The Policy and Program Guidelines for Coordinating Agencies (the guidelines) provide operational guidance for Coordinating Agencies and partner providers delivering Coordinated Service Planning for children and youth with multiple and/or complex special needs, so that familiesfootnote 1 will have a more consistent service experience no matter where they live in Ontario.

The guidelines set out the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services’ (MCCSS/the ministry’s) expectations for the delivery of Coordinated Service Planning. MCCSS has worked closely with the ministries of Education (EDU) and Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) in developing these guidelines.

The guidelines apply to all Coordinating Agencies, partner providers and individuals (Service Planning Coordinators) delivering the specific function of Coordinated Service Planning as identified by the Coordinating Agency, regardless of whether the individual delivers Coordinated Service Planning full-time or part-time. Coordinated Service Planning refers to the specific service outlined in this document that is characterized by the existence of a Coordinated Service Plan.

These guidelines build on the direction provided in Coordinated Service Planning: Guidelines for Children’s Community Agencies, Health Service Providers and District School Boards (September 2014) and have been informed by locally developed Coordinated Service Planning proposals.


  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph For the purposes of the guidelines, the term "family" refers to a child's/youth's caregivers and guardians.