The purpose of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC) is to assist the Office of the Chief Coroner in the investigation and review of deaths of persons that occur as a result of domestic violence, and to make recommendations to help prevent such deaths in similar circumstances.

Definition of domestic violence deaths

All homicides that involve the death of a person, and/or his/her child(ren) committed by the person’s partner or ex-partner from an intimate relationship.


  1. To provide and coordinate a confidential multi-disciplinary review of domestic violence deaths pursuant to Section 15(4) of the Coroners Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter c. 37, as amended.
  2. To offer expert opinion to the Chief Coroner regarding the circumstances of the event(s) leading to the death in the individual cases reviewed.
  3. To create and maintain a comprehensive database about the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence fatalities and their circumstances.
  4. To help identify the presence or absence of systemic issues, problems, gaps, or shortcomings of each case to facilitate appropriate recommendations for prevention.
  5. To help identify trends, risk factors, and patterns from the cases reviewed to make recommendations for effective intervention and prevention strategies.
  6. To conduct and promote research where appropriate.
  7. To stimulate educational activities through the recognition of systemic issues or problems and/or:
    • referral to appropriate agencies for action;
    • where appropriate, assist in the development of protocols with a view to prevention;
    • where appropriate, disseminate educational information. 
  8. To  report annually to the Chief Coroner the trends, risk factors and patterns identified and appropriate recommendations for preventing deaths in similar circumstances,  based on the aggregate data collected from the Domestic Violence Death Reviews.

Note: All of the above described objectives and attendant committee activities are subject to the limitations imposed by the Coroners Act of Ontario and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.