Service resolution refers to a formalized, collaborative, cross-sectoral process geared to problem-solving, exploring service options, and developing creative service solutions to meet the multiple and/or complex special needs of the child/youth.

The needs of some children, youth and/or families may exceed locally available services. In these cases, a referral will be made to service resolution. Children, youth and families who require service resolution are expected to have a Coordinated Service Plan and have been supported locally as much as possible by the Coordinated Service Planning process, before being referred to service resolution. The Service Planning Coordinator will remain with the family throughout the service resolution process, to keep the Coordinated Service Plan updated, support the family through the process, and to help the family prepare for and then transition back to the local service system.

When a child/youth is in need of service resolution, the Service Planning Coordinator and Coordinating Agency will:

  • Document in a child/youth’s Coordinated Service Plan his/her needs that are beyond the locally available services and supports.
  • Refer families to service resolution through a formal referral process that is transparent, documented, clear, available to families, and connected to other elements of the child and youth service system.
  • Continue to work with the family and be responsible for the Coordinated Service Plan throughout the service resolution process.
  • Work in partnership with the service resolution mechanism, other service providers, and other sectors, to explore all options for access to existing local and regional supports or services through the service resolution process.
  • Work with the service resolution mechanism to modify/add to the Coordinated Service Plan based on the outcome of service resolution.
  • Maintain responsibility for monitoring the full, updated Coordinated Service Plan (including any new services funded through complex special needs funding).
  • When the goals outlined in the complex special needs-funded portion of the Coordinated Service Plan have been met, work with the service resolution mechanism to transition the child/youth back into the family home and/or the base-funded service system.
  • If the plan is to transition a youth into adult services, the Service Planning Coordinator leads the transition and will work with adult services and supports, including Developmental Services Ontario where appropriate, to facilitate the transition.