authorities
  • Hire more conservation officers to stop poaching and overfishing
  • Bring back the spring bear hunt as a population control measure

Cap and trade

  • Introduce a carbon tax instead of Cap and Trade (2 ideas)
  • Use Cap and Trade to encourage Active Transportation
  • Make Cap and Trade revenue neutral
  • In addition to carbon taxes, increase penalties on industrial pollution
  • Don't implement cap and trade
  • Use Cap and Trade revenue to support investment in green technologies
  • Don't implement carbon taxes

Ring of fire

  • Invest in infrastructure to allow development of the Ring of Fire (6 ideas)
  • Increase stumpage fees and royalties from mining operations
  • Expropriate and exploit the Ring of Fire to fund government priorities

Research and technology

  • Develop energy storage technology (2 ideas)
  • Invest in agricultural research outside the GTHA
  • Enforce stronger environmental benchmarks for new developments
  • Invest in green technology
  • Invest in research and development to reduce packaging waste
  • Allocate funding to innovative, green infrastructure

Climate change and conservation

  • Decrease energy conservation (2 ideas)
  • Ensure infrastructure is climate change ready
  • Increase energy conservation

Water protection

  • Ensure the safety of the water supply
  • ​Protect the Great Lakes from environmental degradation
  • Place restrictions on use of ground water by bottled water producers
  • Restore natural vegetative buffers to watersheds

Vehicle emissions

  • Scrap the Drive Clean program
  • Prohibit government-owned vehicles from idling