What we heard

A summary of Ontarians' ideas related to healthcare and social services.

Consult with the entire healthcare community to determine the best long-term cost and savings solutions
Subcategory Your ideas


  • Charge user fees for healthcare services (10 ideas)
  • Provide dental coverage under OHIP (8 ideas)
  • Provide vision care coverage under OHIP (3 ideas)
  • Replace red and white health cards (2 ideas)
  • Cover dentures for low income under OHIP
  • Provide dental and healthcare coverage to students
  • Cover post vision loss rehabilitation under OHIP
  • Cut out unnecessary billing by ENTs for audiology exams funded by OHIP
  • Cover dental and vision care under OHIP
  • Cover physiotherapy under OHIP
  • Cover hearing tests under OHIP
  • Expand pregnancy care offerings
  • Provide better services for individuals with rare diseases and their families
  • Base doctors' appointments on a time allotment, not a maximum number of issues
  • Inform patients of their cost to OHIP
  • Charge nominal fees for non-essential medical tests
  • Reduce costs by clarifying what procedures are medically necessary
  • Fully fund fertility treatments, testing and medications
  • Negotiate reciprocal health coverage agreements with other countries
  • Allow repatriated Canadians to buy health coverage
  • Only provide healthcare coverage to educated people
  • Cover psychologists' services under OHIP
  • Eliminate funding for sex reassignment surgery
  • Eliminate funding for In-Vitro Fertilization

Medical professionals

  • Restore doctors' fees to previous levels (5 ideas)
  • Increase compensation for primary healthcare providers (4 ideas)
  • Increase pay for nurses (3 ideas)
  • Increase the scope of care for pharmacists (2 ideas)
  • Make doctors an essential service (2 ideas)
  • Reduce the number of nurses working overtime at increased pay rates
  • Provide greater support to international medical graduates
  • Replace fees for services with a global payment system
  • Increase doctors' involvement in pain management
  • Scrap the National Nursing Assessment Service for internationally educated nurses
  • Allow doctors to negotiate fees with binding arbitration
  • Increase the scope of care for paramedics
  • Hire more nursing staff and lower wait times
  • Reduce the need for patients with stable chronic illness to visit doctors for followups
  • Ban kickbacks for doctors from pharmaceutical companies
  • Hire staff in hospitals with expert knowledge of government healthcare support programs
  • Compensate surgeons based on time spent performing a procedure
  • Provide pay equity for dietitians in primary care
  • Increase the scope of care for nurses
  • Replace unskilled work done by nurses with lower cost healthcare aides

Social assistance

  • Increase social assistance rates (5 ideas)
  • Introduce stronger controls to social assistance programs (4 ideas)
  • Tie social assistance rates to the local cost of living (2 ideas)
  • Distribute social assistance payments via credit or debit card (2 ideas)
  • Replace printed and mailed ODSP statements with email
  • Increase taxes on high cost unemployed once they are employed
  • Reimburse people who don't use unemployment benefits
  • Introduce work programs for people on social assistance
  • Increase supervision of welfare recipients
  • Require Ontario Works recipients to have vasectomies
  • Require social assistance recipients to perform volunteer work
  • Provide community development training to all social services workers and agencies
  • Implement the recommendations of the Social Assistance Review and increase rates
  • Incentivize businesses to employ recipients of social assistance
  • Limit Ontario Works benefits to 3 years
  • Extend the special diet allowance to people with rare disorders

Healthcare system

  • Reduce the size and cost of the healthcare bureaucracy (4 ideas)
  • Ensure health records are available throughout the healthcare system (2 ideas)
  • Eliminate LHINs and CCACs (2 ideas)
  • Expand services available from CCACs
  • Consult with the healthcare community to find long term savings opportunities
  • Reduce costs by using alternatives to nurses at the front-end
  • Allow community support agencies to directly hire professional staff
  • Ensure equal access to healthcare services in rural areas
  • Allow greater access to private healthcare services
  • Modernize the healthcare system
  • Allow privatization of some healthcare services
  • Eliminate the need for physician referrals to specialists
  • Eliminate doctors' notes for sick workers
  • Set maximum patient loads for PSWs in retirement homes
  • Reclassify Burlington as part of LHIN 6 rather than LHIN 4
  • Ensure CCACs hire only regulated staff for providing home care
  • Centralize public health agencies
  • Remove the LHINs
  • Involve stakeholders in rewriting healthcare legislation

Mental health

  • Increase funding for mental health services (13 ideas)
  • Invest in mental health services for children and youth
  • Develop a postpartum mood disorder strategy for Ontario
  • Provide multilingual mental health services
  • Fund services of psychologists and social workers
  • Adopt the Mental Health Strategy for Canada
  • Recognize Generalized Anxiety Disorder as a severe disability, eligible for ODSP
  • Increase access to psychologists' services in Ontario
  • Increase access to psychiatric services in Ontario
  • Provide better access to mental health services
  • Treat mental illness as a medical, not a justice issue in Northern Ontario

Healthy living

  • Increase funding for healthy living and disease prevention (3 ideas)
  • Provide funding for health promotion (2 ideas)
  • Create food producing gardens in urban communities
  • Provide funding for lap band surgery to eliminate morbid obesity
  • Provide a healthy living tax credit for sufferers of chronic illness
  • Tackle obesity by lowering costs of gym memberships
  • Provide better access to nutritionists and dieticians
  • Fund healthy lifestyle alternatives to bariatric surgery for obese Ontarians
  • Increase awareness of impacts of obesity and educate about healthy living
  • Increase awareness and funding for prevention of chronic lyme disease
  • Create incentives for healthy living, and apply a tax to unhealthy food
  • Create a tax credit for sex toys
  • Address the social determinants of health to reduce strain on the healthcare system
  • Tie health insurance costs to various monitored metrics of personal health
  • Create tax credits for health and wellness
  • Provide financial incentives to encourage weight loss


  • Increase healthcare funding (7 ideas)
  • Increase funding for health care (3 ideas)
  • Increase funding for Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (2 ideas)
  • Increase funding for treatment of maternal perinatal mood disorders
  • Create an independent body to decide healthcare funding
  • Increase funding to CCACs, home care, and nurses
  • Reduce healthcare costs by implementing other jurisdictions' methods
  • Implement a healthcare tax

Disability and developmental services

  • Increase ODSP benefits (4 ideas)
  • Do not deduct spousal earnings from ODSP benefits (2 ideas)
  • Increase funding for support of people with developmental disabilities (2 ideas)
  • Put a cap on funding per person from all benefits programs
  • Protect rights of disabled using motorized scooters
  • Increase funding for services for people with developmental disabilities
  • Eliminate duplication between OPGT and ODSP services
  • Do not deduct children’s benefits or earnings from parents' ODSP benefits
  • Allow ODSP recipients access to medical supply funding regardless of employment status
  • Hire and encourage businesses to hire people with disabilities


  • Decrease wait times (2 ideas)
  • Eliminate hospital parking costs (2 ideas)
  • Unfreeze hospital funding (2 ideas)
  • Create overnight walk-in clinics
  • Lengthen allowed hospital stay time for women delivering newborns
  • Build luxury hospitals to increase medical tourism
  • Renovate and expand instead of closing hospitals
  • Set a maximum ratio of patients to nurses
  • Ensure hospitals are fully accessible
  • Equip hospitals with front line pregnancy support specialists
  • Merge local hospitals into regional organizations
  • Expand the number of hospitals accepting umbilical cord blood donations


  • Invest in social engagement of disabled and elderly people
  • Create new benefits for seniors
  • Create a tax credit to support families caring for elderly parents
  • Reimburse seniors for the cost of exercise programs
  • Increase discounts on seniors' public transit fares
  • Offer funding or grants to small businesses that help seniors
  • Provide coverage for hospice care
  • Directly fund families who need full time eldercare for seniors
  • Provide ODSP coverage for seniors over the age of 65 who receive CPP retirement benefits
  • Provide pharmacare for seniors
  • Expand the Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit
  • Create supports to help seniors navigate programs designed for them
  • Commission independent research on the ageing population
  • Offer specialized healthcare for seniors

Family and Youth Services

  • Expand services for children with Autism (3 ideas)
  • Equalize benefits paid to relatives raising children and those paid to foster parents
  • Increase social services and funding for troubled youth
  • Provide funding for children in the care of relatives
  • End discrimination of men seeking access to domestic violence services
  • Fund marriage counseling courses to support families at risk
  • Expand the expansion of the Grandview Children’s Centre
  • Increase funding for children’s aid
  • Improve speech therapy and occupational therapy for children
  • Provide specialty shelters for youth in poverty


  • Create a public pharmacare system (4 ideas)
  • Provide coverage for chemotherapy medications (3 ideas)
  • Cover prescriptions when not funded by a private plan
  • Create independent oversight bodies to approve medication
  • Cover HIV and Hepatitis C medications under OHIP
  • Provide coverage for Alzheimer’s drugs

Long term care

  • Increase funding for long term care (5 ideas)
  • Provide better quality long term care (2 ideas)
  • Create a benefit for low income caregivers

Home care

  • Expand funding for home care services (4 ideas)
  • Support commercialization of inventions which help home care
  • Allow people with disabilities to hire their own Personal Support Workers (PSWs)
  • Ensure accountability for money given for home care

Poverty reduction

  • Invest in social housing (2 ideas)
  • Require donation of unsold groceries
  • Fund churches with community programs
  • Move social housing to areas with lower costs, out of urban centers
  • Create a special tax dedicated to poverty reduction
  • Reduce the reporting and surveying burden on poverty reduction agencies


  • Increase funding for cancer research
  • Offer genetic testing for early detection of illness
  • Fully support stem cell research
  • Increase funding allocated to Childhood Cancer Research
  • Increase funding for Cochrane Collaboration
  • Conduct a 360 degree review of pregnancy loss
  • Develop a strategy for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Addictions services

  • Promote addictions treatment options over incarceration (2 ideas)
  • Set dosage reduction targets for patients of methadone clinics


  • Carry out a long term study of the effectiveness of vaccines
  • Host a public debate on the topic of vaccine safety and effectiveness
  • Provide evidence about the effectiveness of flu vaccines

Alternative medicine

  • Provide funding for alternative medicine
  • Fund Tai Chi programs
  • Educate physicians and Ontarians about alternative medicine


  • Pass Bill 141, the Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness, Research and Care Act
  • Exempt members of the College of Registered Psychotherapists from charging HST

Rural health care

  • Provide incentives for doctors and their families to move to rural areas
  • Expand rural funding for health care